Legislation by Subject Topic
for the 113th General Assembly 2023-2024

Legislation filed under: Medical Occupations

The primary subject of a bill in this list may be different from the subject listed above.
In those cases, the bill was filed using Medical Occupations as a secondary subject.

Bill Number Composite Abstract Last Action Date
HB0003 by Cepicky
SB0026 by Hensley
Medical Occupations - As introduced, expands the offenses of assault against a first responder or nurse and aggravated assault against a first responder or nurse to apply to assaults committed against all healthcare professionals. - Amends TCA Title 39.

HB0003: Action def. in Criminal Justice Committee to first Enhancement Calendar for 2024

SB0026: Failed in Senate Judiciary Committee



HB0051 by Hale
Medical Occupations - As introduced, requires the individual that signs the death certificate of a decedent to ask whether the family or other appropriate individual wants to make an anatomical gift of the decedent's body or part; prohibits a procurement organization from contacting the family or other appropriate individual if the family or other appropriate individual refused to make an anatomical gift of the decedent's body or part. - Amends TCA Title 32; Title 63 and Title 68. Withdrawn. 1/12/2023
HB0198 by Ragan
SB0032 by Roberts
Medical Occupations - As enacted, extends the board of medical examiners to June 30, 2027. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29 and Title 63, Chapter 6.

HB0198: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 71

SB0032: Effective date(s) 03/31/2023



HB0242 by Hale
SB0307 by Taylor
Medical Occupations - As introduced, requires the individual that signs the death certificate of a decedent, or an agent of the individual, to ask whether the family or other appropriate person wants to make an anatomical gift of the decedent's body or part; prohibits a procurement organization from contacting the family or other appropriate person if the family or other appropriate person refused to make an anatomical gift of the decedent's body or part. - Amends TCA Title 32; Title 63 and Title 68.

HB0242: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Health Subcommittee of Health Committee

SB0307: Action deferred in Senate Health and Welfare Committee to 1/24/2024



HB0334 by Hurt
SB0468 by Rose
Medical Occupations - As enacted, removes certain limitations placed on a person trying to meet the educational requirement for licensure as a polysomnographic technologist by presenting proof of successful completion of an accredited sleep technologist educational program (A-STEP) that is accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. - Amends TCA Title 63.

HB0334: Effective date(s) 07/01/2024

SB0468: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 736



HB0495 by Martin B
SB0523 by Jackson
Medical Occupations - As enacted, enacts the "Topical Medical Waste Reduction Act of 2023," which establishes certain regulations of facility-provided medications. - Amends TCA Title 53; Title 63 and Title 68.

HB0495: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 150

SB0523: Effective date(s) 04/13/2023



HB0498 by Martin B
SB0721 by Massey
Medical Occupations - As enacted, exempts a patient receiving an initial behavioral health evaluation via telehealth from the requirement that a patient have an in-person encounter with a healthcare services provider, the healthcare services provider’s practice group, or the healthcare system within 16 months prior to an interactive visit in order to establish a provider-patient relationship for purposes of telehealth; allows a physician assistant who is authorized to prescribe drugs and who provides services solely via telehealth to arrange for chart review by a collaborating physician via HIPAA-compliant electronic means. - Amends TCA Title 56 and Title 63.

HB0498: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 201

SB0721: Effective date(s) 04/24/2023



HB0518 by Terry
SB0455 by Watson
Medical Occupations - As introduced, requires the University of Tennessee and East Tennessee State University to annually submit a report to the education and health committees of the general assembly that includes the number of students who graduated from the respective institution in the previous year to become practitioners in the fields of primary care medicine or family practice medicine. - Amends TCA Title 49; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71.

HB0518: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.

SB0455: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Education Committee



HB0575 by Hemmer
SB0392 by Lamar
Medical Occupations - As introduced, requires the board of medical examiners to consider including a course in maternal mental health when establishing continuing medical educational requirements for persons licensed to practice medicine. - Amends TCA Title 63.

HB0575: Rec. for pass. if am., ref. to Calendar & Rules Committee

SB0392: Failed to pass Senate, Ayes 16, Nays 7, PNV 6



HB0647 by Baum
SB1313 by Bailey
Medical Occupations - As enacted, makes changes to the law regarding costs of reproduction, copying, or mailing of certain medical records. - Amends TCA Title 47, Chapter 18 and Section 63-2-102.

HB0647: Effective date(s) 07/01/2024

SB1313: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 737



HB0652 by Fritts
SB0581 by Pody
Medical Occupations - As introduced, reduces from three years to two years, the period a seller must keep on file a signed acknowledgement from a buyer that discloses that the seller is neither a licensed practitioner of the healing arts nor meets the criteria that would allow the seller to provide a diagnosis, treatment, or medical care in order for the sale or provision of information involving a natural health information exchange to not be considered the illegal practice of naturopathy. - Amends TCA Title 63.

HB0652: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.

SB0581: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Health and Welfare Committee



HB0661 by Hicks T
SB0402 by Massey
Medical Occupations - As enacted, authorizes licensed physical therapists to issue certified statements of disability in same manner as physicians for a person's application for a disabled registration plate, decal, or placard. - Amends TCA Title 55, Chapter 21.

HB0661: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 89

SB0402: Effective date(s) 03/31/2023



HB0666 by Hicks T
Medical Occupations - As introduced, authorizes the board of examiners in psychology to designate as a health service provider in this state a person who has held a license to practice psychology in another state under certain conditions. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Title 63, Chapter 11. Withdrawn. 2/1/2023
HB0690 by Martin B
SB0953 by Walley
Medical Occupations - As enacted, authorizes the board of examiners in psychology to designate as a health service provider in this state, a person who has held a valid license or certificate to practice psychology in another state under certain conditions. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Title 63, Chapter 11.

