Legislation by Subject Topic
for the 113th General Assembly 2023-2024

Legislation filed under: Municipal Government

The primary subject of a bill in this list may be different from the subject listed above.
In those cases, the bill was filed using Municipal Government as a secondary subject.

Bill Number Composite Abstract Last Action Date
HB0028 by Lamberth
SB0075 by Watson
Municipal Government - As introduced, deletes requirement that municipalities adopt a comprehensive growth plan and have an approved urban growth boundary prior to annexing unincorporated territory. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 10; Title 6; Title 7; Title 13; Title 49 and Title 65, Chapter 4.

HB0028: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee

SB0075: Action deferred in Senate State and Local Government Committee to first calendar of 2024



HB0048 by Lamberth
SB0087 by Watson
Municipal Government - As enacted, caps at 20 the number of members that may be elected to the governing body of a metropolitan or municipal government. - Amends TCA Title 2; Title 5; Title 6 and Title 7.

HB0048: Effective date(s) 03/09/2023

SB0087: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 21



HB0090 by Moody
SB0600 by Hensley
Municipal Government - As enacted, prohibits local governments from expending funds for the purposes of assisting a person in obtaining a criminal abortion. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6; Title 7 and Title 8.

HB0090: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 168

SB0600: Effective date(s) 04/17/2023



HB0105 by Thompson
Municipal Government - As introduced, increases from $10 to $250 per year the limit on the fee that an agency or department of local government that is responsible for enforcing building codes in the jurisdiction where the landlord's dwelling units are located may charge the landlord for registering with the agency or government; increases from $50 to $100 per week the fine that a landlord who fails to register is to be assessed. - Amends TCA Title 66, Chapter 28. Withdrawn. 1/30/2023
HB0118 by Richey
SB0580 by Pody
Municipal Government - As introduced, establishes a referendum process by which the electorate of a local government in this state may vote to establish 16-year term limits for the public officials of the local government. - Amends TCA Title 2; Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7 and Title 8.

HB0118: Failed in s/c Elections & Campaign Finance Subcommittee of Local Government Committee

SB0580: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB0157 by Baum
SB1310 by Bailey
Municipal Government - As introduced, eliminates the business tax for tax periods that begin on or after January 1, 2024. - Amends TCA Section 7-52-606; Section 38-1-201; Section 39-17-1806; Section 50-6-904; Section 58-2-205; Section 58-2-204; Section 62-44-102 and Title 67.

HB0157: Assigned to s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee

SB1310: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Finance, Ways & Means Committee



HB0284 by Whitson
SB0379 by Briggs
Municipal Government - As enacted, standardizes the thresholds for competitive sealed bids for counties, municipalities, utility districts, local education agencies, and other local governmental entities. - Amends TCA Title 5, Chapter 14; Title 6, Chapter 56, Part 3; Title 12, Chapter 3, Part 12; Title 49, Chapter 13; Title 49, Chapter 2, Part 2 and Title 54.

HB0284: Effective date(s) 03/01/2024

SB0379: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 513



HB0335 by Bulso
SB0424 by Johnson
Municipal Government - As enacted, authorizes the board of commissioners of a city chartered under the city manager-commission general law charter to call for a special election to fill a vacancy on the board. - Amends TCA Section 6-20-110.

HB0335: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 163

SB0424: Effective date(s) 04/17/2023



HB0336 by Bulso
SB0423 by Johnson
Municipal Government - As enacted, increases the threshold, from $10,000 to $25,000, above which sealed bids are required by a city chartered under the city manager-commission general law charter; increases the threshold, from $10,000 to $25,000, below which the board of commissioners in such city may delegate the approval of contracts to the city manager. - Amends TCA Section 6-19-104.

HB0336: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 54

SB0423: Effective date(s) 03/21/2023



HB0389 by Wright
SB0294 by Briggs
Municipal Government - As introduced, authorizes a member of a local government's legislative body to participate in a scheduled meeting by electronic means if the member is dealing with a family or medical emergency, has been called into military service, or is unable to attend in person due to inclement weather. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6; Title 7 and Title 8, Chapter 44.

HB0389: Failed in Local Government Committee

SB0294: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB0410 by Johnson C
SB0505 by Powers
Municipal Government - As enacted, authorizes the legislative body of a municipality to establish the fine for speeding within a residential zone within its jurisdictional boundaries at $200. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6; Title 7 and Title 55, Chapter 8.

HB0410: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 119

SB0505: Effective date(s) 07/01/2023



HB0443 by Shaw
SB0206 by Rose
Municipal Government - As introduced, deletes an obsolete provision that temporarily prohibited a municipality from annexing territory by ordinance and required a review and evaluation of annexation laws. - Amends TCA Title 6 and Title 64.

HB0443: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.

