Virtual International Authority File


Museiverket National Library of Sweden

Finland. Museovirasto National Library of Israel Library of Congress/NACO ISNI

Museovirasto Helsinki National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France

Museovirasto Suomen opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön alainen asiantuntijavirasto Wikidata

National Board of Antiquities (Helsinki) BIBSYS

National Board of Antiquities Union List of Artist Names [Getty Research Institute] German National Library

Finsko. Museovirasto National Library of the Czech Republic

VIAF ID: 158525431 (Corporate)


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Title Sources
Alaska : Venäjän Amerikka = Russian America Library of Congress/NACO
Arkeologia Suomessa. Library of Congress/NACO
Building Conservation 88 Symposium : Helsinki, 22-26 August 1988 : report Library of Congress/NACO
Carl Fredrik Meinander : arkeolog med perspektiv National Library of Sweden
Cultural changes : the first Finnish-Hungarian symposium on ethnology, August 13-18, 1984 Library of Congress/NACO
Cultural heritage co-operation in the Baltic Sea States. Report 5 BIBSYS
Espoon muinaismuistot Library of Congress/NACO
Exhibition publications of the National Museum of Finland Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Sweden
Export of cultural goods National Library of Sweden
Fangstgroper i Karasjok kommune : rapport fra forskningsutgraving 3/7-4/8 1995 National Library of Sweden
Fasta fornlämningar i skogsbruket National Library of Sweden
Fennoscandia antiqua, 1982 (subdiv.) National Library of Israel Library of Congress/NACO
Finnish museums, 1979: National Library of Israel Library of Congress/NACO
Fölisö friluftsmuseum : guide National Library of Sweden
great bear National Library of France
H. F. Antell and the Antell delegation National Library of France
H. F. Antell ja Antellin valtuuskunta National Library of France
Hämeen linna = Häme castle National Library of Sweden
Hamnar och ankarplatser i sydväst, 1979 (subdiv.) National Library of Israel Library of Congress/NACO
Iranin mattoja = Iranian carpets National Library of Sweden
Iso karhu arkistokuvia etäisten kielisukulaistemme asuinsijoilta National Library of France
Kai Donner : linguist, ethnographer, photographer National Library of Sweden
Katalog över Museiverkets samling av gamla litteratur Library of Congress/NACO
Katse kameraan : valokuvamuotokuvia Museoviraston kokoelmista Library of Congress/NACO
Kruunulinna Ehrensvärdin siipirakennukset : rakennushistoriallinen katsaus Library of Congress/NACO
Kuusiston linna ja kartano : opas National Library of Sweden
Kuvat kunniaan Library of Congress/NACO
Länsi-Mustasaaren rakennushistoria Library of Congress/NACO
Luonto linnoituksessa National Library of Sweden
Mari, Mordovians and Udmurts National Library of France
Marit, mordvalaiset ja udmurtit perinteisen kultuurin tietosanakirja National Library of France
Medeltida vardag i Vanda National Library of Sweden
Medeltidsstaden Library of Congress/NACO
Merihistorian rajapintoja National Library of Sweden
Meriväylien rakennusperintö National Library of Sweden
Museiverkets museer och slott Library of Congress/NACO
Museonhoidon opas : paikallismuseoille. National Library of Sweden Library of Congress/NACO
Museoviraston näyttelyluetteloita Library of Congress/NACO
Museoviraston toimintakertomus. Library of Congress/NACO
Museoviraston työväenkulttuurijulkaisuja Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Sweden
National Board of Antiquities museums and castles National Library of Sweden Library of Congress/NACO
Nautica Fennica : annual report Library of Congress/NACO
Ostanko pyörän vai lähärenkö Amerikkahan, eli, Matkustus Ilmajoella Library of Congress/NACO
Outline of cultural materials National Library of Sweden
Puku Suomessa 1750-1900 = Costume in Finland 1750-1900 National Library of Sweden
Rafael : Euroopan unionin toimet kulttuuriperinnön alalla National Library of Sweden
Rapola-tutkimuksia Library of Congress/NACO
Rapport (Finland. Museovirasto) Library of Congress/NACO
Ristad och målad : aspekter på nordisk bergkonst : föredrag presenterade vid ett nordiskt seminarium om bergkonst i Suomussalmi 8.-11.9.1998. Library of Congress/NACO
Rooms hidden by the water National Library of Sweden
Ruukkien retki : Historic ironworks of Finland National Library of Sweden
Sakari Pälsi 1882-1965 : kuvia kotoa ja kaukaa Library of Congress/NACO
Sankarihautausmaiden perinne, hoito ja kunnostus National Library of Sweden
Seurasaaren ulkomuseo. Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Sweden
The Seurasaari Open-Air Museum : guide National Library of Sweden
Siberia : life on the taiga and tundra National Library of Sweden
Signe Brander på Finlands herrgårdar National Library of France National Library of Sweden
Signe Brander Suomen kartanoissa National Library of France National Library of Sweden
Starka rötter ger ett gott liv = Good life grows from strong roots National Library of Sweden
Suomalaisia veneitä National Library of Sweden
Suomen kansallismuseo. National Library of Sweden Library of Congress/NACO
Suomen kirkot Library of Congress/NACO
Suomen muinaismuistohallinto ja antikvaarinen tutkimus : Muinaistieteellinen toimikunta 1884-1917 Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Israel National Library of Sweden Library of Congress/NACO
Suomen Valtiokal., 1980: National Library of Israel Library of Congress/NACO
Suomenlinna-museo. National Library of Sweden
Suomi suursodassa = Finland i storkriget Library of Congress/NACO
Sustainable historic towns : urban heritage as an asset of development : project report National Library of Sweden
Sveaborgsmuseet : guide National Library of Sweden
Tiedote. National Library of Sweden
Työryhmä: vekstakko : raportti lasinpuhalluksesa Nuutajärven tehtaalla = Chair, a glassmaking team National Library of Sweden
Työv.kultt.proj. julk. National Library of Sweden
Urho Kekkonens museum Ekudden National Library of Sweden
Utförsel och export av kulturföremål National Library of Sweden
Vahvoista juurista kasvaa hyvä elämä National Library of Sweden
Vanhat alukset historian lähteinä National Library of Sweden
Vanhojen esineiden hoito : opaskirja National Library of Sweden
Workers Research Group Publications Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Sweden
Yhtäkkiä yksin : leskeksi jääneet kertovat. National Library of Sweden

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Open Section Close Section History of VIAF ID:158525431 (15)