HB0690: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 173

SB0953: Effective date(s) 04/17/2023, 01/01/2024



HB0779 by Helton-Haynes
SB0296 by Gardenhire
Medical Occupations - As enacted, requires the board of medical examiners, the board of osteopathic examination, board of nursing, board of physician assistants, and board of alcohol and drug abuse counselors, when such board receives a completed application for licensure from an applicant who is licensed in another state or territory of the United States or in the District of Columbia, to, within 45 days from the date the board receives the completed application, render a decision on the application or inform the applicant of the need to appear before the board. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 63 and Title 68.

HB0779: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 443

SB0296: Effective date(s) 05/17/2023



HB0803 by Marsh
SB0679 by Reeves
Medical Occupations - As enacted, expands the types of medication a certified medical assistant may administer and prepare as ordered by an authorized healthcare provider. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Title 68, Chapter 11, Part 2.

HB0803: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 94

SB0679: Effective date(s) 03/31/2023



HB0904 by Hicks T
SB0804 by Jackson
Medical Occupations - As introduced, authorizes the board of examiners in psychology to designate as a health service provider in this state a person who has held a license to practice psychology in another state under certain conditions. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Title 63, Chapter 11.

HB0904: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee

SB0804: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Health and Welfare Committee



HB0925 by Martin B
SB1428 by Roberts
Medical Occupations - As introduced, requires a person who is licensed to practice a healing art; who was an officer in the commissioned medical corps of the army, the navy, the air force or the public health service of the United States; and who was subsequently discharged, instead of honorably discharged, to register with the appropriate board licensing that profession. - Amends TCA Title 63.

HB0925: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.

SB1428: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health and Welfare Committee



HB1146 by Vital
SB0453 by Briggs
Medical Occupations - As introduced, establishes the scope of practice for anesthesiologist assistants, subject to regulatory oversight by the board of medical examiners as part of such practice. - Amends TCA Title 63 and Title 68.

HB1146: Taken off notice for cal. in Health Committee

SB0453: Recommended for passage with amendment/s, refer to Senate Calendar Committee Ayes 7, Nays 2 PNV 0



HB1195 by Williams
SB0072 by Watson
Medical Occupations - As enacted, allows the practice of physical therapy to be under the written or oral referral of a nurse practitioner or physician assistant; removes certain minimum education requirements to engage in the independent practice of physical therapy. - Amends TCA Title 63.

HB1195: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 107

SB0072: Effective date(s) 04/04/2023



HB1272 by Cochran
SB1171 by Swann
Medical Occupations - As introduced, expands the scope of practice for physician assistants, subject to increased regulatory oversight by the board of physician assistants as part of such expanded practice. - Amends TCA Title 63, Chapter 19, Part 1 and Title 68, Chapter 11.

HB1272: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee

SB1171: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health and Welfare Committee



HB1311 by Kumar
SB0937 by Briggs
Medical Occupations - As enacted, enacts the "Graduate Physicians Act." - Amends TCA Title 49; Title 63 and Title 68.

HB1311: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 470

SB0937: Effective date(s) 05/17/2023, 01/01/2025



HB1312 by Kumar
SB1451 by Roberts
Medical Occupations - As enacted, revises the law relative to the board of medical examiners issuing a temporary license of limited duration to certain international medical school graduates. - Amends TCA Title 63.

HB1312: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 211

SB1451: Effective date(s) 04/24/2023, 07/01/2024



HB1317 by Kumar
SB0753 by Haile
Medical Occupations - As enacted, makes various changes to the board of pharmacy. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29; Title 63, Chapter 1 and Title 63, Chapter 10, Part 3.

HB1317: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 457

SB0753: Effective date(s) 07/01/2023



HB1378 by Ragan
SB0005 by Bowling
Medical Occupations - As introduced, enacts the “Youth Health Protection Act.” - Amends TCA Title 8; Title 9; Title 14; Title 33; Title 63 and Title 68.

HB1378: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee

SB0005: Refer to Senate Judiciary Committee



HB1419 by Butler
SB1314 by Bailey
Medical Occupations - As introduced, prohibits a healthcare prescriber from issuing a prescription for a dual-purpose prescription medication for diabetes to a person in this state if the person does not have a diagnosis of diabetes; defines a dual-purpose prescription medication for diabetes as a prescription drug that has a listed indication for diabetes and may also be used for purposes of weight loss in persons who do not have a diagnosis of diabetes. - Amends TCA Title 53; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71.

HB1419: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee

SB1314: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Commerce and Labor Committee



HB1682 by Lamberth
SB2079 by Johnson
Medical Occupations - As enacted, makes changes to the law relative to emergency involuntary admission to inpatient treatment and judicial commitment for nonemergency involuntary inpatient treatment. - Amends TCA Section 33-6-503 and Section 33-6-421.

HB1682: Effective date(s) 07/01/2024

SB2079: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 785



HB1759 by Ragan
SB1616 by Roberts
Medical Occupations - As enacted, extends the medical advisory committee to June 30, 2029. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29 and Title 50, Chapter 6.

HB1759: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 498

SB1616: Effective date(s) 02/21/2024



HB1839 by Parkinson
SB2171 by Hensley
Medical Occupations - As introduced, enacts the "Mental Health Preceptor Tax Incentive Program." - Amends TCA Title 67.

HB1839: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee

SB2171: Placed on Senate Finance, Ways, and Means Committee calendar for 4/23/2024



HB1862 by Faison
SB1727 by Jackson
Medical Occupations - As enacted, enacts the "Physician Assistant (PA) Licensure Compact." - Amends TCA Title 63 and Title 68.

HB1862: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1018

SB1727: Effective date(s) 05/28/2024, 01/01/2025



HB1863 by Faison
SB1862 by Haile
Medical Occupations - As enacted, enacts the "Dietitian Licensure Compact." - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 63 and Title 68.

