Legislation by Subject Topic
for the 113th General Assembly 2023-2024

Legislation filed under: Beer

The primary subject of a bill in this list may be different from the subject listed above.
In those cases, the bill was filed using Beer as a secondary subject.

Bill Number Composite Abstract Last Action Date
HB0178 by Carr
SB0174 by Niceley
Beer - As introduced, authorizes Sevierville to obtain a license to sell alcohol and beer for consumption on premises designated by the city with the alcoholic beverage commission and local beer board. - Amends TCA Title 57.

HB0178: Withdrawn.

SB0174: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB1485 by Campbell S
SB1406 by Niceley
Beer - As introduced, requires the department of transportation to submit to the office of legislative budget analysis, a copy of its annual report listing the programs receiving funds generated by the beer barrelage tax, the amount of funds received by each program, and the purpose for which the funds were spent. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 5; Title 57, Chapter 6 and Title 67, Chapter 4.

HB1485: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.

SB1406: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB1672 by Freeman
SB1800 by Yarbro
Beer - As introduced, authorizes certain legislative bodies, by a two-thirds majority vote, to expand the hours for the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises and beer on Sundays consistent with the hours for sale on weekdays. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 3; Title 57, Chapter 4 and Title 57, Chapter 5.

HB1672: Re-ref. to Calendar and Rules Committee

SB1800: Recommended for passage, refer to Senate Calendar Committee



HB2020 by Marsh
SB2021 by Reeves
Beer - As enacted, expands postsecondary academic programs in fermentation authorizing students to taste alcoholic beverages as part of the program. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 4, Part 1.

HB2020: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 659

SB2021: Pub. Ch. 659



HB2247 by Holsclaw
SB1997 by Niceley
Beer - As introduced, authorizes a person 16 years of age or older to transport, possess, sell, and dispense alcoholic beverages, wine, and beer in the course of such person’s employment. - Amends TCA Title 1 and Title 57.

HB2247: Taken off notice for cal. in State Government Committee

SB1997: Failed in Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB2607 by Carringer
SB2427 by Jackson
Beer - As enacted, permits a retail licensee, beginning July 1, 2014, to sell at retail items related to or incidental to the use, consumption, dispensing, or storage of alcoholic beverages, including any hemp or hemp-derived cannabinoid product for which all required licenses, permits, or certificates have been obtained authorizing the sale of such product within this state. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 3 and Title 57, Chapter 5.

HB2607: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 940

SB2427: Effective date(s) 05/06/2024



SB0174 by Niceley
HB0178 by Carr
Beer - As introduced, authorizes Sevierville to obtain a license to sell alcohol and beer for consumption on premises designated by the city with the alcoholic beverage commission and local beer board. - Amends TCA Title 57.

SB0174: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB0178: Withdrawn.



SB1406 by Niceley
HB1485 by Campbell S
Beer - As introduced, requires the department of transportation to submit to the office of legislative budget analysis, a copy of its annual report listing the programs receiving funds generated by the beer barrelage tax, the amount of funds received by each program, and the purpose for which the funds were spent. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 5; Title 57, Chapter 6 and Title 67, Chapter 4.

SB1406: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB1485: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.



SB1800 by Yarbro
HB1672 by Freeman
Beer - As introduced, authorizes certain legislative bodies, by a two-thirds majority vote, to expand the hours for the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises and beer on Sundays consistent with the hours for sale on weekdays. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 3; Title 57, Chapter 4 and Title 57, Chapter 5.

SB1800: Recommended for passage, refer to Senate Calendar Committee

HB1672: Re-ref. to Calendar and Rules Committee



SB1997 by Niceley
HB2247 by Holsclaw
Beer - As introduced, authorizes a person 16 years of age or older to transport, possess, sell, and dispense alcoholic beverages, wine, and beer in the course of such person’s employment. - Amends TCA Title 1 and Title 57.

SB1997: Failed in Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB2247: Taken off notice for cal. in State Government Committee



SB2021 by Reeves
HB2020 by Marsh
Beer - As enacted, expands postsecondary academic programs in fermentation authorizing students to taste alcoholic beverages as part of the program. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 4, Part 1.

SB2021: Pub. Ch. 659

HB2020: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 659



SB2427 by Jackson
HB2607 by Carringer
Beer - As enacted, permits a retail licensee, beginning July 1, 2014, to sell at retail items related to or incidental to the use, consumption, dispensing, or storage of alcoholic beverages, including any hemp or hemp-derived cannabinoid product for which all required licenses, permits, or certificates have been obtained authorizing the sale of such product within this state. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 3 and Title 57, Chapter 5.

SB2427: Effective date(s) 05/06/2024

HB2607: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 940

