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Phill McGrane

Frequently Asked Questions

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Registering to Vote

How do I register to vote?
Register to vote.

Am I Registered to Vote?
You can check your voter registration online to see if you’re registered to vote.

I’ve moved since I voted last. How do I change my address on my voter registration?
Update your address or other voter information here: register to vote online.
You can also update your information by mail, or by visiting your county elections office.

When is the deadline to register or to update my voter registration?
The deadline to register to vote using the online portal is 24 days before an election.

What should I do if my voter registration information is incorrect or missing?
Update your address or other voter information here: register to vote online.
You can also update your information by mail, or by visiting your county elections office.

Do I need an ID to register to vote?
An Idaho driver’s license with a current address is required to register to vote online. To register to vote in person, you will need a photo ID and proof of residence. Register to vote using your primary Idaho residence. See our registration information page for more details.

Who can register to vote in Idaho?
Requirements to register:

  • Age 18 or older.
  • United States Citizen.
  • Resident of Idaho for at least 30 days before the day of the election.
  • Individuals with a felony conviction may not register until the terms of their sentence have been completed.

Am I considered an Idaho resident?
You may only be registered to vote in one place. If you’ve lived in Idaho for at least 30 days, you may register to vote in Idaho using an accepted form of ID and proof of residence.


How do I vote in Idaho?
The first step to voting is registering and verifying your identity and proof of residence. You can choose to vote at your assigned voting location on Election Day at early voting, or by absentee.

Where do I vote on Election Day?
To vote in person on Election Day, you must visit your assigned voting location based on your physical address. Find your voting location here: where do I vote?.

When is the next election?
Check the election calendar for important upcoming elections and deadlines. Idaho has two possible dates for elections each year in May and November.

What is on the ballot?
Visit our ballot page to view a list of contests and measures up for election in your county.

What identification do I need to vote?
If you’ve already registered, you’ll be asked to show one of the following forms of photo identification:

  • Idaho driver’s license or identification card.
  • U.S. Passport or Federal photo Identification card.
  • Tribal Identification card.
  • Concealed weapons license issued by a county sheriff in Idaho.

A registered voter may sign a Personal Identification Affidavit instead of presenting photo identification. Learn more.

When does early voting start?
Many Idaho counties offer early voting, typically beginning two weeks before an upcoming election. Check with your county elections office.

What if I have a disability and want to vote in person?
Voting locations on Election Day and early voting meet federal requirements for accessibility. Learn more about accessible voting in Idaho.

How do I vote if I live overseas?
If you are a United States citizen (civilian or military) currently living abroad and eligible to vote in Idaho, you may request a ballot through the Federal Voting Assistance Program. Learn more.

I requested an absentee ballot, but I want to vote in person. What should I do?
Bring your absentee ballot to early voting or to your voting location on Election Day. A poll worker will “spoil” your absentee ballot and issue you a new ballot to vote on.

I made a mistake on my ballot. What can I do?
If you need to correct a mistake when you fill out your ballot, take the ballot to a poll worker and exchange it for a new ballot. Once you cast your ballot, you cannot correct any mistakes or have a new ballot issued to you.

Voting Absentee

I am unable to visit my voting location on Election Day. Can I still vote?
Absentee voting allows you to vote if you are out of town on Election Day or prefer to vote from the comfort of your home. Any registered voter in Idaho may request an absentee ballot to be mailed to their address. Learn more.

How do I request an absentee ballot?
If you are a registered voter, you may request an absentee ballot online. Learn more about absentee ballots.

How do I check the status of my absentee ballot?
You may check to see if your county clerk has mailed an absentee ballot on your voter record. You may also check to see if your county election office has received your completed ballot.

Can anyone vote absentee?
Any registered voter in Idaho may request an absentee ballot to be mailed to their address. Learn more about absentee voting.

Participating in Elections

How can I become an Election Worker?
Election workers, also known as poll workers or election officials, are community members who participate in the administration of elections. Poll workers earn a daily rate that varies by county and position. To learn more and apply to be an election worker in your county, visit the information page.

How do I run for office?
To run for office, you must meet the statutory eligibility requirements, file a declaration of candidacy, and pay the required fee or provide required number of valid signatures. Learn more.

How can I add a measure to the ballot?
Proposed initiatives and constitutional amendments are filed with the Idaho Secretary of State. When proposals reach the required number of valid signatures, they will appear on the ballot. Learn more about the requirements.

Other Questions

How do I find election results?
Find Idaho election results, including historical results dating back to 1990, on our election results page.

How do I contact my local county election office/county clerk?
In Idaho, elections are conducted by the county clerk’s offices in each of the forty-four counties. For questions about upcoming elections, what is being voted on, where you vote, registration, and more, contact your county clerk.

What is a primary election?
Party Primary Elections to select party candidates for federal, state, and county offices are held in even-numbered years on the third Tuesday in May. Those candidates who receive the most votes during the primary election go on to run in the general election.
Your party choice can affect which primary election races you are eligible to vote in. Learn more.

How do I change my political party preference?
To change your political party affiliation, you can submit a signed form to your county clerk to change your political party affiliation or become “unaffiliated”. Your party choice can affect which primary election races you are eligible to vote in. If you are already affiliated with a party, be aware of deadlines to change your affiliation ahead of a primary election. See more information.

How do I request election information?
To request information not found on the VoteIdaho website, submit a public records request.

What is redistricting?
The Idaho Commission on Reapportionment establishes new Congressional and Legislative district boundaries every ten years following the national census. Based on those districts, counties define voting precincts. Precincts are used to determine where residents vote and how many residents vote in the same location.

Can I vote on a provisional ballot?
Idaho does not utilize provisional ballots. Voters may register to vote at early voting or at their voting location on Election Day with a photo ID and proof of residence.

What is a recall election? Is a recall allowed in Idaho?
A recall election in Idaho is a process that allows eligible voters to petition for the removal of an elected official from office before their term is completed. If enough valid signatures are collected on a recall petition, a special election is held to decide whether the official should be recalled. See Idaho Code, Title 34, Chapter 17.

When is a recount of results conducted?
A candidate may request a recount if the margin of victory is within a certain percentage. Candidates or voters who request a recount may be required to cover the costs of the recount. The process for requesting a recount can be found in the Idaho Code, Title 34, Chapter 21.

What is voter intimidation?
Voter intimidation refers to actions or behavior discouraging or preventing eligible voters from exercising their right to vote. Idaho has laws in place to protect voters from intimidation. These laws ensure voters can cast their ballots freely and without interference (see Idaho Code Title 18, Chapter 23). If you have concerns, talk to an election worker, your county election office, or local law enforcement.

What is a poll watcher, and who is authorized to assume that role?
The State of Idaho allows Poll Watchers to observe election activities to ensure fair and honest elections. The primary responsibility of the Poll Watcher is to observe the conduct of the election at a specific polling place on behalf of a candidate, party, or ballot question on Election Day. A poll watcher is not the same as a poll worker. See Idaho Statute, Chapter 34-304.

What is “electioneering”?
Electioneering refers to activities that promote a specific candidate or political party at or near polling places on Election Day. In Idaho, electioneering is prohibited within 250 feet of a voting location. See Idaho Code, 18-2318.