SB0206: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB0561 by Todd
SB1512 by Southerland
Municipal Government - As introduced, specifies that municipal elections can be partisan or nonpartisan. - Amends TCA Title 2.

HB0561: Failed in s/c Elections & Campaign Finance Subcommittee of Local Government Committee

SB1512: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB0699 by Glynn
SB0959 by Lamar
Municipal Government - As introduced, prohibits a person in Montgomery, Williamson, Rutherford, Hamilton, Knox, Davidson, or Shelby County from holding office as a county commissioner and as a city council member of a municipality located in whole or in part within such respective county or that shares a coterminous or contiguous boundary with such respective county. - Amends TCA Title 5, Chapter 5 and Title 6.

HB0699: Taken off notice for cal. in Local Government Committee

SB0959: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB0711 by Cepicky
SB0662 by Hensley
Municipal Government - As introduced, requires, rather than allows, county legislative bodies to release taxpayers from double taxes if they have been incurred and correct errors in the tax list. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6 and Title 67.

HB0711: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.

SB0662: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB0789 by Richey
SB0767 by Lowe
Municipal Government - As introduced, increases, over a five-year period, from 4.6030 percent to 5.0909 percent, the share of state sales and use tax revenue appropriated to municipalities; reduces, over a five-year period, from 29.0141 percent to 28.5262 percent, the share of state sales and use tax revenue deposited to the state general fund. - Amends TCA Section 67-6-103.

HB0789: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee

SB0767: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate FW&M Revenue Subcommittee



HB0816 by Davis
SB1454 by Niceley
Municipal Government - As introduced, authorizes a county election commission to designate a polling place outside of the precinct it is to serve for certain municipal elections only if the polling place serves not more than 50 registered voters of the municipality. - Amends TCA Section 2-3-101.

HB0816: Assigned to s/c Elections & Campaign Finance Subcommittee

SB1454: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB0903 by Grills
SB0779 by Stevens
Municipal Government - As enacted, authorizes a municipality to add the cost of remedying a condition on real property that endangers the health, safety, and welfare of other citizens to the property tax notice of the owner of the real property, if the owner fails or refuses to remedy the condition in a specified time period. - Amends TCA Title 6, Chapter 33 and Title 6, Chapter 54.

HB0903: Effective date(s) 04/28/2023

SB0779: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 314



HB0938 by Alexander
SB0851 by Watson
Municipal Government - As enacted, allows owners of real property used primarily for agricultural purposes who reside in a territory previously annexed by ordinance upon the initiative of the municipality to petition the municipality to deannex such property, if certain conditions are present. - Amends TCA Title 6, Chapter 51.

HB0938: Effective date(s) 07/01/2023

SB0851: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 398



HB0980 by Terry
SB0685 by Reeves
Municipal Government - As introduced, permits municipalities that operate a residential solid waste collection service to create a solid waste authority. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 211.

HB0980: Taken off notice for cal. in Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee

SB0685: Re-refer to S. Cal Comm



HB1064 by Vaughan
SB0634 by Watson
Municipal Government - As introduced, increases from three to four the number of copies of a plan of services that a municipality must provide for public inspection in connection with a proposed annexation. - Amends TCA Title 6 and Title 68, Chapter 221.

HB1064: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.

SB0634: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB1079 by Shaw
SB0784 by Walley
Municipal Government - As introduced, extends indefinitely the time frame, by deleting the June 30, 2028, termination date, that a municipality that continues to receive an allocation of state sales tax revenue pursuant to the now-repealed Courthouse Square Revitalization Pilot Project Act of 2005, will continue to receive the allocation of the revenue. - Amends TCA Title 6 and Title 67, Chapter 6.

HB1079: Taken off notice for cal. in Finance, Ways, and Means Committee

SB0784: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB1187 by Garrett
SB0462 by Briggs
Municipal Government - As introduced, reduces, from 29.0141 percent to 28.5262 percent, the share of state sales and use tax revenue deposited to the state general fund; increases, from 4.6030 percent to 5.0909 percent, the share appropriated to municipalities. - Amends TCA Section 67-6-103.

HB1187: Returned to the Clerk's Desk.

SB0462: Placed on Senate Finance, Ways, and Means Committee calendar for 4/20/2023



HB1287 by Zachary
Municipal Government - As introduced, reduces from three-fourths to two-thirds the number of qualified voters who are required to approve the contraction of municipal boundaries in an election on the question. - Amends TCA Title 6, Chapter 51. Assigned to s/c Property & Planning Subcommittee 2/7/2023
HB1399 by Zachary
SB1527 by Taylor
Municipal Government - As introduced, requires a county election commission to publish notice of the procedure for voting by absentee ballot in a runoff election in a municipality either on the commission's website or in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality for at least five business days prior to the runoff election. - Amends TCA Title 2, Chapter 3; Title 5, Chapter 1, Part 2 and Title 7.