HB1863: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1025

SB1862: Effective date(s) 05/28/2024, 01/01/2026



HB1876 by Freeman
Medical Occupations - As introduced, directs the board of nursing to establish the designation of a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (APRN-PMHNP-BC) for nurse practitioners who hold national specialty certification as a PMHNP-BC from the American Nurses Credentialing Center; allows psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners to practice without a collaborating physician if certain conditions are met. - Amends TCA Title 33; Title 53; Title 63 and Title 68. Withdrawn. 1/24/2024
HB1877 by Freeman
SB2363 by Watson
Medical Occupations - As enacted, requires hospitals and physicians to accept electronic insurance cards as valid proof of an insurance policy, plan, or contract. - Amends TCA Title 8; Title 56; Title 63 and Title 71.

HB1877: Effective date(s) 01/01/2026

SB2363: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 789



HB2014 by Whitson
SB1746 by Campbell
Medical Occupations - As introduced, enacts the "Tennessee Voluntary Do Not Sell Firearms Act," which permits a person to voluntarily waive their firearm rights through filing a waiver with the clerk of the circuit court in the county of the person's residence or with their healthcare provider; specifies procedures the clerk, healthcare provider, TBI, and department of health must follow upon receipt of a waiver. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 3; Section 10-7-504 and Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13.

HB2014: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Civil Justice Subcommittee of Civil Justice Committee

SB1746: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Judiciary Committee



HB2015 by Whitson
SB1774 by Briggs
Medical Occupations - As introduced, requires the medical services board to promulgate rules to authorize medics who have completed an army, navy, or air force training program to be licensed as AEMTs upon completion of the National Registry Exam for Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians without taking an AEMT educational program. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 140, Part 3.

HB2015: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee

SB1774: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Health and Welfare Committee



HB2017 by Miller
SB1833 by Lamar
Medical Occupations - As introduced, prohibits healthcare providers from reporting a patient's medical debt to a consumer reporting agency; prohibits consumer reporting agencies from including on a consumer report a record of a medical debt. - Amends TCA Title 9, Chapter 8; Title 16; Title 18; Title 20; Title 21; Title 27; Title 28; Title 29; Title 45; Title 47; Title 63 and Title 68.

HB2017: Assigned to s/c Banking & Consumer Affairs Subcommittee

SB1833: Failed in Senate Commerce and Labor Committee - no second



HB2076 by Martin B
SB2328 by Yager
Medical Occupations - As enacted, establishes procedures for recoupment of overpayments made to a healthcare provider by certain health insurance entities. - Amends TCA Title 56; Title 63 and Title 68.

HB2076: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 861

SB2328: Effective date(s) 07/01/2024



HB2081 by Alexander
SB1793 by Massey
Medical Occupations - As enacted, allows unlicensed persons who have completed a competency-based training program, and who are employed by certain personal support service agencies licensed under law relative to mental health, substance abuse, and intellectual and developmental disabilities, to administer certain medications to individuals who are incapable of self-administration in the individual's home; prohibits administration of certain medications by unlicensed persons. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 1, Part 9.

HB2081: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 730

SB1793: Effective date(s) 04/19/2024



HB2144 by Martin G
SB2138 by Reeves
Medical Occupations - As introduced, allows the board of pharmacy to license ambulatory surgical treatment centers engaged in the practice of pharmacy. - Amends TCA Title 63 and Title 68.

HB2144: Withdrawn.

SB2138: Withdrawn.



HB2248 by Holsclaw
SB2296 by Crowe
Medical Occupations - As enacted, authorizes the department to contract with a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that maintains a principal office in this state and that is affiliated with a nonprofit membership organization composed of family physicians, family medicine residents, and medical students in this state for the nonprofit organization to administer some or all portions of the family medicine student loan repayment program. - Amends TCA Title 49 and Title 63.

HB2248: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 856

SB2296: Effective date(s) 05/01/2024



HB2273 by Terry
SB1991 by Haile
Medical Occupations - As introduced, clarifies that a person licensed to practice medicine in this state may complete the person's continuing education requirements solely through courses, approved by the board of medical examiners, that are offered online; requires the board to approve, at a minimum, a number of courses each year that allow a person the ability to complete the person's continuing education requirements online. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 33; Title 49; Title 63 and Title 68.

HB2273: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee

SB1991: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Health and Welfare Committee



HB2275 by Marsh
SB2231 by Jackson
Medical Occupations - As introduced, replaces the current requirements to qualify for employment as a surgical technologist with successful completion of a nationally accredited surgical technology program recognized by the Health Facilities Commission. - Amends TCA Title 63 and Title 68.

HB2275: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Health Subcommittee of Health Committee

SB2231: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health and Welfare Committee



HB2308 by Vaughan
SB2297 by Haile
Medical Occupations - As enacted, authorizes only a licensed physician to prescribe a buprenorphine product for an FDA-approved use in recovery or medication-assisted treatment; prohibits healthcare providers not licensed as physicians, and who are otherwise permitted to prescribe Schedule II or III drugs, from prescribing a buprenorphine product for the treatment of opioid use disorder unless the provider meets certain criteria; authorizes the health facilities commission to inspect facilities for compliance; requires the commission to report violations to the appropriate licensing authority. - Amends TCA Title 33; Title 53; Title 63 and Title 68.

HB2308: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 857

SB2297: Effective date(s) 05/01/2024



HB2318 by Williams
SB2136 by Reeves
Medical Occupations - As enacted, makes revisions to the law relative to physician assistants and nurses. - Amends TCA Title 55; Title 63 and Title 68.

HB2318: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1042

SB2136: Effective date(s) 05/28/2024



HB2366 by Carringer
SB1936 by Massey
Medical Occupations - As enacted, makes revisions to law relative to international medical school graduates applying for and utilizing special licenses. - Amends TCA Title 63.

HB2366: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 929

SB1936: Effective date(s) 05/06/2024, 01/01/2025



HB2371 by Terry
SB2398 by Briggs
Medical Occupations - As enacted, increases from 48 hours to two business days the time by which a physician in charge of a patient who dies or a medical examiner must determine the cause of death and complete and sign a medical certification of death. - Amends TCA Title 63 and Title 68, Chapter 3.

