Legislation by Subject Topic
for the 113th General Assembly 2023-2024

Legislation filed under: Arrests

The primary subject of a bill in this list may be different from the subject listed above.
In those cases, the bill was filed using Arrests as a secondary subject.

Bill Number Composite Abstract Last Action Date
HB0994 by Keisling
SB0908 by Niceley
Arrests - As introduced, clarifies that a threat to use deadly force by a private citizen making an arrest is not in itself considered a use of deadly force; prohibits a private citizen from threatening to use deadly force during the course of a citizen's arrest unless the arrest is for a crime committed or threatened against the citizen making the arrest or for a violent crime committed or threatened in the presence of the citizen making the arrest. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 11, Part 6.

HB0994: Def. to Summer Study in Criminal Justice Subcommittee

SB0908: Withdrawn.



HB2023 by Clemmons
SB1898 by Oliver
Arrests - As introduced, requires the arrest or search warrant being issued to include the contact information or telephone number of the law enforcement agency that issued the warrant. - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 40 and Title 68.

HB2023: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee of Criminal Justice Committee

SB1898: Failed in Senate Judiciary Committee



HB2077 by Carr
SB2700 by Southerland
Arrests - As introduced, creates the offense of instigation; requires an affiant to file an affidavit for abeyance when requesting an arrest warrant; permits a citizen's arrest following two verbal notices for the offense of trespassing. - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 40 and Title 55.

HB2077: Assigned to s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee

SB2700: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Judiciary Committee



HB7015 by Lamberth
SB7087 by Johnson
Arrests - As introduced, expands, from certain violent offenses to any felony offense, the offenses for which a person who has been arrested is required to have a biological specimen taken for the purpose of DNA analysis to determine identification characteristics specific to the person if probable cause exists for the arrest. - Amends TCA Section 40-35-321.

HB7015: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee of Criminal Justice Committee

SB7087: Lay on the Table



SB0908 by Niceley
HB0994 by Keisling
Arrests - As introduced, clarifies that a threat to use deadly force by a private citizen making an arrest is not in itself considered a use of deadly force; prohibits a private citizen from threatening to use deadly force during the course of a citizen's arrest unless the arrest is for a crime committed or threatened against the citizen making the arrest or for a violent crime committed or threatened in the presence of the citizen making the arrest. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 11, Part 6.

SB0908: Withdrawn.

HB0994: Def. to Summer Study in Criminal Justice Subcommittee



SB1898 by Oliver
HB2023 by Clemmons
Arrests - As introduced, requires the arrest or search warrant being issued to include the contact information or telephone number of the law enforcement agency that issued the warrant. - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 40 and Title 68.

SB1898: Failed in Senate Judiciary Committee

HB2023: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee of Criminal Justice Committee



SB2700 by Southerland
HB2077 by Carr
Arrests - As introduced, creates the offense of instigation; requires an affiant to file an affidavit for abeyance when requesting an arrest warrant; permits a citizen's arrest following two verbal notices for the offense of trespassing. - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 40 and Title 55.

SB2700: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Judiciary Committee

HB2077: Assigned to s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee



SB7087 by Johnson
HB7015 by Lamberth
Arrests - As introduced, expands, from certain violent offenses to any felony offense, the offenses for which a person who has been arrested is required to have a biological specimen taken for the purpose of DNA analysis to determine identification characteristics specific to the person if probable cause exists for the arrest. - Amends TCA Section 40-35-321.

SB7087: Lay on the Table

HB7015: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee of Criminal Justice Committee

