Juvenile Offenders - As enacted, requires mental health evaluation and treatment for juveniles who commit aggravated animal cruelty under certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Title 37 and Title 39.
SB0183 has been assigned Public Chapter Number 334 by the Secretary of State.
  • Bill History
  • Amendments
  • Video
  • Summary
  • Fiscal Note
  • Votes
  • Actions For SB0183Date
    Effective date(s) 07/01/202305/17/2023
    Pub. Ch. 33405/17/2023
    Signed by Governor.05/05/2023
    Transmitted to Governor for action.04/24/2023
    Signed by H. Speaker04/21/2023
    Signed by Senate Speaker04/21/2023
    Enrolled and ready for signatures04/21/2023
    Passed H., Ayes 92, Nays 0, PNV 104/20/2023
    Subst. for comp. HB.04/20/2023
    Rcvd. from S., held on H. desk.03/23/2023
    Engrossed; ready for transmission to House03/21/2023
    Sponsor(s) Added.03/20/2023
    Passed Senate, Ayes 33, Nays 003/20/2023
    Placed on Senate Regular Calendar for 3/20/202303/16/2023
    Recommended for passage, refer to Senate Calendar Committee03/14/2023
    Placed on Senate Judiciary Committee calendar for 3/14/202303/14/2023
    Action deferred in Senate Judiciary Committee to 3/14/202303/13/2023
    Placed on Senate Judiciary Committee calendar for 3/13/202303/07/2023
    Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Judiciary Committee01/21/2023
    Introduced, Passed on First Consideration01/20/2023
    Filed for introduction01/13/2023
    Actions For HB0398Date
    Comp. became Pub. Ch. 33405/17/2023
    Comp. SB subst.04/20/2023
    Sponsor(s) Added.04/20/2023
    H. Placed on Regular Calendar for 4/20/202304/18/2023
    Placed on cal. Calendar & Rules Committee for 4/18/202304/18/2023
    Rec. for pass; ref to Calendar & Rules Committee04/18/2023
    Placed on cal. Finance, Ways, and Means Committee for 4/18/202304/18/2023
    Rec. for pass by s/c ref. to Finance, Ways, and Means Committee04/18/2023
    Placed on s/c cal Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee for 4/18/202304/12/2023
    Assigned to s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee04/12/2023
    Rec. for pass; ref to Finance, Ways, and Means Committee04/04/2023
    Placed on cal. Criminal Justice Committee for 4/4/202303/29/2023
    Rec. for pass by s/c ref. to Criminal Justice Committee03/28/2023
    Placed on s/c cal Criminal Justice Subcommittee for 3/28/202303/22/2023
    Action Def. in s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee to 3/28/202303/21/2023
    Placed on s/c cal Criminal Justice Subcommittee for 3/21/202303/15/2023
    Action Def. in s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee to 3/21/202303/14/2023
    Placed on s/c cal Criminal Justice Subcommittee for 3/14/202303/08/2023
    Sponsor(s) Added.03/03/2023
    Sponsor(s) Added.03/01/2023
    Sponsor(s) Added.02/28/2023
    Assigned to s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee02/01/2023
    P2C, ref. to Criminal Justice Committee02/01/2023
    Intro., P1C.01/30/2023
    Sponsor(s) Added.01/25/2023
    Filed for introduction01/23/2023
  • No amendments for SB0183.
    No amendments for HB0398.

  • Videos containing keyword: SB0183

  • Fiscal Summary

    Other Fiscal Impact – Passage of the proposed legislation may result in a mandatory increase in local expenditures associated with mental health evaluations for juveniles. The extent and timing of any such increase cannot be determined with reasonably certainty.

    Bill Summary

    Present law provides that, if a juvenile is found to be within a court's jurisdiction, for conduct that, if committed by an adult, would be a criminal violation involving cruelty to animals or a criminal violation involving arson, then the court may order that the juvenile be evaluated to determine the need for psychiatric or psychological treatment. Present law further provides that, if the court determines that psychiatric or psychological treatment is appropriate for that juvenile, then the court may order that treatment.