HB2371: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 648

SB2398: Effective date(s) 04/04/2024



HB2405 by Freeman
SB2134 by Walley
Medical Occupations - As enacted, enacts the "Social Work Licensure Compact." - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 63 and Title 68.

HB2405: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1041

SB2134: Effective date(s) 07/01/2024



HB2451 by Leatherwood
SB1720 by Hensley
Medical Occupations - As enacted, enacts the "Healthcare Provider Advertising Law." - Amends TCA Title 47; Title 63 and Title 68.

HB2451: Effective date(s) 05/01/2024

SB1720: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 893



HB2458 by Sherrell
SB2295 by Crowe
Medical Occupations - As introduced, establishes a physician assistant student loan repayment grant program to incentivize physician assistants to provide health services in health resource shortage areas. - Amends TCA Title 49 and Title 63.

HB2458: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Health Subcommittee of Health Committee

SB2295: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Education Committee



HB2474 by Raper
SB2283 by Lowe
Medical Occupations - As introduced, authorizes persons certified to operate vehicles as emergency medical responders to be employed as ambulance operators for non-emergency transport services on a part-time basis. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 8; Title 14; Title 58; Title 62; Title 63 and Title 68, Chapter 140, Part 3.

HB2474: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Health Subcommittee of Health Committee

SB2283: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health and Welfare Committee



HB2477 by Raper
SB2282 by Lowe
Medical Occupations - As introduced, requires the department of health to reimburse an applicant's first attempt fee for taking the NREMT examination, a condition for an initial EMT or paramedic license to be issued, so long as the applicant has current or pending employment as an EMT, and has made a formal written request to the department. - Amends TCA Title 68.

HB2477: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee

SB2282: Placed on Senate Finance, Ways, and Means Committee calendar for 4/23/2024



HB2522 by Terry
SB2590 by Taylor
Medical Occupations - As enacted, authorizes the board of osteopathic examination to issue advisory private letter rulings upon request to affected licensees regarding matters within the board's primary jurisdiction; provides that such rulings only affect the licensee making the inquiry and have no precedential value for another inquiry or future contested case that might come before the board. - Amends TCA Title 63.

HB2522: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 651

SB2590: Effective date(s) 04/04/2024



HB2573 by Hicks G
SB2303 by Crowe
Medical Occupations - As introduced, expands the facilities that can qualify for third-party reimbursement from TennCare, a managed care plan, or third-party payor for certain services; expands the persons who can render such reimbursable services to an employed psychologist with a provisional or temporary license, psychology intern, and postdoctoral fellow, rather than just for services rendered by a psychologist with a provisional or temporary license. - Amends TCA Title 33; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71.

HB2573: Assigned to s/c Insurance Subcommittee

SB2303: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health & Welfare Committee



HB2574 by Hicks G
SB2301 by Crowe
Medical Occupations - As introduced, creates a mental health professional loan repayment program to be administered by the department for mental health professionals who agree to provide mental healthcare services for at least three years in a mental health shortage area within this state and who meet certain qualifications. - Amends TCA Title 63 and Title 68.

HB2574: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee

SB2301: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health and Welfare Committee



HB2596 by Rudder
SB2294 by Crowe
Medical Occupations - As introduced, creates an advanced practice registered nurse student loan repayment grant program to incentivize advanced practice registered nurses to provide health services in health resource shortage areas. - Amends TCA Title 49, Chapter 4, Part 7 and Title 63.

HB2596: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Higher Education Subcommittee of Education Administration

SB2294: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Education Committee



HB2622 by Martin G
SB2810 by Reeves
Medical Occupations - As enacted, allows the board of pharmacy to license ambulatory surgical treatment centers if certain criteria are met. - Amends TCA Title 63 and Title 68.

HB2622: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 714

SB2810: Pub. Ch. 714



HB2727 by Faison
SB2135 by Reeves
Medical Occupations - As introduced, establishes the designations of psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner and psychiatric mental health clinical nurse specialist and enumerates the permitted activities for individuals with such designations. - Amends TCA Title 63, Chapter 7.

HB2727: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Health Subcommittee of Health Committee

SB2135: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health and Welfare Committee



HB2759 by Alexander
SB2751 by Crowe
Medical Occupations - As introduced, authorizes the Tennessee emergency medical services board to authorize five additional EMT/AEMT training centers operated by ambulance services licensed in this state if the board makes a specific finding that additional training centers are in the best interest of this state and approves the additional training centers by a two-thirds vote of the entire membership of the board. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 140.

HB2759: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee

SB2751: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health and Welfare Committee



HB2899 by Kumar
SB2922 by Bailey
Medical Occupations - As introduced, requires the department to include in its training curriculum for emergency medical services personnel materials concerning child abuse and neglect. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 63 and Title 68, Chapter 140.

HB2899: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Health Subcommittee of Health Committee

SB2922: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health and Welfare Committee



HB2900 by Kumar
SB2850 by Roberts
Medical Occupations - As enacted, revises the manner in which a state governmental entity and local health department verifies that an applicant 18 or older who applies for a public benefit is a United States citizen or lawfully present in the United States; makes revisions to the law relative to the board of medical examiners granting a full and unrestricted license to practice medicine to certain temporary licensees. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 63; Title 68; and Chapter 211 of the Public Acts of 2023.

HB2900: Effective date(s) 05/03/2024, 07/01/2024

SB2850: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 921



HB2914 by Kumar
SB2803 by Hensley
Medical Occupations - As introduced, changes the requirements for when the board of medical examiners may issue a temporary license of limited duration to an international medical school graduate. - Amends TCA Title 63.

HB2914: Taken off notice for cal. in Health Committee

SB2803: Recommended for passage with amendment/s, refer to Senate Calendar Committee Ayes 9, Nays 0 PNV 0



HB2935 by Faison
SB2747 by Haile
Medical Occupations - As introduced, enacts the ''Medical Ethics Defense Act.'' - Amends TCA Title 33; Title 63 and Title 68.

