Virtual International Authority File


Giorgione Wikidata NII (Japan) National and University Library in Zagreb Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries

Giorgione 1478-1510 German National Library

Giorgione 1477?-1510 NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library ISNI National Library of Spain

Giorgione, 1477 or 1478-1510 National Library of Israel Library of Congress/NACO

Giorgione, 1477-1511. National Library of Australia National Library of Ireland National Library of Latvia Vatican Library National Library of Brazil

Giorgione, 1473/74-1510 Sudoc [ABES], France

Giorgione, aproximadament 1477-1510 National Library of Catalonia

Giorgione (Italian painter, 1477-1510) Union List of Artist Names [Getty Research Institute]

Giorgione, Giorgio Barbarelli dit Giorgione RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland

Giorgione (ok. 1476-1510) National Library of Poland

Giorgione (Giorgio Barbarelli), 1477-1510 National Library of the Netherlands

Giorgione, ca 1477-1510 National Library of Sweden

Giorgione, asi 1477-1510 National Library of the Czech Republic

Giorgione, 1477 ou 1478-1510 Library and Archives Canada

Giorgione, pseudonüüm, umbes 1478-1510. National Library of Estonia

Barbarelli, Giorgio (Giorgione) Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale

Giorgione apie 1477-1510 National Library of Lithuania

Giorgione, c. 1477-1510 National Library of Portugal

Giorgio da Castelfranco, 1477-1511 Vatican Library

Zorzo da Castelfranco, 1477-1511 Vatican Library

Barbarelli, Giorgio, 1477-1511 Vatican Library

VIAF ID: 39385864 (Personal)


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Title Sources
ASUNTO MÍSTICO National Library of Spain
Bildnis einer Alten Sudoc [ABES], France German National Library National Library of Poland
Bolaffi National Library of Spain
Les chefs-d'œuvre de Carpaccio (act. 1478-1522) et de Giorgione (1478-1510) : soixante reproductions photographiques des tableaux originaux offrant des exemples des différentes caractéristiques de l'œuvre des artistes. Sudoc [ABES], France
Concerto National Library of Spain Vatican Library
David mit Goliaths Kopf German National Library
Doppelbildnis des Giovanni Borgherini und seines Lehrers Niccolò Leonico Tomeo German National Library
drei Lebensalter German National Library
Die drei morgenländischen Weisen National Library of Poland
Drei Philosophen German National Library Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO
Džoržone da Kastel'franko : [al'bom NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
La femme adultère National Library of Poland
Feuerprobe des Moseskindes German National Library
[Gaston de Foix, duc de Nemours, ou saint Georges]. Sudoc [ABES], France
Giorgione xR Extended Relationships NII (Japan) Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Brazil RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of Catalonia National Library of Latvia NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library Wikidata National Library of Spain National and University Library in Zagreb Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Sweden National Library of the Czech Republic German National Library National Library of Portugal Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries National Library of Australia National Library of Ireland Vatican Library National Library of the Netherlands
Giorgione xR Extended Relationships
Giorgione : atti del Convegno internazionale di studio per il 5° centenario della nascita, 29-31 maggio 1978 Sudoc [ABES], France
Giorgione - Mythos und Enigma eine Ausstellung des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien und der Gallerie dell'Accademia Venedig : Kunsthistorisches Museum, 23. März bis 11. Juli 2004 German National Library
Giorgione, pictor et musicus amatus - vom Klang seiner Bilder eine musikalische Kompositionsästhetik in der Malerei gegen die Aporie der Norm um 1500 German National Library
Giorgiones Werke unter Berücksichtigung der neuesten Forschungen von Crowe und Cavalcaselle, Jordan und Lermolieff Sudoc [ABES], France
Inferno with Anchises und Aeneas German National Library
Judith German National Library
Kreuztragender Christus German National Library
Kreuztragender Christus mit drei Häschern German National Library
ländliche Konzert German National Library
Landschaft mit dem Drachenkampf des heiligen Georg German National Library
Madonna von Castelfranco German National Library Sudoc [ABES], France Wikidata Library of Congress/NACO
The masterpieces of Carpaccio (active 1478-1522) and Giorgione (1478-1510); sixty reproductions of photographs reproducing the principal works of these artists. NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library Vatican Library National Library of the Netherlands
Die Meisterbilder von Carpaccio (tätig 1478-1522) und Giorgione (1478-1510) : eine Auswahl von 60 Reproduktionen nach Originalaufnahmen. National Library of the Netherlands
Nativity Library of Congress/NACO
Ninfa inseguita da un satiro. National Library of Brazil
Nude Wikidata
O Ocaso Wikidata
Old Woman Wikidata
Omaggio a un poeta German National Library
Otoportre Wikidata
Podobizeň mladého muža Wikidata
Pokłon pasterzy Wikidata
Poklon svetih treh kraljev Wikidata
Portræt af en mand Wikidata
Portrait de Francesco Maria Della Rovere Wikidata
Portrait de jeune homme Wikidata
Portrait einer jungen Frau German National Library
Portrait of a soldier with his squire Wikidata
Portread o Ddyn Wikidata
Portret mladeniča Wikidata
Portret starej kobiety Wikidata
Portret van een soldaat met schildknaap Wikidata
Portreto de juna viro Wikidata
Retrat d'un home Wikidata
Retratti de Bonamico Buffalmacco Pittori in Venetia. Geogione de Castel Franco pinxit. W. Hollar fecit [...], 1650. Sudoc [ABES], France
Salomonsurteil German National Library Wikidata
Schlafende Venus German National Library National Library of Poland
Sibylla Delphica Vetustissima Sibyllarum National Library of Brazil
Simboli delle arti liberali e meccaniche German National Library
[Teatro pictórico de David Teniers] : [estampas sueltas] National Library of Spain
La "Tempesta" interpretata dieci anni dopo Library of Congress/NACO
Tempête Vatican Library Library and Archives Canada Library of Congress/NACO German National Library Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Israel Wikidata National Library of Poland
Le tre età dell' uomo [fotoreprodukcija]. National Library of Latvia
De tre filosoffer Wikidata
Trzej filozofowie National Library of Poland
La Ventego Wikidata
Venuskopf = The head of Venus = Tété de Vénus National Library of Poland
Vero ritratto de Giorgione de Castel Franco da luy fatto come lo celebra il libro del Vasari Vatican Library
[Výbor z díla] National Library of the Czech Republic
ジョルジョーネ ティツィアーノ ティントレット ヴェロネーゼ NII (Japan)
東方三博士の礼拝 Wikidata
懇願 (ティツィアーノ) Wikidata
所罗门的审判 (乔尔乔内) Wikidata
暴风雨 Wikidata
男の肖像 Wikidata
老女 (ラ・ヴェッキア) Wikidata
老婦人 Wikidata
自由堡圣母 Wikidata
ꯗꯥ ꯇꯦꯝꯄꯦꯁ (ꯖꯤꯑꯣꯔꯖꯤꯑꯣꯅꯤ) Wikidata

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