Virtual International Authority File


Bacon, Henry, 1839-1912 National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of the Netherlands ISNI

Henry Bacon Wikidata

Bacon, Henry Douglass National Library of Poland

Bacon, Henry (American painter, owner, and author, 1839-1912) Union List of Artist Names [Getty Research Institute]

VIAF ID: 41864780 (Personal)


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Titel Sources
Along the Seine Wikidata
Boston Boys and General Gage, 1775 Library of Congress/NACO
The campaign on the Potomac - unsuccessful attempt of the Rebels to destroy dam no. 5, on the upper Potomac, near Williamsport, Maryland, December 1861 Library of Congress/NACO
Catalogue of the library National Library of Poland
Central Metope of the Frieze of Phidias, Parthenon Wikidata
Church and Lake Wikidata
Cica la fille du bandit National Library of France
Clam Gatherers at Etretat Wikidata
Dog in Mourning Wikidata
enfants de pêcheurs Hélène et Léon National Library of France
The Erechtheum Wikidata
Etretat, hameau du soleil couchant National Library of France Wikidata Sudoc [ABES], France
Etretat, hamlet of the setting sun National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France
General View of the Acropolis at Sunset Wikidata
(Lincoln Memorial) Wikidata
Muschelsammler in Etretat Wikidata
On the Open Sea-- The Transatlantic Steamship "Péreire" Wikidata
Paris salon Library of Congress/NACO
Parisian art and artists Library of Congress/NACO
Parisian year, by Henry Bacon... National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO
The Parthenon, West Facade Wikidata
Piazza San Marco Wikidata
Place Saint-Marc Wikidata
The Salon of 1889 : with text in Engl. National Library of Poland
The Salon of 1892: one hundred plates in photogravure and etchings by Goupil & co Library of Congress/NACO
A school-boy's pleasure-book Library of Congress/NACO
Société d'aquarellistes français ouvrage d'art publié avec le concours artistique de tous les sociétaires National Library of France
Spirit of the Sphinx Wikidata
Temple of Nike Apteros Wikidata
Theatre of Dionysus Wikidata
Twilight in the Desert Wikidata
Victorian sentiment and American history painting, 1995: Library of Congress/NACO

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