HB2935: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee

SB2747: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Health and Welfare Committee



HB7040 by Lamberth
Medical Occupations - As introduced, establishes the designation of a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner and enumerates the permitted activities for an individual with such designation. - Amends TCA Title 63, Chapter 7. Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee 8/22/2023
SB0005 by Bowling
HB1378 by Ragan
Medical Occupations - As introduced, enacts the “Youth Health Protection Act.” - Amends TCA Title 8; Title 9; Title 14; Title 33; Title 63 and Title 68.

SB0005: Refer to Senate Judiciary Committee

HB1378: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee



SB0026 by Hensley
HB0003 by Cepicky
Medical Occupations - As introduced, expands the offenses of assault against a first responder or nurse and aggravated assault against a first responder or nurse to apply to assaults committed against all healthcare professionals. - Amends TCA Title 39.

SB0026: Failed in Senate Judiciary Committee

HB0003: Action def. in Criminal Justice Committee to first Enhancement Calendar for 2024



SB0032 by Roberts
HB0198 by Ragan
Medical Occupations - As enacted, extends the board of medical examiners to June 30, 2027. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29 and Title 63, Chapter 6.

SB0032: Effective date(s) 03/31/2023

HB0198: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 71



SB0072 by Watson
HB1195 by Williams
Medical Occupations - As enacted, allows the practice of physical therapy to be under the written or oral referral of a nurse practitioner or physician assistant; removes certain minimum education requirements to engage in the independent practice of physical therapy. - Amends TCA Title 63.

SB0072: Effective date(s) 04/04/2023

HB1195: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 107



SB0187 by Lamar
Medical Occupations - As introduced, enacts the "Maternal and Infant Mortality Prevention Act." - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71, Chapter 5. Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Health and Welfare Committee 1/21/2023
SB0296 by Gardenhire
HB0779 by Helton-Haynes
Medical Occupations - As enacted, requires the board of medical examiners, the board of osteopathic examination, board of nursing, board of physician assistants, and board of alcohol and drug abuse counselors, when such board receives a completed application for licensure from an applicant who is licensed in another state or territory of the United States or in the District of Columbia, to, within 45 days from the date the board receives the completed application, render a decision on the application or inform the applicant of the need to appear before the board. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 63 and Title 68.

SB0296: Effective date(s) 05/17/2023

HB0779: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 443



SB0307 by Taylor
HB0242 by Hale
Medical Occupations - As introduced, requires the individual that signs the death certificate of a decedent, or an agent of the individual, to ask whether the family or other appropriate person wants to make an anatomical gift of the decedent's body or part; prohibits a procurement organization from contacting the family or other appropriate person if the family or other appropriate person refused to make an anatomical gift of the decedent's body or part. - Amends TCA Title 32; Title 63 and Title 68.

SB0307: Action deferred in Senate Health and Welfare Committee to 1/24/2024

HB0242: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Health Subcommittee of Health Committee



SB0392 by Lamar
HB0575 by Hemmer
Medical Occupations - As introduced, requires the board of medical examiners to consider including a course in maternal mental health when establishing continuing medical educational requirements for persons licensed to practice medicine. - Amends TCA Title 63.

SB0392: Failed to pass Senate, Ayes 16, Nays 7, PNV 6

HB0575: Rec. for pass. if am., ref. to Calendar & Rules Committee



SB0402 by Massey
HB0661 by Hicks T
Medical Occupations - As enacted, authorizes licensed physical therapists to issue certified statements of disability in same manner as physicians for a person's application for a disabled registration plate, decal, or placard. - Amends TCA Title 55, Chapter 21.

SB0402: Effective date(s) 03/31/2023

HB0661: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 89



SB0453 by Briggs
HB1146 by Vital
Medical Occupations - As introduced, establishes the scope of practice for anesthesiologist assistants, subject to regulatory oversight by the board of medical examiners as part of such practice. - Amends TCA Title 63 and Title 68.

SB0453: Recommended for passage with amendment/s, refer to Senate Calendar Committee Ayes 7, Nays 2 PNV 0

HB1146: Taken off notice for cal. in Health Committee



SB0455 by Watson
HB0518 by Terry
Medical Occupations - As introduced, requires the University of Tennessee and East Tennessee State University to annually submit a report to the education and health committees of the general assembly that includes the number of students who graduated from the respective institution in the previous year to become practitioners in the fields of primary care medicine or family practice medicine. - Amends TCA Title 49; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71.

SB0455: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Education Committee

HB0518: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.



SB0468 by Rose
HB0334 by Hurt
Medical Occupations - As enacted, removes certain limitations placed on a person trying to meet the educational requirement for licensure as a polysomnographic technologist by presenting proof of successful completion of an accredited sleep technologist educational program (A-STEP) that is accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. - Amends TCA Title 63.

SB0468: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 736

HB0334: Effective date(s) 07/01/2024



SB0523 by Jackson
HB0495 by Martin B
Medical Occupations - As enacted, enacts the "Topical Medical Waste Reduction Act of 2023," which establishes certain regulations of facility-provided medications. - Amends TCA Title 53; Title 63 and Title 68.

SB0523: Effective date(s) 04/13/2023

HB0495: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 150



SB0581 by Pody
HB0652 by Fritts
Medical Occupations - As introduced, reduces from three years to two years, the period a seller must keep on file a signed acknowledgement from a buyer that discloses that the seller is neither a licensed practitioner of the healing arts nor meets the criteria that would allow the seller to provide a diagnosis, treatment, or medical care in order for the sale or provision of information involving a natural health information exchange to not be considered the illegal practice of naturopathy. - Amends TCA Title 63.

SB0581: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Health and Welfare Committee

HB0652: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.



SB0679 by Reeves
HB0803 by Marsh
Medical Occupations - As enacted, expands the types of medication a certified medical assistant may administer and prepare as ordered by an authorized healthcare provider. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Title 68, Chapter 11, Part 2.