HB1399: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Elections & Campaign Finance Subcommittee of Local Government Committee

SB1527: Action deferred in Senate State and Local Government Committee to first calendar of 2024



HB1458 by Campbell S
SB1130 by Jackson
Municipal Government - As introduced, creates a program for municipal finance officers that provides a $1,000 stipend to each municipal finance officer who becomes certified and is employed as a certified municipal finance officer for three years; creates an endowment fund to provide the stipends; schedules the stipends and the fund to cease in 2043. - Amends TCA Title 6, Chapter 56, Part 4 and Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 2.

HB1458: Assigned to s/c Cities & Counties Subcommittee

SB1130: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB1478 by Hulsey
SB1039 by Lundberg
Municipal Government - As introduced, extends the period after a failed referendum on the repeal of a city charter during which no other referendum on that question may be held, from 12 months after the election to 24 months after the election. - Amends TCA Title 6 and Title 7.

HB1478: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.

SB1039: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB1525 by Carringer
SB1380 by Southerland
Municipal Government - As introduced, increases, from three to four consecutive weeks, the amount of time that notice of a public hearing to determine whether a central business improvement district will be established must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 9; Title 13; Title 65; Title 67; Title 68 and Title 69.

HB1525: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.

SB1380: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB1526 by Kumar
SB1433 by Roberts
Municipal Government - As introduced, transfers the duty to issue and renew business licenses from the county clerks and city officials to the department of revenue. - Amends TCA Title 8, Chapter 21, Part 7; Section 50-6-904 and Title 67, Chapter 4, Part 7.

HB1526: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Business & Utilities Subcommittee of Commerce Committee

SB1433: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State & Local Government Committee



HB1688 by Lamberth
SB2087 by Johnson
Municipal Government - As enacted, deletes the provision authorizing a municipality or county to pass an ordinance or resolution permitting a person charged with violating certain traffic ordinances or statutes to deposit the person's driver license with the court in lieu of bail. - Amends TCA Title 55, Chapter 50, Part 8.

HB1688: Effective date(s) 03/07/2024

SB2087: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 530



HB1790 by Martin B
SB1744 by Rose
Municipal Government - As enacted, modifies the course work required to receive a certified municipal finance officer (CMFO) designation; requires examinations, including test questions, administered by MTAS and CTAS to be designated as a municipal or county finance officer, respectively, to be confidential. - Amends TCA Title 6, Chapter 56, Part 4 and Title 10, Chapter 7, Part 5.

HB1790: Effective date(s) 03/07/2024

SB1744: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 539



HB1850 by Reedy
SB1761 by Niceley
Municipal Government - As introduced, prohibits counties and municipalities from adopting and enforcing regulations to prohibit gardening and raising limited numbers of chickens or rabbits at single-family residences. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 13 and Title 43.

HB1850: Def. to Summer Study in Local Government Committee

SB1761: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB1967 by Miller
SB2162 by Yarbro
Municipal Government - As enacted, authorizes the governing body of an incorporated city or town to approve a project or request of its board of waterworks and/or sewerage commissioners by passage of a proper ordinance or resolution. - Amends TCA Title 7, Chapter 35.

HB1967: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 692

SB2162: Pub. Ch. 692



HB1983 by Fritts
SB2131 by Lowe
Municipal Government - As introduced, prohibits a municipality, or an instrumentality of a municipality, from taking any action that affects or has the potential to affect the tax obligations, fees, or other costs for real property owners whose property is located outside a municipality's corporate boundary, unless the action is approved by the county legislative body in which such property is located. - Amends TCA Title 5 and Title 6.

HB1983: Assigned to s/c Property & Planning Subcommittee

SB2131: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB2071 by Williams
SB2895 by Bailey
Municipal Government - As introduced, specifies circumstances in which a referendum will not be required to effectuate annexation of territory; removes repealer provision for exceptions to the referendum requirement. - Amends TCA Section 6-51-104.

HB2071: Failed in Local Government Committee

SB2895: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State & Local Government Committee



HB2205 by Barrett
SB2054 by Jackson
Municipal Government - As introduced, establishes that the district attorney general shall only prosecute cases in municipal court where the municipality provides sufficient additional prosecutorial personnel for the district attorney general; empowers the district attorney general with sole and exclusive discretion in determining the necessity and sufficiency of the additional prosecutorial personnel; specifies the particular resources the district attorney general has absolute discretion to use in the performance of their duties and responsibilities. - Amends TCA Title 8, Chapter 7.

