Legislation by Subject Topic
for the 113th General Assembly 2023-2024

Legislation filed under: Domestic Violence

The primary subject of a bill in this list may be different from the subject listed above.
In those cases, the bill was filed using Domestic Violence as a secondary subject.

Bill Number Composite Abstract Last Action Date
HB0470 by Crawford
SB0303 by Lundberg
Domestic Violence - As introduced, enacts the "Gabby Act"; establishes a Purple Alert system for use when the Tennessee bureau of investigation receives a report of a missing or endangered domestic abuse victim. - Amends TCA Title 16; Title 17; Title 25; Title 36; Title 37; Title 38; Title 39 and Title 40.

HB0470: Assigned to s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee

SB0303: Action deferred in Senate Judiciary Committee to 3/28/2023



HB0944 by Alexander
SB0979 by Gardenhire
Domestic Violence - As enacted, revises present law definitions relative to abuse. - Amends TCA Title 36, Chapter 3, Part 6 and Title 71.

HB0944: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 277

SB0979: Effective date(s) 04/28/2023



HB1496 by Clemmons
SB0727 by Campbell
Domestic Violence - As introduced, requires a magistrate to order a defendant to carry or wear a global positioning monitoring system device as a condition of bail if the defendant was arrested for certain criminal offenses or a violation of an order of protection and the alleged offense or violation involved the strangulation or attempted strangulation of the victim or the use or threatened use of a firearm against the victim. - Amends TCA Title 40.

HB1496: Assigned to s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee

SB0727: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Judiciary Committee



HB1714 by Freeman
SB1655 by Campbell
Domestic Violence - As introduced, requires a domestic assault offender who transferred possession of a firearm to a third party in order to dispossess the firearm to submit to the court an affidavit of firearms receipt in which the third party attests that the third party may lawfully possess a firearm, has received the firearm from the defendant, and accepts responsibility for possession of the firearm. - Amends TCA Title 36, Chapter 3, Part 6 and Title 39.

HB1714: Assigned to s/c Civil Justice Subcommittee

SB1655: Failed in Senate Judiciary Committee



HB1845 by Clemmons
SB1649 by Campbell
Domestic Violence - As introduced, creates the Tennessee violence intervention program within the department's office of criminal justice programs to invest in evidence-based violence reduction initiatives. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 38; Title 39 and Title 40.

HB1845: Taken off notice for cal. in Criminal Justice Committee

SB1649: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Judiciary Committee



HB2168 by Littleton
SB1905 by Jackson
Domestic Violence - As enacted, clarifies that an order of protection for domestic abuse remains in effect during an appeal from a final ruling on the order of protection by a general sessions court or by an official authorized to issue such an order unless the order expires by operation of law. - Amends TCA Title 36, Chapter 3, Part 6.

HB2168: Effective date(s) 04/22/2024

SB1905: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 751



HB2692 by Doggett
SB1972 by Rose
Domestic Violence - As enacted, enacts "The Debbie and Marie Domestic Violence Protection Act," which makes revisions to law related to global positioning monitoring system devices, including requiring the court to order an offender to wear such a device under certain circumstances unless the court finds the offender no longer poses a threat to the alleged victim or public safety, requiring a cellular device application or electronic receptor device provided to the victim to be capable of notifying the victim if the offender is within a prescribed proximity of the victim's cellular device or electronic receptor device, and making other revisions. - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 40, Chapter 11 and Title 55, Chapter 10.

HB2692: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1033

SB1972: Effective date(s) 07/01/2024



HB2898 by Kumar
SB2277 by Massey
Domestic Violence - As introduced, creates a registry of persons convicted of the criminal offense of domestic assault; requires the bureau to maintain the registry. - Amends TCA Title 18; Section 38-6-103; Title 39 and Title 40.

HB2898: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee

SB2277: Placed on Senate Finance, Ways, and Means Committee calendar for 4/23/2024



HB2965 by Hardaway
SB2888 by Kyle
Domestic Violence - As introduced, states that, for the purposes of the criminal offense of child endangerment, a person engages in conduct that places a child in imminent danger of death, bodily injury, or physical or mental impairment if the person engages in domestic abuse of a member of the child's household or immediate family in the presence of the child. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 15, Part 4.

