Virtual International Authority File


Frith, William Powell, 1819-1909 National Library of Sweden National Diet Library, Japan Library and Archives Canada German National Library National Library of the Czech Republic National Library of France National Library of Brazil Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Ireland Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel

William Powell Frith English painter (1819-1909) Wikidata

Frith, William Powell NII (Japan) BIBSYS National Library of the Netherlands

William Powell Frith English painter ISNI

Frith, William Powell (English painter, 1819-1909) Union List of Artist Names [Getty Research Institute]

פרית', ויליאם פאוול, 1819-1909 National Library of Israel

Frith, W. P. (William Powell), 1819-1909 National Library of Australia

VIAF ID: 77118105 (Personal)


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Titel Sources
Athena library of life writing. National Diet Library, Japan
The crossing sweeper From the picture in the collection of W. Houldsworth, Esq: Halifax. National Library of Brazil
The Departure Wikidata
Derby day German National Library Wikidata
Dict. of Victorian painters, 1978: National Library of Ireland Library and Archives Canada Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel
A Dream of the Future Wikidata
The Duel Scene from 'Twelfth Night' by William Shakespeare Wikidata
The Duke's Blessing Wikidata
Eastham Ferry Boat Wikidata
Elizabeth I and Courtiers Wikidata
An English Merry-Making, a Hundred Years Ago Wikidata
The Fair Toxophilites (English Archers, Nineteenth Century) Wikidata
Feeding Time (My Lady's Pets) Wikidata
Garden Flowers ( Making A Posy ) Wikidata
The Highwayman Ex 1848 Wikidata
In Naples, Portrait of the Artist Wikidata
The Invalid Wikidata
Isabelle Frith, Reading Wikidata
John Leech : his life and work NII (Japan) Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Netherlands
Katharina Wikidata
The Knight and the Maid Wikidata
The Lovers Wikidata
Madame Jourdain Finds Her Husband Entertaining Dorimène and Dorante (from Molière's 'Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme') Wikidata
The Marriage of King Edward VII Wikidata
The Marriage of the Prince of Wales Wikidata
The Miniature Wikidata
[Mother & child at bedtime] Library of Congress/NACO
Mr Honeywood Introduces the Bailiffs to Miss Richland as His Friends (from Oliver Goldsmith's 'The Good-Natured Man', Act III, Scene 1) Wikidata
My autobiography and reminiscences National Library of France NII (Japan) German National Library Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Netherlands
The New Frock Wikidata
Nora Creina Wikidata
nr89014511 National Diet Library, Japan
Olivia unveiling Wikidata
Othello and Desdomona (1856) Wikidata
Poor Maria Wikidata
Pope Makes Love To Lady Mary Wortley Montagu Wikidata
Portrait of a Lady with a Fan Wikidata
Portrait of a Young Girl (Janet Butters) Wikidata
Poverty and Wealth Wikidata
Prayer Wikidata
private view at the RA German National Library Wikidata
Queen Alexandra (1844-1925) when Princess of Wales Wikidata
The Race for Wealth: The Spider at Home Wikidata
Railway station] [estampe] National Library of France Wikidata
Ramsgate Sands (Life at the Seaside) Wikidata
The Rejected Poet Wikidata
Retribution Wikidata
The Return from Labor Wikidata
The Rivals Wikidata
A Royal Princess Wikidata
Salon D'Or, Homburg Wikidata
Sancho Panza Tells a Tale to the Duke and Duchess (from Cervantes' 'Don Quixote') Wikidata
Scene from Laurence Sterne's 'A Sentimental Journey' Wikidata
Scene from 'The Spectator' Wikidata
Self-Portrait at the Age of 83 Wikidata
The Sleeping Model Wikidata
The Squire's Boxing Lesson Wikidata
Sterne and the French Innkeeper's Daughter Wikidata
Study for 'Many Happy Returns of the Day' Wikidata
Study for The Vicar of Wakefield Wikidata
The Sweetest Beggar that E'er Asked for Alms Wikidata
Tenby Fisherwoman Wikidata
A Tenby Prawn Seller Wikidata
Thomas Creswick (1811–1869) Wikidata
The Toilet Wikidata
Uncle Toby and the Widow Wadman Wikidata
Vernissage à l'Académie royale Wikidata
A Victorian canvas : the memoirs of W.P. Frith, R.A. NII (Japan) Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Netherlands
The Village Pastor Wikidata
William Frith, extraordinary Victorian painter : a biographical & critical essay Library of Congress/NACO
William Powell Frith, the people's painter Sudoc [ABES], France Wikidata Library of Congress/NACO German National Library
The works of Shakspere, 1873-1876: Library and Archives Canada National Library of Ireland Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel
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