HB2205: Received from House, Passed on First Consideration

SB2054: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Finance, Ways, and Means Committee



HB2312 by Baum
SB2172 by Hensley
Municipal Government - As enacted, authorizes municipal tax collectors and taxing entities to also accept partial payments of delinquent property taxes in the same manner as county trustees; requires such officials to include in their plan for accepting partial payments a description of the accounting system technology or manual processes to be used to record partial payments of delinquent property taxes and a statement indicating that funds received as partial payments on delinquent property taxes will reduce the amount of delinquent property tax, interest, statutory fees, and court costs, by relative amounts on a pro-rata basis. - Amends TCA Section 67-5-2001.

HB2312: Effective date(s) 05/03/2024, 01/01/2026

SB2172: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 913



HB2423 by Shaw
SB2237 by Yarbro
Municipal Government - As introduced, entitles each county and municipality that adopts certain zoning reform strategies that support housing development to receive from the department of revenue up to 20 percent of the revenue collected from the recordation tax based on transactions in the respective jurisdiction. - Amends TCA Title 13, Chapter 7 and Title 67.

HB2423: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Property & Planning Subcommittee of Local Government Committee

SB2237: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB2425 by Hicks T
SB2422 by Crowe
Municipal Government - As enacted, requires notices relating to annexation or municipal zoning to be published, posted, or mailed 21 days, rather than 15 days, prior to the public hearing on the annexation or zoning; requires the annexing municipality to provide notice of annexation to property owners whose property is within 200 feet of the territory being annexed; requires signs that inform viewers of the proposed annexation to be posted in and around the area being annexed. - Amends TCA Title 6, Chapter 51, Part 1 and Title 13, Chapter 7.

HB2425: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 701

SB2422: Effective date(s) 07/01/2024



HB2541 by Marsh
SB2424 by Walley
Municipal Government - As enacted, authorizes counties and municipalities to enter into energy siting agreements. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 13, Chapter 3; Title 13, Chapter 4 and Title 13, Chapter 7.

HB2541: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 814

SB2424: Effective date(s) 06/01/2024



HB2543 by Moody
SB2480 by Rose
Municipal Government - As introduced, prohibits an ambulance service that has exclusive rights to provide emergency services within a county, municipality, or geographic area from charging rates that are unreasonable, excessive, or based on rates charged by entities that classify individuals as in-network or out-of-network for services provided for calls received by an emergency dispatch center operated by such county, municipality, or geographical area that has given the exclusive rights to the ambulance service. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 7; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71.

HB2543: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Insurance Subcommittee of Insurance Committee

SB2480: Withdrawn.



HB2581 by Russell
SB2417 by Swann
Municipal Government - As introduced, requires, in counties with a population of 60,000 or less, payment in lieu of tax agreements to be approved by a majority vote of the city or county legislative body of each affected taxing jurisdiction before an industrial development corporation, housing authority, or health, educational, and housing facility corporation negotiates the agreement. - Amends TCA Title 7, Chapter 53; Title 13, Chapter 20 and Title 48.

HB2581: Assigned to s/c Property & Planning Subcommittee

SB2417: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB2623 by Carr
SB2496 by Gardenhire
Municipal Government - As enacted, authorizes the chief legislative body of a municipality to create a voluntary attainable housing incentive program by ordinance for the purpose of authorizing certain incentives to be provided to property owners who seek to build attainable housing. - Amends TCA Title 13 and Title 66.

HB2623: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1051

SB2496: Effective date(s) 07/01/2024



HB2770 by Lafferty
SB2609 by Niceley
Municipal Government - As introduced, requires municipalities statewide to adopt an ordinance to align their municipal elections with the August or November general election beginning in 2026. - Amends TCA Title 2; Title 6 and Title 7.

HB2770: Failed in s/c Elections & Campaign Finance Subcommittee of Local Government Committee

SB2609: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee



HB2829 by Camper
SB2446 by Akbari
Municipal Government - As introduced, authorizes a local government to require a private employer to pay an hourly wage in excess of the minimum hourly wage set by state or federal law. - Amends TCA Title 12 and Title 50, Chapter 2.

HB2829: Assigned to s/c Banking & Consumer Affairs Subcommittee

SB2446: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Commerce and Labor Committee



HB2937 by Johnson C
SB2928 by Powers
Municipal Government - As enacted, generally prohibits, in Montgomery, Williamson, Rutherford, Hamilton, Knox, Davidson, and Shelby counties, a member of a county governing body from simultaneously serving as a member of the governing body of a municipality within the county for whom the member is a commissioner during the member's term of office, and vice versa, if such prohibition is passed by a two-thirds vote of the entire county or municipal governing body; authorizes a member simultaneously serving on April 22, 2024, to serve out the remainder of the member's terms of office. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6 and Title 7.

