Breast Health

IRBI Centers

Our goal is to educate people on alternative techniques for finding breast abnormalities that, when used in conjunction with mammography and breast self exams, can help women take action sooner. Shouldn’t that be your goal too?

Tenpenny IRBI (Infra Red Breast Imaging) Centers and our patented “For the Girls!” Breast Health Awareness programs are changing how women address the very personal issue of breast health. Most women are not aware that identification of early risk factors allows time for intervention with known modifiers: Dietary changes, weight loss, exercise, and supplements. At Tenpenny IRBI Centers we take a lighthearted approach and encourage groups of women to come in and enjoy our spa-like surroundings.

Learn more about breast self exam as you to take our 20 minute self-paced video course about the Tenpenny approach to 21st Century medicine. You will see how new technology combined with progressive thinking is detecting the presence of potential life threatening formations years before traditional mammography identifies them. Thermography is used as an adjunct to other clinical diagnostic procedures in the diagnosis, quantifying, and screening of differences in skin surface temperature changes. When detected at “inception” these changes and formations can be treated with non-invasive procedures and natural supplements, and in many instances without the need for costly traditional invasive radioactive based approaches.

If you aren’t completely satisfied regarding the thoroughness and quality of our procedures, we’ll refund your money, no questions asked.

We know times are tough and can pre-arrange installment payments, but you must contact us before you arrive for your appointment.  Call us today to learn more about our unique approach to breast health.

All of our procedures are built on years of research and practice, which you will learn find in our 20 minute self-paced course about the Tenpenny approach to 21st Century medicine. As a bonus, once you have registered and completed the course you will receive several valuable offers.

Come and enjoy medicine that isn’t based on fear and loathing but sisterhood.

— Dr. Sherri Tenpenny DO

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