Über uns

Ty Bollinger

happily married husband, the father of four wonderful children, devoted Christian, highly regarded book author, medical researcher, health freedom advocate, former competitive bodybuilder and also a certified public accountant.

Why I wrote this book:

During the last 18 years, I’ve lost 7 close family members due to cancer. I have devoted the last decade of my life to medical research to find alternative cancer treatments and cures so YOU and YOUR family don’t have to experience the same tragedy. I have summarized this voluminous amount of research on natural cancer treatments in my book, Cancer-Step Outside the Box. Download Ty Bollinger – Bio & Books.

  Ty is not a medical doctor (see disclaimer).

Follow Cancer Truth Everywhere

The road to health is paved with good intestines

- Sherry A. Rogers

The real cure for what ails our health care system today is less government and more freedom

- Steve Forbes

Modern allopathic medicine is the only major science stuck in the pre-Einstein era

- Charlotte Gerson

The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease

- Voltaire

People come up to me and say, ‘I don’t know what to do about cancer I’ve tried everything,’ I say, ‘have you tried nature?

- Mike Adams