Virtual International Authority File


Peale, Charles Willson, 1741-1827 National Library of Poland Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Australia National Library of France National Library of Israel National Library of the Netherlands Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Portugal Library and Archives Canada RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM) German National Library National Library of Sweden

Charles Willson Peale Wikidata

Peale, Charles Willson BIBSYS NII (Japan) ISNI

Peale, Charles Willson (American painter, 1741-1827) Union List of Artist Names [Getty Research Institute]

פיל, צ'ארלס וילסון, 1741-1827 National Library of Israel

VIAF ID: 72190360 (Personal)


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  • 551 _ _ ‎‡a  Chester, MD International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
  • 500 1 _ ‎‡a  Peale, James‏ ‎‡d  1749-1831‏ ‎‡4  bezf‏ ‎‡4‏ ‎‡e  Beziehung familiaer German National Library
  • 500 1 _ ‎‡a  Peale, Raphaelle‏ ‎‡d  1774-1825‏ ‎‡4  bezf‏ ‎‡4‏ ‎‡e  Beziehung familiaer German National Library
  • 500 1 _ ‎‡a  Peale, Rembrandt‏ ‎‡d  1777-1860 International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
  • 500 1 _ ‎‡a  Peale, Rembrandt‏ ‎‡d  1778-1860‏ ‎‡4  bezf‏ ‎‡4‏ ‎‡e  Beziehung familiaer German National Library
  • 500 1 _ ‎‡a  Peale, Rubens‏ ‎‡d  1784-1865‏ ‎‡4  bezf‏ ‎‡4‏ ‎‡e  Beziehung familiaer German National Library
  • 500 1 _ ‎‡a  Peale, Sarah Miriam‏ ‎‡d  1800-1885‏ ‎‡4  bezf‏ ‎‡4‏ ‎‡e  Beziehung familiaer German National Library
  • 500 1 _ ‎‡a  Peale, Titian Ramsay‏ ‎‡d  1799-1885‏ ‎‡4  bezf‏ ‎‡4‏ ‎‡e  Beziehung familiaer German National Library
  • 551 _ _ ‎‡a  Philadelphia, PA International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
  • 551 _ _ ‎‡a  Philadelphia, Pa.‏ ‎‡4  orts‏ ‎‡4 German National Library

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Titel Sources
[Alexander von Humboldt, 1769-1859, silhouette] Library of Congress/NACO
[The artist in his museum] Library of Congress/NACO
The Belfield Farm years, 1810-1820 NII (Japan)
Benjamin Franklin Library of Congress/NACO
Charles Willson Peale artist in revolutionary America, 1735-1791 NII (Japan) National Library of France
[Commodore Joshua Barney] Library of Congress/NACO
Discourse introductory to a course of lectures on the science of nature with original music, composed for, and sung on, the occasion. German National Library Library of Congress/NACO Sudoc [ABES], France
An east view of Gray's Ferry, near Philadelphia - with the triumphal arches, &c. erected for the reception of General Washington, April 20th 1789 Library of Congress/NACO
The eldest son of Judge Breckenridge Library of Congress/NACO
Exhumation of the mastodon National Library of Poland
George Washington at Princeton Wikidata Library of Congress/NACO Library and Archives Canada National Library of Israel
[Henry Dearborn, bust portrait, facing left] Library of Congress/NACO
His Excel: G: Washington Esq: L.L.D. Late commander in chief of the armies of the U.S. of America & president of the Convention of 1787 Library of Congress/NACO
Ingenious Mister Peale Library of Congress/NACO
Introduction to a course of lectures on natural history : Delivered in the University of Pennsylvania, Nov. 16, 1799. By Charles W. Peale. [Three lines from Petrie]. Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel Sudoc [ABES], France Library and Archives Canada RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM) German National Library National Library of Sweden
[John Dickinson, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly right] Library of Congress/NACO
John Dickinson, nat. 1732 - ob. 1808 Library of Congress/NACO
John Witherspoon, D.D. Library of Congress/NACO
New perspectives on Charles Willson Peale : a 250th anniversary celebration NII (Japan) Library of Congress/NACO
Portrait of a Woman Wikidata
Portrait of Elizabeth DePeyster Peale (1765 - 1804) Wikidata
Portrait of Louisa Airey Gilmor and Her Daughters, Jane and Elizabeth Wikidata
Portrait of Martha Cadwalader (1740–1791) Wikidata
Portrait of Mary Ann MacNeal Macpherson Wikidata
Portrait of Mary Benezet (1755-1808) Wikidata
Portrait of Robert Gilmor, Sr. (1748-1822) Wikidata
Portraits and miniatures by Charles Willson Peale BIBSYS NII (Japan)
Porträt der Anne Catherine Hoof Green (c. 1720-1775) Wikidata
Porträt der Eleanor Miller (Mrs. Francis Bailey) Wikidata
Porträt der Raphaelle und Titian Peale auf der Treppe (Die Gruppe auf der Treppe) Wikidata
Porträt des John Adams (1735-1826) Wikidata
Rachel Leeds Kerr Wikidata
Rembrandt Peale Wikidata
Rev. Joseph Pilmore Wikidata
Rev. Samuel Eakin Wikidata
[Richard Henry Lee, head-and-shoulders portrait, left profile] Library of Congress/NACO
Robert Fulton (1765–1815) Wikidata
Sarah Geddes Latimer Wikidata
Scientific and descriptive catalogue of Peale's Museum German National Library National Library of Portugal Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France
Selected papers of Charles Willson Peale and his family NII (Japan) Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France National Library of the Netherlands Sudoc [ABES], France
Selvportræt Wikidata
[Silhouette of man facing right, no. 1] Library of Congress/NACO
[Silhouettes from the Marian S. Carson collection] Library of Congress/NACO
The Stewart Children Wikidata
Sülvstporträt Wikidata
Susanna Steuart Tilghman (Mrs. James Tilghman) (1749-1774) Wikidata
Thomas and Henry Sergeant Wikidata
Thomas Johnson (Governor) Wikidata
Thomas McKean Wikidata
Thomas Willing Wikidata
Timothy Matlack Wikidata
Tom Moor [i.e., Moore], 1804 Library of Congress/NACO
Washington (Georges), Président de la République des Etats-unis d'Amérique du Nord +1799 Library of Congress/NACO
Washington in the Uniform of a British Colonial Colonel Wikidata
William De Peyster, Sr. (1709-1784) Wikidata
Works. Library of Congress/NACO
The writings of George Washington; being his correspondence, addresses, messages, and other papers, official and private, selected and published from the original manuscripts with a life of the author, notes and illustrations. Library of Congress/NACO
Zelfportret Wikidata
Αυτοπροσωπογραφία Wikidata
Аутопортрет Wikidata
Натаниэль Грин Wikidata
Портрет Тимоти Мэтлэка Wikidata
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דיוקן עצמי Wikidata
האמן בתוך המוזיאון Wikidata
ציור של צ'ארלס וילסון פיל שצייר את בתו המתה. Wikidata
بورتريه ذاتي Wikidata
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