Maryland Right to Life, Inc.

420 Chinquapin Round Rd. Suite 2-I

Annapolis, MD 21401

Phones: (410) 269-6397
             (301) 858-8304




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MDRTL Legislative Information

An educated constituency is the key to changing the law!

Thank you for choosing MDRTL as your source for legislative information about life issues in Maryland. Our goal is to provide you with timely, accurate information.  This page will be updated as the session progresses and as the status of bills change.

MDRTL is the only single-issue pro-life lobbying organization in Maryland.  We employ a full-time Legislative Director to monitor, take action upon, and lobby on behalf of those whose lives are threatened and cannot defend themselves. 

If you have questions and comments, contact us at [email protected].

MDRTL lobbied on the following bills, which may impact the right to life in Maryland. This page will be updated as analyses on newly introduced bills are completed, so please check back regularly to get the latest information.

For a summary of seminal pro-life votes in prior General Assembly sessions, please refer to the right under "Roll Call Votes".

2016 Maryland General Assembly Session

Key MDRTL measures and dangerous threats to the pro-life movement.  Below are pieces of legislation MDRTL took a position on in the 2016 General Assembly Session.
You can download a scorecard to the left for this session and the past 10 years of General Assembly sessions.

Bill Number Title; lead sponsor(s) MDRTL position Current Status
 SB190/HB150 Budget; Administration  Oppose taxpayer funding of elective abortion and option to fund embryonic-destructive research. Passed.

Amendment to strip taxpayer funded abortions-on-demand in Medicaid defeated in Senate 16-27 and defeated in House 55-81.
 HB404/SB418 Richard E. Israel and Roger "Pip" Moyer End-of-Life Options Act

Del. Pendergrass & Sen. Young
Strongly Oppose- a legalization of doctor-prescribed suicide which threatens wanted care and allows undue pressure on patients.  Click here for more information. Click here to contact your legislators!  Never brought to a vote in the House/ Withdrawn in Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee!
 HB603/SB749 Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act;

Del. Afzali Sens. Ready & Bates 
Strongly Support- Protects unborn children at 20 weeks postfertilization and after due to substantial evidence indicating they feel pain. Never brought to a vote in either chamber.
 HB644/SB691  Vulnerable Protection Act

Del. Aumann Sen. Bates
 Support- protects communities from discrimination in access to wanted healthcare Never brought to a vote in either chamber.
 SB793  DHMH- Data Collection and Use - Pregnancy Rates
Sen. Cassilly
 Support- Brings MD in line with 46 other states in data collection on pregnancy outcomes. Never brought to a vote in committee.
 SB593/HB646 Rape Survivor Family Protection Act
Sen. Raskin
Del. Dumais
 Support- Removes paternity rights from fathers whose child was conceived due to their act of rape. HB646 passed the House unanimously and was given a favorable with amendments report by the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee.

SB593 was not brought to a vote.
HJ7 Commencement of Life of the Human Person at Conception
Del. McComas 
Support- Proclaims scientific reality of human life beginning at conception.  This is a resolution, not a bill. Never brought to a vote in committee.
HB1357 Public Health - State Funding of Abortions - Prohibition and Exceptions
Del. Glass 
Support- Limits taxpayer funding of abortion. Never brought to a vote in House Appropriations.


To find out who your Maryland legislators are, click here.


Maryland Right to Life • 420 Chinquapin Round Rd., Suite 2-I • Annapolis, MD 21401 • 410-269-6397 • 301-858-8304•