HB2937: Effective date(s) 04/22/2024

SB2928: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 763



HB7013 by Lamberth
SB7086 by Johnson
Municipal Government - As enacted, changes from 30 days to 72 hours the time frame within which a clerk of the circuit or general sessions court must notify the TBI of the final disposition of criminal proceedings against a person after final disposition of such proceedings; requires the clerk to notify the TBI of the final disposition of such proceedings by electronic submission; requires the clerk of the municipal court, when exercising concurrent general sessions court jurisdiction, to notify the TBI by electronic submission of the final disposition of such proceedings against a person no later than 72 hours after final disposition of such proceedings. - Amends TCA Title 16, Chapter 18 and Title 18, Chapter 4.

HB7013: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 2

SB7086: Effective date(s) 09/08/2023



SB0075 by Watson
HB0028 by Lamberth
Municipal Government - As introduced, deletes requirement that municipalities adopt a comprehensive growth plan and have an approved urban growth boundary prior to annexing unincorporated territory. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 10; Title 6; Title 7; Title 13; Title 49 and Title 65, Chapter 4.

SB0075: Action deferred in Senate State and Local Government Committee to first calendar of 2024

HB0028: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee



SB0087 by Watson
HB0048 by Lamberth
Municipal Government - As enacted, caps at 20 the number of members that may be elected to the governing body of a metropolitan or municipal government. - Amends TCA Title 2; Title 5; Title 6 and Title 7.

SB0087: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 21

HB0048: Effective date(s) 03/09/2023



SB0206 by Rose
HB0443 by Shaw
Municipal Government - As introduced, deletes an obsolete provision that temporarily prohibited a municipality from annexing territory by ordinance and required a review and evaluation of annexation laws. - Amends TCA Title 6 and Title 64.

SB0206: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB0443: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.



SB0294 by Briggs
HB0389 by Wright
Municipal Government - As introduced, authorizes a member of a local government's legislative body to participate in a scheduled meeting by electronic means if the member is dealing with a family or medical emergency, has been called into military service, or is unable to attend in person due to inclement weather. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6; Title 7 and Title 8, Chapter 44.

SB0294: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB0389: Failed in Local Government Committee



SB0379 by Briggs
HB0284 by Whitson
Municipal Government - As enacted, standardizes the thresholds for competitive sealed bids for counties, municipalities, utility districts, local education agencies, and other local governmental entities. - Amends TCA Title 5, Chapter 14; Title 6, Chapter 56, Part 3; Title 12, Chapter 3, Part 12; Title 49, Chapter 13; Title 49, Chapter 2, Part 2 and Title 54.

SB0379: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 513

HB0284: Effective date(s) 03/01/2024



SB0423 by Johnson
HB0336 by Bulso
Municipal Government - As enacted, increases the threshold, from $10,000 to $25,000, above which sealed bids are required by a city chartered under the city manager-commission general law charter; increases the threshold, from $10,000 to $25,000, below which the board of commissioners in such city may delegate the approval of contracts to the city manager. - Amends TCA Section 6-19-104.

SB0423: Effective date(s) 03/21/2023

HB0336: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 54



SB0424 by Johnson
HB0335 by Bulso
Municipal Government - As enacted, authorizes the board of commissioners of a city chartered under the city manager-commission general law charter to call for a special election to fill a vacancy on the board. - Amends TCA Section 6-20-110.

SB0424: Effective date(s) 04/17/2023

HB0335: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 163



SB0462 by Briggs
HB1187 by Garrett
Municipal Government - As introduced, reduces, from 29.0141 percent to 28.5262 percent, the share of state sales and use tax revenue deposited to the state general fund; increases, from 4.6030 percent to 5.0909 percent, the share appropriated to municipalities. - Amends TCA Section 67-6-103.

SB0462: Placed on Senate Finance, Ways, and Means Committee calendar for 4/20/2023

HB1187: Returned to the Clerk's Desk.



SB0505 by Powers
HB0410 by Johnson C
Municipal Government - As enacted, authorizes the legislative body of a municipality to establish the fine for speeding within a residential zone within its jurisdictional boundaries at $200. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6; Title 7 and Title 55, Chapter 8.

SB0505: Effective date(s) 07/01/2023

HB0410: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 119



SB0580 by Pody
HB0118 by Richey
Municipal Government - As introduced, establishes a referendum process by which the electorate of a local government in this state may vote to establish 16-year term limits for the public officials of the local government. - Amends TCA Title 2; Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7 and Title 8.

SB0580: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB0118: Failed in s/c Elections & Campaign Finance Subcommittee of Local Government Committee



SB0600 by Hensley
HB0090 by Moody
Municipal Government - As enacted, prohibits local governments from expending funds for the purposes of assisting a person in obtaining a criminal abortion. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6; Title 7 and Title 8.

SB0600: Effective date(s) 04/17/2023

HB0090: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 168



SB0634 by Watson
HB1064 by Vaughan
Municipal Government - As introduced, increases from three to four the number of copies of a plan of services that a municipality must provide for public inspection in connection with a proposed annexation. - Amends TCA Title 6 and Title 68, Chapter 221.

