Virtual International Authority File


Murillo, Bartolomé Estéban (1617-1682) National Library of Portugal NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia National Library of Latvia Library and Archives Canada National Library of the Czech Republic German National Library National Library of Ireland NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Catalonia National Diet Library, Japan National Library of Spain National Library of France National Library of Sweden National Library of Israel Vatican Library National Library of Lithuania National Library of Poland National Library of Australia Library of Congress/NACO

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo Wikidata

Murillo, Bartolomé Estebán NII (Japan) National and University Library in Zagreb RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland ISNI BIBSYS

Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban, 1618-1682 National Library of the Netherlands Sudoc [ABES], France

Murillo, Bartolomé Estebán (Spanish painter and draftsman, 1618-1682) Union List of Artist Names [Getty Research Institute]

Murillo, 1617-1682 National Library of Portugal

Мурильо, Б. Э. 1618-1682 Бартоломе Эстебан National Library of Russia

VIAF ID: 76584455 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Adoración de los pastores Wikidata National Library of Portugal National Library of Catalonia
Adoration of the Shepherds Wikidata
Anbetung der Hirten Wikidata
La Anunciación National Library of Spain National Library of Portugal
Aparición de la Virgen a San Bernardo National Library of Spain National Library of Portugal
El Buen Pastor National Library of Spain
Les chefs-d'œuvre de Murillo (1618-1682) : soixante reproductions photographiques des tableaux originaux, offrant des exemples des différentes caractéristiques de l'œuvre de l'artiste. Sudoc [ABES], France
La Concepción de "Aranjuez" National Library of Spain National Library of Portugal
La Concepción de "El Escorial" National Library of Spain
Crucifixion Wikidata
[Ecce Homo] National Library of Spain National Library of Catalonia
[Enfant au chien] Du Cabinet de M¦r¦ --- le Duc de Choiseul // De la grandeur --- de 28 pouces sur 22 [estampe] National Library of France
Flower Girl Wikidata
Garçon avec un chien National Library of France
Holy Family Wikidata
Immaculée conception de la Vierge [estampe] Wikidata National Library of France
La inmaculada Wikidata National Library of Spain
Invitación a un Juego de Argolla Wikidata
JESUS Y SAN JUAN NIÑOS National Library of Spain
Joseph und die Frau des Potiphar German National Library
King Ferdinand III German National Library
life of Jacob National Library of Israel German National Library Library of Congress/NACO
L'opera completa di Murillo : Presentazione e apparati critici e filologici de Juan Antonio Gaya Nuño National Library of Catalonia
Madonna del latte German National Library
Maler der Betteljungen und Madonnen National Library of the Netherlands
Mappe German National Library
Marchande d'oranges National Library of France
The masterpieces of Murillo : sixty reproductions of photographs from the originale paintings National Library of Sweden
Mater Dolorosa National Library of Spain
Meisters Gemälde in 287 Abbildungen German National Library National Library of the Netherlands
Murillo Wikidata National Library of the Netherlands BIBSYS xR Extended Relationships NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia German National Library National and University Library in Zagreb NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Catalonia National Library of the Czech Republic National Library of Latvia RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of Spain NII (Japan) Vatican Library National Library of Poland Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO
Murillo 1617-1682 NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library Vatican Library National Library of Latvia Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Netherlands Library and Archives Canada German National Library National Library of Ireland NII (Japan) National Library of Catalonia National Library of Spain RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of Israel xR Extended Relationships National and University Library in Zagreb
Murillo in focus : 16 November 1990-13 January 1991 : Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool National Library of the Netherlands
Murillo - Kinderleben in Sevilla [Katalog der gleichnamigen Ausstellung in der Alten Pinakothek München, 31. Mai bis 26. August 2001] NII (Japan) German National Library
n81068073 National Diet Library, Japan
[Niño Jesús dormido sobre la cruz] Wikidata National Library of Spain
[Niño Pasionario] National Library of Spain
Niños comiendo uvas y melón National Library of Poland
LOS NIÑOS DE LA CONCHA National Library of Spain National Library of Portugal
Nossa Senhora da Conceição National Library of Portugal
Ocho obras maestras en el Museo del Prado Sudoc [ABES], France
De Onbevlekte Ontvangenis Wikidata
Paintings. Selections Library of Congress/NACO
Parable of the prodigal son National Library of Israel Library of Congress/NACO
parábola del hijo pródigo German National Library
Posvetitev Brezmadežni Devici Mariji ob priliki IV. katoliškega shoda v Ljubljani dne 24. avgusta 1913. NUK/COBISS.SI, Slovenia
REBECA Y ELIEZER National Library of Spain National Library of Catalonia
Reproducciones en color de sus principales obras German National Library National Library of Spain
[Reprodukcja obrazu Bartolomea Estebana Murilla] National Library of Poland
Rest on the Flight into Egypt Wikidata
[Retrato de Antonio Hurtado de Salcedo y Mendoza] National Library of Spain
[Retrato de Fernando III, el Santo, Rey de Castilla] National Library of Spain
[Sacra del pajarito] National Library of Spain
Sacra Familia National Library of Spain
Sainte Elisabeth reine de Hongrie National Library of the Netherlands
[San Antonio de Padua] National Library of Spain
[San Félix de Cantalicio] National Library of Spain
[San Francisco de Paula] National Library of Spain
[San Juan Bautista] National Library of Spain National Library of Portugal
[SANTA ISABEL REINA DE HUNGRIA] National Library of Portugal National Library of Spain
Staří mistři [měsíční kalendář na rok 1998] National Library of the Czech Republic
El sueño del patricio romano Wikidata National Library of Spain
[Święty Jan Chrzciciel] National Library of Poland
Tres muchachos German National Library
La très Sainte Vierge, dite au Chapelet National Library of the Netherlands
La vendimiadora National Library of Spain National Library of Catalonia
Die Verkündigung Wikidata National Library of Poland
Vierge et l'enfant National Library of France Vatican Library
EL VINATERO National Library of Spain National Library of Catalonia
[Virgen con Niño] National Library of Spain
La Virgen de la Servilleta National Library of Spain
LA VIRGEN DEL ROSARIO National Library of Spain National Library of Portugal
The Virgin and Child with a Rosary Wikidata
The Virgin of the Immaculate Conception Wikidata
Большой энциклопедический словарь, 1997: National Library of Latvia
... Подвиг жертвы (Мурильевская Мадонна) National Library of Russia
聖母子を描く : (ムリーリョとグレコ)の鑑賞 NII (Japan)

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