Category | Express Magazines

Sag Harbor’s George Hirsch Just Wants Food Done Right

Posted on 15 April 2014

Local chef George Hirsch is celebrating the 20th anniversary of his popular public television program, “Living It Up” with a new WLIW series featuring some of the East End’s brightest culinary artisans.

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Skating on Thin Ice … and Other Fond Memories

Posted on 19 December 2013

By Annette Hinkle I’ll start by saying I’ve never been a great ice skater — but I’ve always been an enthusiastic one. And let me further clarify that statement — when I say ice skating, I’m not talking about circling endlessly around a Zambonied rink with hundreds of others — even on a very romantic rink [...]

Roller Hockey Heroes: A Bit Gray at the Temples, But Full of Passion

Posted on 23 October 2013

Though the New York Islanders will soon abandon Nassau Coliseum in favor of the Barclays Center in hipster Brooklyn, in the 1970s the team grew to be a hockey powerhouse and the pride of Long Island, culminating with the Islanders first Stanley Cup win in 1979-80. That same year the unsung US Olympic hockey team bested the USSR in a legendary Cold War match up. And in the Long Island suburb of East Northport, a group of boys was paying close attention … and they were inspired.

Triathlon Training: Race Ready

Posted on 16 January 2013

By Claire Walla When it comes to triathlons, “the biggest mistake people make is jumping in without being prepared,” said triathlete Richard Izzo. He should know. The 21-year veteran who coordinates two well-attended races each year, speaks from experience. “I made all the mistakes you could possibly make,” he said of his first triathlon in [...]

Leaping Out of a Plane—For Fun

Posted on 19 August 2011

It isn’t often that someone tells you you might die.  And actually mean it. I’m sitting inside a tiny trailer right next to the lone stretch of concrete that encompasses Spadaros Airport and I’m watching the image of a middle-aged man, totally unremarkable except for the two-foot-long auburn beard that’s invaded the bottom half of [...]

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A Camp For Wine: The Making of an Oenophile

Posted on 19 August 2011

The Lenz Winery tasting room—snuggly nestled into a flat backdrop of 70 acres of endless rows of perfectly symmetrical vines—is a wide-open space with a long wooden table, silver spitting vessels and a patient sommelier, ready to serve.  Like many tasting rooms, the space itself is non-descript; but the adjectives it invokes more than make [...]

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Going Down Wind

Posted on 17 March 2011

By Georgia Suter “It’s like you’ve been to another planet. You’re on your own, you’re on the water, it’s a peaceful environment…a total mind-body experience,” says Rick Drew. Paddle boarding, a surface water sport, has been consistently gaining momentum since its origin in Hawaii in the 1940’s. The sport, which involves standing atop a long [...]

So, Was Pythagoras a Yogi?

Posted on 16 March 2011

By Emily J Weitz These days you can’t walk down the street without seeing a yoga mat slung over someone’s shoulder. You can’t sit on the Jitney without someone opening up Eckhardt Tolle or another author applying Eastern philosophies to our western lives. This growing trend in western culture has given a lot of people [...]

Health Tips From the Ancients

Posted on 16 March 2011

Start each day with a quiet reflection or a contemplative walk. Pythagoras believed that people needed to take time each morning to center themselves before engaging with others. “It was essential to not meet anyone until their own soul was in order and they were composed in their intellect.” Take several minutes each evening to [...]

Eating Fresh With Steve

Posted on 16 March 2011

By Stephen Hamilton I was taught the art of short-order cooking when I first came to New York as a young actor in the late 1970s. I worked a number of small kitchens up and down Columbus Avenue, learning to handle a chef’s knife and a soup kettle and how to make delicious foods that [...]