SB0634: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB1064: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.



SB0662 by Hensley
HB0711 by Cepicky
Municipal Government - As introduced, requires, rather than allows, county legislative bodies to release taxpayers from double taxes if they have been incurred and correct errors in the tax list. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6 and Title 67.

SB0662: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB0711: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.



SB0685 by Reeves
HB0980 by Terry
Municipal Government - As introduced, permits municipalities that operate a residential solid waste collection service to create a solid waste authority. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 211.

SB0685: Re-refer to S. Cal Comm

HB0980: Taken off notice for cal. in Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee



SB0767 by Lowe
HB0789 by Richey
Municipal Government - As introduced, increases, over a five-year period, from 4.6030 percent to 5.0909 percent, the share of state sales and use tax revenue appropriated to municipalities; reduces, over a five-year period, from 29.0141 percent to 28.5262 percent, the share of state sales and use tax revenue deposited to the state general fund. - Amends TCA Section 67-6-103.

SB0767: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate FW&M Revenue Subcommittee

HB0789: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee



SB0779 by Stevens
HB0903 by Grills
Municipal Government - As enacted, authorizes a municipality to add the cost of remedying a condition on real property that endangers the health, safety, and welfare of other citizens to the property tax notice of the owner of the real property, if the owner fails or refuses to remedy the condition in a specified time period. - Amends TCA Title 6, Chapter 33 and Title 6, Chapter 54.

SB0779: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 314

HB0903: Effective date(s) 04/28/2023



SB0784 by Walley
HB1079 by Shaw
Municipal Government - As introduced, extends indefinitely the time frame, by deleting the June 30, 2028, termination date, that a municipality that continues to receive an allocation of state sales tax revenue pursuant to the now-repealed Courthouse Square Revitalization Pilot Project Act of 2005, will continue to receive the allocation of the revenue. - Amends TCA Title 6 and Title 67, Chapter 6.

SB0784: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB1079: Taken off notice for cal. in Finance, Ways, and Means Committee



SB0851 by Watson
HB0938 by Alexander
Municipal Government - As enacted, allows owners of real property used primarily for agricultural purposes who reside in a territory previously annexed by ordinance upon the initiative of the municipality to petition the municipality to deannex such property, if certain conditions are present. - Amends TCA Title 6, Chapter 51.

SB0851: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 398

HB0938: Effective date(s) 07/01/2023



SB0959 by Lamar
HB0699 by Glynn
Municipal Government - As introduced, prohibits a person in Montgomery, Williamson, Rutherford, Hamilton, Knox, Davidson, or Shelby County from holding office as a county commissioner and as a city council member of a municipality located in whole or in part within such respective county or that shares a coterminous or contiguous boundary with such respective county. - Amends TCA Title 5, Chapter 5 and Title 6.

SB0959: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB0699: Taken off notice for cal. in Local Government Committee



SB1039 by Lundberg
HB1478 by Hulsey
Municipal Government - As introduced, extends the period after a failed referendum on the repeal of a city charter during which no other referendum on that question may be held, from 12 months after the election to 24 months after the election. - Amends TCA Title 6 and Title 7.

SB1039: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB1478: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.



SB1130 by Jackson
HB1458 by Campbell S
Municipal Government - As introduced, creates a program for municipal finance officers that provides a $1,000 stipend to each municipal finance officer who becomes certified and is employed as a certified municipal finance officer for three years; creates an endowment fund to provide the stipends; schedules the stipends and the fund to cease in 2043. - Amends TCA Title 6, Chapter 56, Part 4 and Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 2.

SB1130: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB1458: Assigned to s/c Cities & Counties Subcommittee



SB1310 by Bailey
HB0157 by Baum
Municipal Government - As introduced, eliminates the business tax for tax periods that begin on or after January 1, 2024. - Amends TCA Section 7-52-606; Section 38-1-201; Section 39-17-1806; Section 50-6-904; Section 58-2-205; Section 58-2-204; Section 62-44-102 and Title 67.

SB1310: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Finance, Ways & Means Committee

HB0157: Assigned to s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee



SB1380 by Southerland
HB1525 by Carringer
Municipal Government - As introduced, increases, from three to four consecutive weeks, the amount of time that notice of a public hearing to determine whether a central business improvement district will be established must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 9; Title 13; Title 65; Title 67; Title 68 and Title 69.

SB1380: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB1525: P2C, caption bill, held on desk - pending amdt.



SB1433 by Roberts
HB1526 by Kumar
Municipal Government - As introduced, transfers the duty to issue and renew business licenses from the county clerks and city officials to the department of revenue. - Amends TCA Title 8, Chapter 21, Part 7; Section 50-6-904 and Title 67, Chapter 4, Part 7.