    This bill adds to the present law that, if a child is adjudicated delinquent for conduct involving the intentional torturing, mutilating, maiming, burning, starving to death, crushing, disfiguring, drowning, suffocating, or impaling of a domesticated dog or cat, then the court must order that the child receive a psychiatric or psychological evaluation and any recommended counseling and treatment. The court must further order that the cost of such required evaluation, counseling, and treatment be paid in accordance with present law procedures for the payment of costs of children, which generally required payment by the child's parents, legal custodians, or guardians if financially able to pay, or by the applicable city or county in other circumstances.

    This bill also provides that, if the court finds a parent or guardian to be in contempt of court for failure to comply with a court order issued under these new provisions, then the court may punish the parent or guardian for contempt of court pursuant to current law, which authorizes the court to impose fines or imprisonment.

  • FiscalNote for SB0183/HB0398 filed under SB0183
  • House Floor and Committee Votes

    House moved to substitute and conform to SB0183

              Present and not voting...................1

              Representatives voting aye were: Alexander, Barrett, Baum, Beck, Boyd, Bricken, Bulso, Burkhart, Butler, Camper, Capley, Carr, Carringer, Cepicky, Chism, Clemmons, Cochran, Crawford, Darby, Davis, Doggett, Eldridge, Faison, Farmer, Freeman, Fritts, Gant, Garrett, Gillespie, Glynn, Grills, Hakeem, Hale, Hardaway, Haston, Hawk, Hazlewood, Helton-Haynes, Hicks G, Hicks T, Holsclaw, Howell, Hulsey, Hurt, Johnson C, Johnson G, Jones, Keisling, Kumar, Lafferty, Lamberth, Leatherwood, Littleton, Love, Lynn, Marsh, Martin B, Martin G, McCalmon, McKenzie, Miller, Mitchell, Moody, Moon, Parkinson, Powell, Powers, Ragan, Raper, Reedy, Richey, Rudd, Rudder, Russell, Shaw, Sherrell, Slater, Sparks, Stevens, Terry, Thompson, Todd, Towns, Vaughan, Vital, Warner, White, Whitson, Williams, Wright, Zachary, Mr. Speaker Sexton -- 92.
              Representatives present and not voting were: Pearson -- 1.

              HB0398 by Littleton - HOUSE CALENDAR & RULES COMMITTEE:
    H. Placed on Regular Calendar for 4/20/2023 4/18/2023
              Voice Vote - Ayes Prevail

              HB0398 by Littleton - HOUSE FINANCE, WAYS, AND MEANS COMMITTEE:
    Rec. for pass; ref to Calendar & Rules Committee 4/18/2023
              Voice Vote - Ayes Prevail

              HB0398 by Littleton - HOUSE FINANCE, WAYS, AND MEANS SUBCOMMITTEE:
    Rec. for pass by s/c ref. to Finance, Ways, and Means Committee 4/18/2023
              Voice Vote - Ayes Prevail

              HB0398 by Littleton - HOUSE CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE:
    Rec. for pass; ref to Finance, Ways, and Means Committee 4/4/2023
              Voice Vote - Ayes Prevail

              HB0398 by Littleton - HOUSE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SUBCOMMITTEE:
    Rec. for pass by s/c ref. to Criminal Justice Committee 3/28/2023
              Voice Vote - Ayes Prevail

    Senate Floor and Committee Votes

    SB0183 by Walley - FLOOR VOTE: Third Consideration 3/20/2023

              Senators voting aye were: Akbari, Bailey, Bowling, Briggs, Campbell, Crowe, Gardenhire, Haile, Hensley, Jackson, Johnson, Kyle, Lamar, Lowe, Lundberg, Massey, Niceley, Oliver, Pody, Powers, Reeves, Roberts, Rose, Southerland, Stevens, Swann, Taylor, Walley, Watson, White, Yager, Yarbro, Mr. Speaker McNally -- 33.

    Recommended for passage, refer to Senate Calendar Committee 3/14/2023

              Senators voting aye were: Kyle, Lamar, Lundberg, Roberts, Rose, Taylor, White -- 7.
              Senators voting no were: Stevens -- 1.