SB0679: Effective date(s) 03/31/2023

HB0803: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 94



SB0721 by Massey
HB0498 by Martin B
Medical Occupations - As enacted, exempts a patient receiving an initial behavioral health evaluation via telehealth from the requirement that a patient have an in-person encounter with a healthcare services provider, the healthcare services provider’s practice group, or the healthcare system within 16 months prior to an interactive visit in order to establish a provider-patient relationship for purposes of telehealth; allows a physician assistant who is authorized to prescribe drugs and who provides services solely via telehealth to arrange for chart review by a collaborating physician via HIPAA-compliant electronic means. - Amends TCA Title 56 and Title 63.

SB0721: Effective date(s) 04/24/2023

HB0498: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 201



SB0735 by Briggs
Medical Occupations - As introduced, enacts the "Graduate Physicians Act." - Amends TCA Title 49; Title 63 and Title 68. Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Health and Welfare Committee 2/6/2023
SB0753 by Haile
HB1317 by Kumar
Medical Occupations - As enacted, makes various changes to the board of pharmacy. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29; Title 63, Chapter 1 and Title 63, Chapter 10, Part 3.

SB0753: Effective date(s) 07/01/2023

HB1317: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 457



SB0804 by Jackson
HB0904 by Hicks T
Medical Occupations - As introduced, authorizes the board of examiners in psychology to designate as a health service provider in this state a person who has held a license to practice psychology in another state under certain conditions. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Title 63, Chapter 11.

SB0804: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Health and Welfare Committee

HB0904: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee



SB0937 by Briggs
HB1311 by Kumar
Medical Occupations - As enacted, enacts the "Graduate Physicians Act." - Amends TCA Title 49; Title 63 and Title 68.

SB0937: Effective date(s) 05/17/2023, 01/01/2025

HB1311: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 470



SB0953 by Walley
HB0690 by Martin B
Medical Occupations - As enacted, authorizes the board of examiners in psychology to designate as a health service provider in this state, a person who has held a valid license or certificate to practice psychology in another state under certain conditions. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Title 63, Chapter 11.

SB0953: Effective date(s) 04/17/2023, 01/01/2024

HB0690: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 173



SB1171 by Swann
HB1272 by Cochran
Medical Occupations - As introduced, expands the scope of practice for physician assistants, subject to increased regulatory oversight by the board of physician assistants as part of such expanded practice. - Amends TCA Title 63, Chapter 19, Part 1 and Title 68, Chapter 11.

SB1171: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health and Welfare Committee

HB1272: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee



SB1313 by Bailey
HB0647 by Baum
Medical Occupations - As enacted, makes changes to the law regarding costs of reproduction, copying, or mailing of certain medical records. - Amends TCA Title 47, Chapter 18 and Section 63-2-102.

SB1313: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 737

HB0647: Effective date(s) 07/01/2024



SB1314 by Bailey
HB1419 by Butler
Medical Occupations - As introduced, prohibits a healthcare prescriber from issuing a prescription for a dual-purpose prescription medication for diabetes to a person in this state if the person does not have a diagnosis of diabetes; defines a dual-purpose prescription medication for diabetes as a prescription drug that has a listed indication for diabetes and may also be used for purposes of weight loss in persons who do not have a diagnosis of diabetes. - Amends TCA Title 53; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71.

SB1314: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Commerce and Labor Committee

HB1419: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee



SB1428 by Roberts
HB0925 by Martin B
Medical Occupations - As introduced, requires a person who is licensed to practice a healing art; who was an officer in the commissioned medical corps of the army, the navy, the air force or the public health service of the United States; and who was subsequently discharged, instead of honorably discharged, to register with the appropriate board licensing that profession. - Amends TCA Title 63.

SB1428: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health and Welfare Committee

HB0925: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.



SB1451 by Roberts
HB1312 by Kumar
Medical Occupations - As enacted, revises the law relative to the board of medical examiners issuing a temporary license of limited duration to certain international medical school graduates. - Amends TCA Title 63.

SB1451: Effective date(s) 04/24/2023, 07/01/2024

HB1312: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 211



SB1575 by Roberts
Medical Occupations - As introduced, as an alternative for an applicant for a health-related professional license or certificate having to show United States citizenship or authorization to work in the United States as verified by the SAVE program, allows the applicant to show proof of application for a valid visa that would authorize the applicant to lawfully work in the United States; requires the board of medical examiners to grant a full and unrestricted license to practice medicine to certain temporary licensees who are in good standing two years after the temporary licensee begins practicing medicine at a healthcare provider in this state as a temporary licensee, rather than two years after the date of initial licensure. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 63 and Title 68. Withdrawn. 1/3/2024
SB1616 by Roberts
HB1759 by Ragan
Medical Occupations - As enacted, extends the medical advisory committee to June 30, 2029. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29 and Title 50, Chapter 6.

SB1616: Effective date(s) 02/21/2024

HB1759: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 498



SB1720 by Hensley
HB2451 by Leatherwood
Medical Occupations - As enacted, enacts the "Healthcare Provider Advertising Law." - Amends TCA Title 47; Title 63 and Title 68.

SB1720: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 893

HB2451: Effective date(s) 05/01/2024



SB1727 by Jackson
HB1862 by Faison
Medical Occupations - As enacted, enacts the "Physician Assistant (PA) Licensure Compact." - Amends TCA Title 63 and Title 68.

SB1727: Effective date(s) 05/28/2024, 01/01/2025

HB1862: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1018



SB1746 by Campbell
HB2014 by Whitson
Medical Occupations - As introduced, enacts the "Tennessee Voluntary Do Not Sell Firearms Act," which permits a person to voluntarily waive their firearm rights through filing a waiver with the clerk of the circuit court in the county of the person's residence or with their healthcare provider; specifies procedures the clerk, healthcare provider, TBI, and department of health must follow upon receipt of a waiver. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 3; Section 10-7-504 and Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13.