SB1433: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State & Local Government Committee

HB1526: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Business & Utilities Subcommittee of Commerce Committee



SB1454 by Niceley
HB0816 by Davis
Municipal Government - As introduced, authorizes a county election commission to designate a polling place outside of the precinct it is to serve for certain municipal elections only if the polling place serves not more than 50 registered voters of the municipality. - Amends TCA Section 2-3-101.

SB1454: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB0816: Assigned to s/c Elections & Campaign Finance Subcommittee



SB1512 by Southerland
HB0561 by Todd
Municipal Government - As introduced, specifies that municipal elections can be partisan or nonpartisan. - Amends TCA Title 2.

SB1512: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB0561: Failed in s/c Elections & Campaign Finance Subcommittee of Local Government Committee



SB1527 by Taylor
HB1399 by Zachary
Municipal Government - As introduced, requires a county election commission to publish notice of the procedure for voting by absentee ballot in a runoff election in a municipality either on the commission's website or in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality for at least five business days prior to the runoff election. - Amends TCA Title 2, Chapter 3; Title 5, Chapter 1, Part 2 and Title 7.

SB1527: Action deferred in Senate State and Local Government Committee to first calendar of 2024

HB1399: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Elections & Campaign Finance Subcommittee of Local Government Committee



SB1744 by Rose
HB1790 by Martin B
Municipal Government - As enacted, modifies the course work required to receive a certified municipal finance officer (CMFO) designation; requires examinations, including test questions, administered by MTAS and CTAS to be designated as a municipal or county finance officer, respectively, to be confidential. - Amends TCA Title 6, Chapter 56, Part 4 and Title 10, Chapter 7, Part 5.

SB1744: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 539

HB1790: Effective date(s) 03/07/2024



SB1761 by Niceley
HB1850 by Reedy
Municipal Government - As introduced, prohibits counties and municipalities from adopting and enforcing regulations to prohibit gardening and raising limited numbers of chickens or rabbits at single-family residences. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 13 and Title 43.

SB1761: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB1850: Def. to Summer Study in Local Government Committee



SB2054 by Jackson
HB2205 by Barrett
Municipal Government - As introduced, establishes that the district attorney general shall only prosecute cases in municipal court where the municipality provides sufficient additional prosecutorial personnel for the district attorney general; empowers the district attorney general with sole and exclusive discretion in determining the necessity and sufficiency of the additional prosecutorial personnel; specifies the particular resources the district attorney general has absolute discretion to use in the performance of their duties and responsibilities. - Amends TCA Title 8, Chapter 7.

SB2054: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Finance, Ways, and Means Committee

HB2205: Received from House, Passed on First Consideration



SB2087 by Johnson
HB1688 by Lamberth
Municipal Government - As enacted, deletes the provision authorizing a municipality or county to pass an ordinance or resolution permitting a person charged with violating certain traffic ordinances or statutes to deposit the person's driver license with the court in lieu of bail. - Amends TCA Title 55, Chapter 50, Part 8.

SB2087: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 530

HB1688: Effective date(s) 03/07/2024



SB2131 by Lowe
HB1983 by Fritts
Municipal Government - As introduced, prohibits a municipality, or an instrumentality of a municipality, from taking any action that affects or has the potential to affect the tax obligations, fees, or other costs for real property owners whose property is located outside a municipality's corporate boundary, unless the action is approved by the county legislative body in which such property is located. - Amends TCA Title 5 and Title 6.

SB2131: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB1983: Assigned to s/c Property & Planning Subcommittee



SB2162 by Yarbro
HB1967 by Miller
Municipal Government - As enacted, authorizes the governing body of an incorporated city or town to approve a project or request of its board of waterworks and/or sewerage commissioners by passage of a proper ordinance or resolution. - Amends TCA Title 7, Chapter 35.

SB2162: Pub. Ch. 692

HB1967: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 692



SB2172 by Hensley
HB2312 by Baum
Municipal Government - As enacted, authorizes municipal tax collectors and taxing entities to also accept partial payments of delinquent property taxes in the same manner as county trustees; requires such officials to include in their plan for accepting partial payments a description of the accounting system technology or manual processes to be used to record partial payments of delinquent property taxes and a statement indicating that funds received as partial payments on delinquent property taxes will reduce the amount of delinquent property tax, interest, statutory fees, and court costs, by relative amounts on a pro-rata basis. - Amends TCA Section 67-5-2001.

SB2172: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 913

HB2312: Effective date(s) 05/03/2024, 01/01/2026



SB2237 by Yarbro
HB2423 by Shaw
Municipal Government - As introduced, entitles each county and municipality that adopts certain zoning reform strategies that support housing development to receive from the department of revenue up to 20 percent of the revenue collected from the recordation tax based on transactions in the respective jurisdiction. - Amends TCA Title 13, Chapter 7 and Title 67.

