Virtual International Authority File


Rogers, W. A. (William Allen), 1854-1931 Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel

Rogers, W.A. National Library of the Netherlands

William Allen Rogers American political cartoonist Wikidata

William Allen Rogers ISNI

Rogers, William Allen (American illustrator, 1854-1931) Union List of Artist Names [Getty Research Institute]

Rogers, W. A. 1854-1931 German National Library

VIAF ID: 23752559 (Personal)


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Title Sources
The busy showman.--III Library of Congress/NACO
The effect of "Negative Gravity" : I don't know how it's done, Benjamin, but it's agin reason Library of Congress/NACO
Hits at politics a series of cartoons Library of Congress/NACO
Perhaps the parrot did it Library of Congress/NACO
Pignapoke receives a shock Library of Congress/NACO
Pirates and privateers no longer exist--von Jagow Library of Congress/NACO
Playing hookey Library of Congress/NACO
Preparing answers to our "notes" Library of Congress/NACO
A pretty good league to enforce peace Library of Congress/NACO
The problem Library of Congress/NACO
The professor of tattooing at work Library of Congress/NACO
The profiteer Library of Congress/NACO
The public be jammed! Library of Congress/NACO
Un Quatuor by William T. Dannat Library of Congress/NACO
A question of labor. : This question is from first to last, from the beginning to the end, from skin to core and from core to skin again, a question of labor--James G. Blaine Library of Congress/NACO
The real leader Library of Congress/NACO
The reception at Pokeberry Manor Library of Congress/NACO
Remember the little lost children of the Lusitania Library of Congress/NACO
The returned prodigal shows signs of relapse : Old Observer (who has several other aliases)--"what is the fatted calf to a party that has eaten husks for twenty years. Give him the whole herd" Library of Congress/NACO
Rosita, Colo. Library of Congress/NACO
Rough on the man below Library of Congress/NACO
Saved Library of Congress/NACO
The season of brotherly love Library of Congress/NACO
The secrets at Roseladies Library of Congress/NACO
Selling candles Library of Congress/NACO
A sensitive plant Library of Congress/NACO
[Shipping steers at Guayaquil] Library of Congress/NACO
Shocked at corruption--"I do not see how it is possible for the plain every-day Republican to close his eyes to what is going on" - Mr. Bryan in a speech at Salem, Illinois, October 8 Library of Congress/NACO
A Sicilian café in New York Library of Congress/NACO
A silent protest Library of Congress/NACO
Sisyphus's endless task Library of Congress/NACO
Some of the delights in store for the would-be builder Library of Congress/NACO
Speed up! show that you are a giant Library of Congress/NACO
Splitting the ticket to make it straight Library of Congress/NACO
A stage in the thirties Library of Congress/NACO
A start in life : a story of the Genesee country Library of Congress/NACO
Still in the enchanted forest Library of Congress/NACO
A strange, sombre face Library of Congress/NACO
The strangest of infatuations Library of Congress/NACO
A street in a mining village in Pennsylvania Library of Congress/NACO
Talking business Library of Congress/NACO
Tammany "workers" at the polls in Pell Street, New York - the beginning of a free fight Library of Congress/NACO
Thanks for these kind words Library of Congress/NACO
That dinosaur egg-- "strictly fresh" (or nearly so) Library of Congress/NACO
That peace bird smells a little "high" Library of Congress/NACO
Lo, the fell monster with the deadly sting who passes mountains, breaks through fenced walls and firm embattled spears, and with his filth taints all the world - Dante's Inferno Library of Congress/NACO
Their backs to the wall : they need you, Uncle Sam! Library of Congress/NACO
Then the cold fingers left his wrist, and crept slowly upward toward his throat Library of Congress/NACO
There remains, then, only the fifteenth point Library of Congress/NACO
There's a good time coming-- Library of Congress/NACO
This is where your Uncle Sam stops to think Library of Congress/NACO
Those cannon on the forward deck Library of Congress/NACO
Those idiotic Yankees Library of Congress/NACO
Time to shoot Library of Congress/NACO
To make America safe for Democracy Library of Congress/NACO
[Toby Tyler in hat and coat] Library of Congress/NACO
Toby Tyler, or, Ten weeks with a circus Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Netherlands
[Toby Tyler watching monkey] Library of Congress/NACO
Tom Paulding by Brander Matthews Library of Congress/NACO
Too bl--kty small for Uncle Joe Library of Congress/NACO
The torch that fires the opening gun Library of Congress/NACO
'Twas Andy started the ball! Library of Congress/NACO
Uncle Sam don't know whether to get mad or to laugh Library of Congress/NACO
Uncle Sam's Christmas--1902 Library of Congress/NACO
Uncle Sam's new cl[ass in] the art of self-government Library of Congress/NACO
Until this monster is destroyed, there is no peace Library of Congress/NACO
The vanguard of anarchy Library of Congress/NACO
Vat has peen the use of all this killing? Library of Congress/NACO
Vice-presidential possibilities--The Rough Rider Library of Congress/NACO
A voice from the tomb! Library of Congress/NACO
Voluntary assessments Library of Congress/NACO
Washington cook (to mistress in the hall)--"Shure, ye can't come in. We've gone into executive session, and we're cookin up something to surprise ye" Library of Congress/NACO
Watch your step Library of Congress/NACO
We are against his politics but we like his grit Library of Congress/NACO
We do things in a big way Library of Congress/NACO
We offer you a full partnership : it is to laugh! Library of Congress/NACO
When it came to a showdown Library of Congress/NACO
When the library lions review the animals Library of Congress/NACO
When you fire remember this Enlist in the Navy Library of Congress/NACO
Where the Big Bostonian would be extremely useful--as "bouncer"-in-waiting at the White House Library of Congress/NACO
Which? fate--or economy in life boats? Library of Congress/NACO
Which suit will he put on? Library of Congress/NACO
Whither, old woman, whither so high-- to rake the cobwebs from the sky? Library of Congress/NACO
Who dares talk 1920 politics? This is 1918! Library of Congress/NACO
Who is master? Library of Congress/NACO
Who rules this town? Library of Congress/NACO
Who shall rule--man or beast? Library of Congress/NACO
Who'd ever have thought we'd go fishing to-gether? Library of Congress/NACO
Will it succeed? Library of Congress/NACO
The wolf and the lamb Library of Congress/NACO
[Woman embracing ghostly man to the surprise of onlookers] Library of Congress/NACO
[Woman holding the arm of a man carrying a pistol and candle] Library of Congress/NACO
A world worth while : a record of "auld acquaintance" Library of Congress/NACO
You must all hang together or you'll all hang separately Library of Congress/NACO
Your opportunity Library of Congress/NACO

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