Legislation by Subject Topic
for the 113th General Assembly 2023-2024

Legislation filed under: Ashland City

The primary subject of a bill in this list may be different from the subject listed above.
In those cases, the bill was filed using Ashland City as a secondary subject.

Bill Number Composite Abstract Last Action Date
HB0083 by Littleton
SB0106 by Roberts
Ashland City - Subject to local approval, changes the dates for elections for mayor and councilman from the first Saturday in December in odd-numbered years to the third Thursday in August in even-numbered years. - Amends Chapter 121 of the Private Acts of 2004; as amended.

HB0083: Taken off notice for cal. in Local Government Committee

SB0106: Passed on Second Consideration, held on desk. Local Bill



HB1557 by Littleton
SB1557 by Roberts
Ashland City - Subject to local approval, changes the duties of the city recorder; creates the office of city administrator and assigns duties to such office. - Amends Chapter 121 of the Private Acts of 2004; as rewritten.

HB1557: Pr. Ch. 17

SB1557: Comp. became Pr. Ch. 17



SB0106 by Roberts
HB0083 by Littleton
Ashland City - Subject to local approval, changes the dates for elections for mayor and councilman from the first Saturday in December in odd-numbered years to the third Thursday in August in even-numbered years. - Amends Chapter 121 of the Private Acts of 2004; as amended.

SB0106: Passed on Second Consideration, held on desk. Local Bill

HB0083: Taken off notice for cal. in Local Government Committee



SB1557 by Roberts
HB1557 by Littleton
Ashland City - Subject to local approval, changes the duties of the city recorder; creates the office of city administrator and assigns duties to such office. - Amends Chapter 121 of the Private Acts of 2004; as rewritten.

SB1557: Comp. became Pr. Ch. 17

HB1557: Pr. Ch. 17

