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PLACE a Classified Ad: complete the classified ad form below:

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Please Note: If you are paying by check, please print out this page and include it with your payment. Thanks.

Make checks payable to The Sag Harbor Express and mail to:
The Sag Harbor Express
P.O. Box 1620 Sag Harbor, New York 11963

Classified and Real Estate advertisements will run in both our printed edition, The Sag Harbor Express, and electronic edition, Sag Harbor Online.
Classifieds are billed at 95-cents per word with a ten word minimum. For each consecutive four week period you agree to place your classified ad, you pay for three weeks and get the fourth week free.
Lost and Found ads are free, as long as they are ten words or less.
We will place the first few words in upper case and bold type. Some hints: Real estate ads usually start with location. Car ads start with model and year. Yard sales start with date, time and location. Help wanted ads start with position you are seeking, then full time or part time.

Some common abbreviations to save you some money:
F/T = Full Time
P/T = Part Time
BR = Bed Room
BA = Bath Room

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