HB2965: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee of Criminal Justice Committee

SB2888: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Judiciary Committee



SB0303 by Lundberg
HB0470 by Crawford
Domestic Violence - As introduced, enacts the "Gabby Act"; establishes a Purple Alert system for use when the Tennessee bureau of investigation receives a report of a missing or endangered domestic abuse victim. - Amends TCA Title 16; Title 17; Title 25; Title 36; Title 37; Title 38; Title 39 and Title 40.

SB0303: Action deferred in Senate Judiciary Committee to 3/28/2023

HB0470: Assigned to s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee



SB0727 by Campbell
HB1496 by Clemmons
Domestic Violence - As introduced, requires a magistrate to order a defendant to carry or wear a global positioning monitoring system device as a condition of bail if the defendant was arrested for certain criminal offenses or a violation of an order of protection and the alleged offense or violation involved the strangulation or attempted strangulation of the victim or the use or threatened use of a firearm against the victim. - Amends TCA Title 40.

SB0727: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Judiciary Committee

HB1496: Assigned to s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee



SB0979 by Gardenhire
HB0944 by Alexander
Domestic Violence - As enacted, revises present law definitions relative to abuse. - Amends TCA Title 36, Chapter 3, Part 6 and Title 71.

SB0979: Effective date(s) 04/28/2023

HB0944: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 277



SB1649 by Campbell
HB1845 by Clemmons
Domestic Violence - As introduced, creates the Tennessee violence intervention program within the department's office of criminal justice programs to invest in evidence-based violence reduction initiatives. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 38; Title 39 and Title 40.

SB1649: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Judiciary Committee

HB1845: Taken off notice for cal. in Criminal Justice Committee



SB1655 by Campbell
HB1714 by Freeman
Domestic Violence - As introduced, requires a domestic assault offender who transferred possession of a firearm to a third party in order to dispossess the firearm to submit to the court an affidavit of firearms receipt in which the third party attests that the third party may lawfully possess a firearm, has received the firearm from the defendant, and accepts responsibility for possession of the firearm. - Amends TCA Title 36, Chapter 3, Part 6 and Title 39.

SB1655: Failed in Senate Judiciary Committee

HB1714: Assigned to s/c Civil Justice Subcommittee



SB1905 by Jackson
HB2168 by Littleton
Domestic Violence - As enacted, clarifies that an order of protection for domestic abuse remains in effect during an appeal from a final ruling on the order of protection by a general sessions court or by an official authorized to issue such an order unless the order expires by operation of law. - Amends TCA Title 36, Chapter 3, Part 6.

SB1905: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 751

HB2168: Effective date(s) 04/22/2024



SB1972 by Rose
HB2692 by Doggett
Domestic Violence - As enacted, enacts "The Debbie and Marie Domestic Violence Protection Act," which makes revisions to law related to global positioning monitoring system devices, including requiring the court to order an offender to wear such a device under certain circumstances unless the court finds the offender no longer poses a threat to the alleged victim or public safety, requiring a cellular device application or electronic receptor device provided to the victim to be capable of notifying the victim if the offender is within a prescribed proximity of the victim's cellular device or electronic receptor device, and making other revisions. - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 40, Chapter 11 and Title 55, Chapter 10.

SB1972: Effective date(s) 07/01/2024

HB2692: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1033



SB2277 by Massey
HB2898 by Kumar
Domestic Violence - As introduced, creates a registry of persons convicted of the criminal offense of domestic assault; requires the bureau to maintain the registry. - Amends TCA Title 18; Section 38-6-103; Title 39 and Title 40.

SB2277: Placed on Senate Finance, Ways, and Means Committee calendar for 4/23/2024

HB2898: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee



SB2888 by Kyle
HB2965 by Hardaway
Domestic Violence - As introduced, states that, for the purposes of the criminal offense of child endangerment, a person engages in conduct that places a child in imminent danger of death, bodily injury, or physical or mental impairment if the person engages in domestic abuse of a member of the child's household or immediate family in the presence of the child. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 15, Part 4.

SB2888: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Judiciary Committee

HB2965: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee of Criminal Justice Committee

