Alcoholic Beverages - As introduced, clarifies that restrictions on festival operators receiving certain services or items of value not authorized by the alcoholic beverage commission do not apply to an independent property owner, tenant, producer, or promoter of a festival. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 4, Part 1.
  • Bill History
  • Amendments
  • Video
  • Summary
  • Fiscal Note
  • Votes
  • Actions For SB0653Date
    Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee03/28/2023
    Placed on Senate State and Local Government Committee calendar for 3/28/202303/22/2023
    Action deferred in Senate State and Local Government Committee to 3/28/202303/21/2023
    Placed on Senate State and Local Government Committee calendar for 3/21/202303/14/2023
    Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee02/02/2023
    Introduced, Passed on First Consideration01/30/2023
    Filed for introduction01/26/2023
    Actions For HB0638Date
    Taken off notice for cal in s/c Departments & Agencies Subcommittee of State Government Committee03/22/2023
    Placed on s/c cal Departments & Agencies Subcommittee for 3/22/202303/15/2023
    Assigned to s/c Departments & Agencies Subcommittee02/01/2023
    P2C, ref. to State Government Committee02/01/2023
    Intro., P1C.01/30/2023
    Filed for introduction01/26/2023
  • No amendments for SB0653.
    No amendments for HB0638.

  • Videos containing keyword: SB0653

  • Fiscal Summary


    Bill Summary

    Abstract summarizes the bill.

  • FiscalNote for SB0653/HB0638 filed under HB0638
  • House Floor and Committee Votes

    Votes for Bill HB0638 by the House are not available.

    Senate Floor and Committee Votes

    Votes for Bill SB0653 by the Senate are not available.