SB2237: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB2423: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Property & Planning Subcommittee of Local Government Committee



SB2417 by Swann
HB2581 by Russell
Municipal Government - As introduced, requires, in counties with a population of 60,000 or less, payment in lieu of tax agreements to be approved by a majority vote of the city or county legislative body of each affected taxing jurisdiction before an industrial development corporation, housing authority, or health, educational, and housing facility corporation negotiates the agreement. - Amends TCA Title 7, Chapter 53; Title 13, Chapter 20 and Title 48.

SB2417: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB2581: Assigned to s/c Property & Planning Subcommittee



SB2422 by Crowe
HB2425 by Hicks T
Municipal Government - As enacted, requires notices relating to annexation or municipal zoning to be published, posted, or mailed 21 days, rather than 15 days, prior to the public hearing on the annexation or zoning; requires the annexing municipality to provide notice of annexation to property owners whose property is within 200 feet of the territory being annexed; requires signs that inform viewers of the proposed annexation to be posted in and around the area being annexed. - Amends TCA Title 6, Chapter 51, Part 1 and Title 13, Chapter 7.

SB2422: Effective date(s) 07/01/2024

HB2425: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 701



SB2424 by Walley
HB2541 by Marsh
Municipal Government - As enacted, authorizes counties and municipalities to enter into energy siting agreements. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 13, Chapter 3; Title 13, Chapter 4 and Title 13, Chapter 7.

SB2424: Effective date(s) 06/01/2024

HB2541: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 814



SB2446 by Akbari
HB2829 by Camper
Municipal Government - As introduced, authorizes a local government to require a private employer to pay an hourly wage in excess of the minimum hourly wage set by state or federal law. - Amends TCA Title 12 and Title 50, Chapter 2.

SB2446: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Commerce and Labor Committee

HB2829: Assigned to s/c Banking & Consumer Affairs Subcommittee



SB2480 by Rose
HB2543 by Moody
Municipal Government - As introduced, prohibits an ambulance service that has exclusive rights to provide emergency services within a county, municipality, or geographic area from charging rates that are unreasonable, excessive, or based on rates charged by entities that classify individuals as in-network or out-of-network for services provided for calls received by an emergency dispatch center operated by such county, municipality, or geographical area that has given the exclusive rights to the ambulance service. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 7; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71.

SB2480: Withdrawn.

HB2543: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Insurance Subcommittee of Insurance Committee



SB2496 by Gardenhire
HB2623 by Carr
Municipal Government - As enacted, authorizes the chief legislative body of a municipality to create a voluntary attainable housing incentive program by ordinance for the purpose of authorizing certain incentives to be provided to property owners who seek to build attainable housing. - Amends TCA Title 13 and Title 66.

SB2496: Effective date(s) 07/01/2024

HB2623: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1051



SB2609 by Niceley
HB2770 by Lafferty
Municipal Government - As introduced, requires municipalities statewide to adopt an ordinance to align their municipal elections with the August or November general election beginning in 2026. - Amends TCA Title 2; Title 6 and Title 7.

SB2609: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate State and Local Government Committee

HB2770: Failed in s/c Elections & Campaign Finance Subcommittee of Local Government Committee



SB2895 by Bailey
HB2071 by Williams
Municipal Government - As introduced, specifies circumstances in which a referendum will not be required to effectuate annexation of territory; removes repealer provision for exceptions to the referendum requirement. - Amends TCA Section 6-51-104.

SB2895: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate State & Local Government Committee

HB2071: Failed in Local Government Committee



SB2928 by Powers
HB2937 by Johnson C
Municipal Government - As enacted, generally prohibits, in Montgomery, Williamson, Rutherford, Hamilton, Knox, Davidson, and Shelby counties, a member of a county governing body from simultaneously serving as a member of the governing body of a municipality within the county for whom the member is a commissioner during the member's term of office, and vice versa, if such prohibition is passed by a two-thirds vote of the entire county or municipal governing body; authorizes a member simultaneously serving on April 22, 2024, to serve out the remainder of the member's terms of office. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6 and Title 7.

SB2928: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 763

HB2937: Effective date(s) 04/22/2024



SB7086 by Johnson
HB7013 by Lamberth
Municipal Government - As enacted, changes from 30 days to 72 hours the time frame within which a clerk of the circuit or general sessions court must notify the TBI of the final disposition of criminal proceedings against a person after final disposition of such proceedings; requires the clerk to notify the TBI of the final disposition of such proceedings by electronic submission; requires the clerk of the municipal court, when exercising concurrent general sessions court jurisdiction, to notify the TBI by electronic submission of the final disposition of such proceedings against a person no later than 72 hours after final disposition of such proceedings. - Amends TCA Title 16, Chapter 18 and Title 18, Chapter 4.

SB7086: Effective date(s) 09/08/2023

HB7013: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 2

