Virtual International Authority File


Fragonard, Jean-Honoré, 1732-1806 National Library of Lithuania National Library of Latvia National Library of Portugal NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Spain German National Library National Library of the Netherlands National Library of Australia National Library and Archives of Québec Library and Archives Canada National Library of the Czech Republic National Library of Ireland Swiss National Library Lebanese National Library National Library of Catalonia ISNI National Library of France National Library of Chile National Library of Israel National Library of Brazil National Diet Library, Japan Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Korea National Library of Sweden National Library of Poland Sudoc [ABES], France NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia

Jean-Honoré Fragonard Wikidata

Fragonard, Jean-Honoré RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland NII (Japan)

Fragonard, Jean-Honoré (French painter and draftsman, 1732-1806) Union List of Artist Names [Getty Research Institute]

פרגונאר, ז'אן אונורה, 1732-1806 National Library of Israel

Fragonard, J.-H. 1732-1806 Jean-Honoré National Library of Russia

Фрагонар, Ж. О. 1732-1806 Жан Оноре National Library of Russia

Fragonard, Jean Honor©♭, 1732-1806 Vatican Library

VIAF ID: 36918358 (Personal)


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Titel Sources
Acht Kupfertiefdrucke German National Library
amours des bergers Sudoc [ABES], France German National Library National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO
Au Genie de Franklin. [estampe] National Library of France
Das Blindekuhspiel Wikidata
Blindman's Buff Wikidata
cachete [sic] découverte [estampe] National Library of France
La carta de amor Wikidata
Cascatelles de Tivoli National Library of France
Cocu battu et content National Library of France
Le colin-maillard Wikidata National Library of France
La condition des personnes dans la cité du Vatican. Library of Congress/NACO NII (Japan) Library and Archives Canada
Contes de La Fontaine National Library of Israel National Library of Catalonia Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Netherlands National Library of Poland National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Spain
Contes et nouvelles en vers RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Poland National Library of France NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Spain
Corésus et Callirhoé Sudoc [ABES], France Library and Archives Canada German National Library National Library of France Swiss National Library
Denis Diderot German National Library National Library of France
Drawings for Ariosto RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Sudoc [ABES], France NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of the Netherlands
Drawings. Selections Library of Congress/NACO
Esquisses de portraits Sudoc [ABES], France
Faburi kenshu sekai bijutsu zenshu. National Diet Library, Japan
Famille de mendiants National Library of France
Festin d'Antoine et de Cléopâtre] National Library of France
folie National Library of Portugal National Library of France
fontaine d'amour German National Library National Library of France
Fragonard National Library of Spain RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland xR Extended Relationships National Library of Catalonia German National Library Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Netherlands NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia National Library of Korea National Library of Portugal National Library of Sweden National Library of Poland National Library of France NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library Sudoc [ABES], France NII (Japan)
Fragonard et le dessin français au XVIIIe siècle : dans les collections du Petit Palais : [Paris], Musée du Petit Palais, 16 octobre 1992 - 14 février 1993 RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Sweden National Library of Catalonia
Fragonard et les grands maîtres italiens 1760-1761 : catalogue d'exposition, Galerie Beauvau, 15 juin - 30 juin 1960. - Paris, 1960. NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Fragonard Galeries National du Grand Palais, Paris, 24 septembre 1987 - 4 janvier 1988 ; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2 février - 8 mai 1988 German National Library
Fragonard Poesie und Leidenschaft ; [anlässlich der Ausstellung "Fragonard. Poesie & Leidenschaft" in der Staatlichen Kunsthalle Karlsruhe vom 30. November 2013 bis zum 23. Februar 2014] German National Library National Library of Catalonia
François de Bourbon // Comte d'Enghien [estampe] Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France
Furagonāru ten. National Diet Library, Japan Library of Congress/NACO
Geburt Christi German National Library
Hasards heureux de l'escarpolette Sudoc [ABES], France Library and Archives Canada Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France German National Library
Histoire de la maison de Bourbon RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Sudoc [ABES], France NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia National Library of France
[Homme et femme jouant avec un enfant et un chien] [estampe] National Library of France
inspiration National Library of France
[Intérieur de la Bastille] [dessin] National Library of France
J.-H. Fragonard: quatorze dessins xR Extended Relationships
Jakob und sein Herr RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Jean-Honoré Fragonard (1732-1806) : orígenes e influencias : de Rembrandt al siglo XXI : CaixaForum, Centro Social y Cultural, Barcelona, del 10 de noviembre de 2006 al 11 de febrero de 2007. National Library of Sweden
Jean-Honoré Fragonard : peintre de Grasse National Library of Spain RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of Ireland National Library of Catalonia German National Library National Library of Brazil Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Netherlands NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia xR Extended Relationships NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Sweden National Library of Poland Sudoc [ABES], France NII (Japan)
Latvijas padomju enciklopēdija, 1983: National Library of Latvia
La lectrice National Library of Portugal
La Liseuse National Library of Catalonia
lit aux amours National Library of France
Louis de Bourbon // I.r du nom // Prince de Condé [estampe] Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France
Manon Jules Massenet : premiéry 26. a 27. listopadu 2004 v Šaldově divadle National Library of the Czech Republic
Œuvre. Extraits Library and Archives Canada
Orlando furioso National Library of the Netherlands
Paintings. Selections Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Netherlands
Panopticon italiano : un diario di viaggio ritrovato 1759-1761 NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France
Un pensionnaire du roi à Rome au XVIIIe siècle National Library of France
Recueil de planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux, et les arts méchaniques, avec leur explication. Seconde livraison, en deux parties. Seconde partie. 201 planches.. Sudoc [ABES], France
[Retrato de Carlos de Borbón, Condestable de Francia] National Library of Spain
Révélations d'un dessin retrouvé Library of Congress/NACO
Roland furieux National Library of France
Shūkan bijutsukan. National Diet Library, Japan
Two Sisters Wikidata
Veiling in de open lucht Wikidata
Verrou National Library of France Library and Archives Canada Library of Congress/NACO German National Library Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Spain
Vielliard lisant Library and Archives Canada Library of Congress/NACO
Voyage d'Italie, 1773-1774 Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Netherlands
Works. Selections Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Korea
Жан Оноре Фрагонар National Library of Russia
Пуссен, Лоррен, Ватто, Фрагонар ... Французские шедевры 17 и 18 веков из немецких коллекций National Library of Russia
Երիտասարդ ընթերցող Wikidata
الأرجوحة (فراغونارد) Wikidata
القفل (لوحه) Wikidata
خواندن دختر جوان Wikidata
ദി സ്വിംഗ് (ചിത്രകല) Wikidata
ファブリ研秀世界美術全集. National Diet Library, Japan
フラゴナール展 National Diet Library, Japan NII (Japan)
週刊美術館. National Diet Library, Japan
門閂 (弗拉戈納爾) Wikidata

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