Virtual International Authority File


Totoya, Hokkei, 1780-1850 National Library of Poland Library of Congress/NACO Library and Archives Canada National Library of France National Library of Israel Sudoc [ABES], France

魚屋, 北渓, 1780-1850 National Diet Library, Japan ISNI

魚屋北渓 Wikidata

Hokkei 1780-1850 German National Library

טוטויה הוקאי, 1780-1851 National Library of Israel

Toyota Hokkei (Japanese printmaker, 1780-1850) Union List of Artist Names [Getty Research Institute]

魚屋, 北溪 NII (Japan)

VIAF ID: 3173405 (Personal)


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Titel Sources
Assahi-No-Kage.[Lumière du soleil levant. Poésies comiques] National Library of France
Cherry blossom viewing during the Genroku period. Library of Congress/NACO
Club wielding Zaru (from a Kyogen performance). Library of Congress/NACO
[Collection ou concours de poésie. 2 pl. signées] National Library of France
Deku to kinchaku Library of Congress/NACO
Doll and money bag. Library of Congress/NACO
Edo musashi abumi Library of Congress/NACO
Ehon-Santo-Meisho-Itchiran.[Sites célèbres de trois capitales, Yédo, Kyoto et Osaka] National Library of France
Facsimile version of the surimono print Earth, from the series The Five Elements Wikidata
Fukujusō (Adonis plant): Tosa diary bookmark. Library of Congress/NACO
Fukujusō tosa nikki shiori Library of Congress/NACO
Genpuku yoshi Library of Congress/NACO
Genroku no hanami Library of Congress/NACO
Een gezadeld paard vastgebonden aan een grove den Wikidata
Hagatame: New Year's ritual. Library of Congress/NACO
Hagatame yoshi Library of Congress/NACO
Hana gai aragai masuō gai Library of Congress/NACO
Hokouri-Jouni-Toki.[Douze heures au Yoshiwara] National Library of France
Hokuri Zyuni (No) Toki.[Les 12 heures du village du Nord. Scènes du Yosiwara] National Library of France
Hokusai dochu gafu : Denshin kaishu. National Diet Library, Japan
Hokusai manga National Library of France
Inrō and fan. Library of Congress/NACO
Inshoku kyōkaawase Library of Congress/NACO
It's good to become an adult. Library of Congress/NACO
It's good to take a wife. Library of Congress/NACO
Japanische Handzeichnungen / von Itchô et al. - Hamburg, 1975. National Library of Poland
Japanische Landschaften German National Library
Kadoide yoshi Library of Congress/NACO
Kanagawa Library of Congress/NACO
Karasugai tsukihigai Library of Congress/NACO
Kinsesetsu bishōnenroku Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France
Kintarō arbitrating a fight between a tengu and a cock Wikidata
Kudō (suketsune) no isyō Library of Congress/NACO
Kyoka.[Anthologie de poésies populaires du Japon sur les cerises, les fleurs, etc.] National Library of France
Kyoka-Awasse-Ryogan-Zoue.[Illustration des deux rives de la Soumida, avec poésies comiques] National Library of France
Kyoka-Fousso-Meisho-Zoue. [Les endroits célèbres du Japon, avec poésies comiques] National Library of France
Kyoka Hyakunin Issyu.[Centurie des poètes en poésies bouffes] National Library of France
Kyōka rokurokushū Sudoc [ABES], France
Kyoka-Sanjou-Rokou-Shou.[Poésies comiques de trente-six poètes] National Library of France
Kyoka Suikogwaden.[Le Suikogwaden avec poésies bouffes. Héros] National Library of France
Kyoka-Toto-Jouni-Kei.[Douze vues de Yedo avec poésies comiques] National Library of France
Leaving on a trip. Library of Congress/NACO
Man and Woman Standing at the Entrance to a Shinto Shrine (facsimile) Wikidata
Mountain woman. Library of Congress/NACO
Ōgi to inrō Library of Congress/NACO
Rengedai. [Réceptacle du nénuphar. Recueil de dessins et de calligraphies] National Library of France
A saddled horse tied to a pine tree Wikidata
Santai gafu. Library of Congress/NACO
Shakushiguri Library of Congress/NACO
Shellfish. Library of Congress/NACO
Shinsen kyōka sanjūrokkansen. Sudoc [ABES], France
Souiko-Gouaden.[Souikoden illustré] National Library of France
Suiko gaden, 1856?: Library of Congress/NACO
Tabako o suu shinji no futari Library of Congress/NACO
A Tray of Octopus, Blowfish, Crab, and Two Other Fish (facsimile) Wikidata
Two people having a smoke at a shrine festival. Library of Congress/NACO
Two Women, a Man, and a Boy Gathering Seashells (facsimile) Wikidata
Utsubo zaru Library of Congress/NACO
Yamauba Library of Congress/NACO
Yometori yoshi Library of Congress/NACO
興歌六々集 Sudoc [ABES], France
三躰画賦. Library of Congress/NACO
北斎漫画 National Library of France
北斎道中画譜 : 伝神開手 NII (Japan) National Diet Library, Japan
山復山 NII (Japan)
新撰興歌三十六歌仙. Sudoc [ABES], France
水滸畫傳 : 全三冊 Library of Congress/NACO
狂歌杓子栗. Library of Congress/NACO
近世說美少年錄 Sudoc [ABES], France
飮食狂歌合 Library of Congress/NACO

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