SB1746: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Judiciary Committee

HB2014: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Civil Justice Subcommittee of Civil Justice Committee



SB1774 by Briggs
HB2015 by Whitson
Medical Occupations - As introduced, requires the medical services board to promulgate rules to authorize medics who have completed an army, navy, or air force training program to be licensed as AEMTs upon completion of the National Registry Exam for Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians without taking an AEMT educational program. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 140, Part 3.

SB1774: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Health and Welfare Committee

HB2015: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee



SB1793 by Massey
HB2081 by Alexander
Medical Occupations - As enacted, allows unlicensed persons who have completed a competency-based training program, and who are employed by certain personal support service agencies licensed under law relative to mental health, substance abuse, and intellectual and developmental disabilities, to administer certain medications to individuals who are incapable of self-administration in the individual's home; prohibits administration of certain medications by unlicensed persons. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 1, Part 9.

SB1793: Effective date(s) 04/19/2024

HB2081: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 730



SB1833 by Lamar
HB2017 by Miller
Medical Occupations - As introduced, prohibits healthcare providers from reporting a patient's medical debt to a consumer reporting agency; prohibits consumer reporting agencies from including on a consumer report a record of a medical debt. - Amends TCA Title 9, Chapter 8; Title 16; Title 18; Title 20; Title 21; Title 27; Title 28; Title 29; Title 45; Title 47; Title 63 and Title 68.

SB1833: Failed in Senate Commerce and Labor Committee - no second

HB2017: Assigned to s/c Banking & Consumer Affairs Subcommittee



SB1862 by Haile
HB1863 by Faison
Medical Occupations - As enacted, enacts the "Dietitian Licensure Compact." - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 63 and Title 68.

SB1862: Effective date(s) 05/28/2024, 01/01/2026

HB1863: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1025



SB1936 by Massey
HB2366 by Carringer
Medical Occupations - As enacted, makes revisions to law relative to international medical school graduates applying for and utilizing special licenses. - Amends TCA Title 63.

SB1936: Effective date(s) 05/06/2024, 01/01/2025

HB2366: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 929



SB1991 by Haile
HB2273 by Terry
Medical Occupations - As introduced, clarifies that a person licensed to practice medicine in this state may complete the person's continuing education requirements solely through courses, approved by the board of medical examiners, that are offered online; requires the board to approve, at a minimum, a number of courses each year that allow a person the ability to complete the person's continuing education requirements online. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 33; Title 49; Title 63 and Title 68.

SB1991: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Health and Welfare Committee

HB2273: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee



SB2079 by Johnson
HB1682 by Lamberth
Medical Occupations - As enacted, makes changes to the law relative to emergency involuntary admission to inpatient treatment and judicial commitment for nonemergency involuntary inpatient treatment. - Amends TCA Section 33-6-503 and Section 33-6-421.

SB2079: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 785

HB1682: Effective date(s) 07/01/2024



SB2134 by Walley
HB2405 by Freeman
Medical Occupations - As enacted, enacts the "Social Work Licensure Compact." - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 63 and Title 68.

SB2134: Effective date(s) 07/01/2024

HB2405: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1041



SB2135 by Reeves
HB2727 by Faison
Medical Occupations - As introduced, establishes the designations of psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner and psychiatric mental health clinical nurse specialist and enumerates the permitted activities for individuals with such designations. - Amends TCA Title 63, Chapter 7.

SB2135: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health and Welfare Committee

HB2727: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Health Subcommittee of Health Committee



SB2136 by Reeves
HB2318 by Williams
Medical Occupations - As enacted, makes revisions to the law relative to physician assistants and nurses. - Amends TCA Title 55; Title 63 and Title 68.

SB2136: Effective date(s) 05/28/2024

HB2318: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1042



SB2138 by Reeves
HB2144 by Martin G
Medical Occupations - As introduced, allows the board of pharmacy to license ambulatory surgical treatment centers engaged in the practice of pharmacy. - Amends TCA Title 63 and Title 68.

SB2138: Withdrawn.

HB2144: Withdrawn.



SB2171 by Hensley
HB1839 by Parkinson
Medical Occupations - As introduced, enacts the "Mental Health Preceptor Tax Incentive Program." - Amends TCA Title 67.

SB2171: Placed on Senate Finance, Ways, and Means Committee calendar for 4/23/2024

HB1839: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee



SB2231 by Jackson
HB2275 by Marsh
Medical Occupations - As introduced, replaces the current requirements to qualify for employment as a surgical technologist with successful completion of a nationally accredited surgical technology program recognized by the Health Facilities Commission. - Amends TCA Title 63 and Title 68.

SB2231: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health and Welfare Committee

HB2275: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Health Subcommittee of Health Committee



SB2282 by Lowe
HB2477 by Raper
Medical Occupations - As introduced, requires the department of health to reimburse an applicant's first attempt fee for taking the NREMT examination, a condition for an initial EMT or paramedic license to be issued, so long as the applicant has current or pending employment as an EMT, and has made a formal written request to the department. - Amends TCA Title 68.

SB2282: Placed on Senate Finance, Ways, and Means Committee calendar for 4/23/2024

HB2477: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee



SB2283 by Lowe
HB2474 by Raper
Medical Occupations - As introduced, authorizes persons certified to operate vehicles as emergency medical responders to be employed as ambulance operators for non-emergency transport services on a part-time basis. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 8; Title 14; Title 58; Title 62; Title 63 and Title 68, Chapter 140, Part 3.

SB2283: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health and Welfare Committee

HB2474: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Health Subcommittee of Health Committee



SB2294 by Crowe
HB2596 by Rudder
Medical Occupations - As introduced, creates an advanced practice registered nurse student loan repayment grant program to incentivize advanced practice registered nurses to provide health services in health resource shortage areas. - Amends TCA Title 49, Chapter 4, Part 7 and Title 63.

