
Category Archives for "Childbirth"

Questions about childbirth answered

Questions on Quora answered by Linda Hessel, Researcher and Mother of Four If natural child birth is so painful why do most women opt for it? Instead why not go for cesarean delivery? What are the benefits and costs of natural childbirth? I wanted my child’s birth to be as normal as possible; I […]

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Vitamin K for New Babies

Kayla Balas on Facebook 9 December 2016 near Nashville, TN, United States • True Story: A friend of mine just had a baby via emergency c-section and is currently still in the hospital recovering while her baby is in the NICU. This mother has been through more than any human being could ever imagine having […]

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My Birth Story – Shonagh Strachan

Oct 15, 2008 My experience of childbirth was not an unusually traumatic one. In medical parlance I had an NVD: a Normal Vaginal Delivery. The midwives were pleasant. I was given an epidural. I was admitted to hospital at 2pm and delivered a healthy baby boy ( 8lb 7oz / 3.8 kg ) eleven hours […]

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Routine Birth Practices Exposed As Medical Abuse – Dr Todd Gastaldo

Here is a recent post about medicine’s bizarre birth-canal-closing fetish… Who knows, the persistence of medicine’s birth-canal-closing/woman-on-her-back/legs-spread-in-stirrups delivery position may have a sexual component. Pregnant women: OBs are routinely closing birth canals up to 30%. It’s easy to allow your birth canal to OPEN the “extra” up to 30% – just roll onto your side […]

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Don’t remove the vernix!

Vernix: Don’t Wash It Off, Rub It In You’ve just given birth to your beautiful little baby and you’re all ready for cuddles. You’ve been waiting for 9 months for this moment! But wait… What’s that white, waxy, cheesy substance coating baby’s skin? Yeesh, that’s kinda gross. That waxy stuff is called vernix And yes, […]

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Pitocin Use To Induce Labour Carries Risk Of Injury To Baby And Mother

Women sue Houston hospital over birth complications Three women are suing a Houston-area hospital over what they say was a misapplication of a drug during the birthing process. CBSN anchor Reena Ninan explains the case. 15/10/2016 To watch video clip click HERE RELATED: – Natural childbirth VI: Pitocin side effects and risks

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What about Rhogam?

Rhogam and Pregnancy Stealth Mercury Assault By Stephen C. Marini, D.C., PhC ———- A Critical Look at Rhogam and Rhesus Disease

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Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine – Jeanice Barcelo

“Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine” offers a critical analysis of technological interventions during childbirth and the abuse of mothers and infants during hospital birth. The book contains a mixture of personal commentary, combined with many stories of severe birth trauma and extensive citation of research to affirm that what is happening […]

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The Importance of Delayed Cord Clamping

PROTECT YOUR BABY’S PLACENTA AND UMBILICAL CORD BLOOD Jeanice Barcelo – September 4, 2011 This is a note for all parents. Please be aware that, without proper awareness and precautions, your baby’s life force can become a marketable commodity. Hospitals are selling infant cord blood to the highest bidder, and parents who allow hospitals to […]

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