SB2294: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Education Committee

HB2596: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Higher Education Subcommittee of Education Administration



SB2295 by Crowe
HB2458 by Sherrell
Medical Occupations - As introduced, establishes a physician assistant student loan repayment grant program to incentivize physician assistants to provide health services in health resource shortage areas. - Amends TCA Title 49 and Title 63.

SB2295: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Education Committee

HB2458: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Health Subcommittee of Health Committee



SB2296 by Crowe
HB2248 by Holsclaw
Medical Occupations - As enacted, authorizes the department to contract with a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that maintains a principal office in this state and that is affiliated with a nonprofit membership organization composed of family physicians, family medicine residents, and medical students in this state for the nonprofit organization to administer some or all portions of the family medicine student loan repayment program. - Amends TCA Title 49 and Title 63.

SB2296: Effective date(s) 05/01/2024

HB2248: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 856



SB2297 by Haile
HB2308 by Vaughan
Medical Occupations - As enacted, authorizes only a licensed physician to prescribe a buprenorphine product for an FDA-approved use in recovery or medication-assisted treatment; prohibits healthcare providers not licensed as physicians, and who are otherwise permitted to prescribe Schedule II or III drugs, from prescribing a buprenorphine product for the treatment of opioid use disorder unless the provider meets certain criteria; authorizes the health facilities commission to inspect facilities for compliance; requires the commission to report violations to the appropriate licensing authority. - Amends TCA Title 33; Title 53; Title 63 and Title 68.

SB2297: Effective date(s) 05/01/2024

HB2308: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 857



SB2301 by Crowe
HB2574 by Hicks G
Medical Occupations - As introduced, creates a mental health professional loan repayment program to be administered by the department for mental health professionals who agree to provide mental healthcare services for at least three years in a mental health shortage area within this state and who meet certain qualifications. - Amends TCA Title 63 and Title 68.

SB2301: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health and Welfare Committee

HB2574: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee



SB2303 by Crowe
HB2573 by Hicks G
Medical Occupations - As introduced, expands the facilities that can qualify for third-party reimbursement from TennCare, a managed care plan, or third-party payor for certain services; expands the persons who can render such reimbursable services to an employed psychologist with a provisional or temporary license, psychology intern, and postdoctoral fellow, rather than just for services rendered by a psychologist with a provisional or temporary license. - Amends TCA Title 33; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71.

SB2303: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health & Welfare Committee

HB2573: Assigned to s/c Insurance Subcommittee



SB2328 by Yager
HB2076 by Martin B
Medical Occupations - As enacted, establishes procedures for recoupment of overpayments made to a healthcare provider by certain health insurance entities. - Amends TCA Title 56; Title 63 and Title 68.

SB2328: Effective date(s) 07/01/2024

HB2076: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 861



SB2363 by Watson
HB1877 by Freeman
Medical Occupations - As enacted, requires hospitals and physicians to accept electronic insurance cards as valid proof of an insurance policy, plan, or contract. - Amends TCA Title 8; Title 56; Title 63 and Title 71.

SB2363: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 789

HB1877: Effective date(s) 01/01/2026



SB2398 by Briggs
HB2371 by Terry
Medical Occupations - As enacted, increases from 48 hours to two business days the time by which a physician in charge of a patient who dies or a medical examiner must determine the cause of death and complete and sign a medical certification of death. - Amends TCA Title 63 and Title 68, Chapter 3.

SB2398: Effective date(s) 04/04/2024

HB2371: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 648



SB2590 by Taylor
HB2522 by Terry
Medical Occupations - As enacted, authorizes the board of osteopathic examination to issue advisory private letter rulings upon request to affected licensees regarding matters within the board's primary jurisdiction; provides that such rulings only affect the licensee making the inquiry and have no precedential value for another inquiry or future contested case that might come before the board. - Amends TCA Title 63.

SB2590: Effective date(s) 04/04/2024

HB2522: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 651



SB2747 by Haile
HB2935 by Faison
Medical Occupations - As introduced, enacts the ''Medical Ethics Defense Act.'' - Amends TCA Title 33; Title 63 and Title 68.

SB2747: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Health and Welfare Committee

HB2935: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee



SB2751 by Crowe
HB2759 by Alexander
Medical Occupations - As introduced, authorizes the Tennessee emergency medical services board to authorize five additional EMT/AEMT training centers operated by ambulance services licensed in this state if the board makes a specific finding that additional training centers are in the best interest of this state and approves the additional training centers by a two-thirds vote of the entire membership of the board. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 140.

SB2751: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health and Welfare Committee

HB2759: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee



SB2803 by Hensley
HB2914 by Kumar
Medical Occupations - As introduced, changes the requirements for when the board of medical examiners may issue a temporary license of limited duration to an international medical school graduate. - Amends TCA Title 63.

SB2803: Recommended for passage with amendment/s, refer to Senate Calendar Committee Ayes 9, Nays 0 PNV 0

HB2914: Taken off notice for cal. in Health Committee



SB2810 by Reeves
HB2622 by Martin G
Medical Occupations - As enacted, allows the board of pharmacy to license ambulatory surgical treatment centers if certain criteria are met. - Amends TCA Title 63 and Title 68.

SB2810: Pub. Ch. 714

HB2622: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 714



SB2850 by Roberts
HB2900 by Kumar
Medical Occupations - As enacted, revises the manner in which a state governmental entity and local health department verifies that an applicant 18 or older who applies for a public benefit is a United States citizen or lawfully present in the United States; makes revisions to the law relative to the board of medical examiners granting a full and unrestricted license to practice medicine to certain temporary licensees. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 63; Title 68; and Chapter 211 of the Public Acts of 2023.

SB2850: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 921

HB2900: Effective date(s) 05/03/2024, 07/01/2024



SB2922 by Bailey
HB2899 by Kumar
Medical Occupations - As introduced, requires the department to include in its training curriculum for emergency medical services personnel materials concerning child abuse and neglect. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 63 and Title 68, Chapter 140.

SB2922: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Health and Welfare Committee

HB2899: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Health Subcommittee of Health Committee

