Learn The Risk is a US-based, non-profit organization and a powerful force for educating people WORLDWIDE on the dangers of pharmaceutical products, including vaccines and unnecessary medical treatments — that are literally killing us.

Learn The Risk was founded by former pharmaceutical insider Brandy Vaughan, an ex-Merck sales executive who never meant to take on the world’s most powerful industry. But she felt she had no choice when the industry’s agenda to keep us all sick began to spiral out of control.

Brandy saw the corruption from the inside when she sold a drug (VIOXX) that was literally killing thousands of people. Now Brandy exposes the truth behind the “health” care system and encourages people to make healthy changes NATURALLY.

Please consider donating to support our mission. Every $$ goes straight to the campaign, your contribution may just SAVE a life!


At Learn The Risk, we realize that nothing will change within the system until more people understand the harm it is doing to our health. We are dedicated to educating and empowering people to step outside the system that profits off keeping us sick. When enough people do that change will follow. We are a very active organization, educating and motivating people to first find REAL health then take to the streets to educate others and save lives.

How do we do this? With the most active and powerful billboard and ad campaign, as well as the most impactful outreach program, in the health movement. We host dozens of outreach events, successful social media campaigns, health talks, and our annual health summit.

So how are we doing? Awesome!

— We reach MILLIONS on social media globally every month.

— We reach TENS OF THOUSANDS through this website.

— We have posted 38 billboards, which reach over 30 MILLION.

— We have hosted over 30 campaigns and rallies in the past two years.

— We have produces videos and educational materials that reach over 1 MILLION.

— We do educational talks and events WORLDWIDE.

We are actively changing the conversation around vaccines and the pharmaceutical industry, which should never be trusted with our collective health.

This campaign challenges you to LEARN THE RISK of vaccination. Do the RESEARCH. Know the INGREDIENTS. Build up your NATURAL IMMUNITY — the ONLY type of immunity that truly works.

About The Founder

Brandy Vaughan, Learn The Risk founder

Brandy Vaughan, a former pharmaceutical representative, founded Learn The Risk, a 501(c)3  in response to one of the nation’s first mandatory vaccination for education law — SB277 in California. When working in the pharma industry, Brandy sold Vioxx, a painkiller that was found to double the risk of stroke and heart attacks and was eventually taken off the market. “From that experience, I realized that just because something is on the market doesn’t mean it’s safe,” explains Brandy. “ Much of what we are told by the healthcare industry just simply isn’t the truth.”

After leaving the pharmaceutical industry, Brandy spent eight years living in Europe where she saw how healthcare is done very differently from the US. Upon returning to the States with a vaccine-free son, she was bullied at a pediatrician’s office when she asked questions that every parent should ask like, What are the ingredients in these vaccines? How come children in other countries are healthier, but receive far fewer vaccines?

After spending several years researching vaccine ingredients and the diseases they supposedly guard against and the risks of vaccinating versus not vaccinating, Brandy chose to raise her son without chemical interference. “I check food labels. I buy organic whenever possible. I try to minimize my son’s exposure to chemicals through lotions, etc. Why would I not want to protect my son from the chemicals in vaccines? Chemicals are chemicals — no matter what form they come in,” explains Brandy. “You owe it to your child to do your own research and not just believe everything you’re told, especially when it’s only one side of the story — the one that prioritizes profit over your child’s health.”

Brandy Vaughan has spoken at numerous educational events, rallies, and symposiums and has been featured in various media channels, including InfoWars, The Ritchie Allen Show, The Liberty Beacon, Brian Copeland’s radio talk show, Information Press, and Future Money Trends.


About The Founder:

Brandy Vaughan, a former pharmaceutical representative, founded the Council for Vaccine Safety in response to one of the nation’s first mandatory vaccination for education law — SB277 in California. When working in the pharma industry, Brandy sold Vioxx, a painkiller that was found to double the risk of stroke and heart attacks and was eventually taken off the market. “From that experience, I realized that just because something is on the market, doesn’t mean it’s safe,” explains Brandy. “And much of what we are told by the healthcare industry, just simply isn’t the truth.”

After leaving the pharmaceutical industry, Brandy spent eight years living in Europe and seeing how healthcare is done very differently outside the US. Coming home with a vaccine-free son, she was bullied at a pediatrician’s office when she asked questions that every parent should ask: what are in these vaccines?

After spending years researching vaccine ingredients, the diseases they supposedly guard against and the risks of vaccinating versus not vaccinating, Brandy chose to raise her son without chemical interference. “I check food labels — I buy organic whenever possible — I try to minimize my son’s exposure to chemicals through lotions, etc. Why would I not want to protect my son from the chemicals in vaccines? Chemicals are chemicals — no matter what they form they come in,” explains Brandy. “You owe it to your child to do your own research, and not just believe everything you’re told, especially when it’s only one side of the story — the one that prioritizes profit over your child’s health.”

Brandy Vaughan has spoken at numerous educational events, rallies, symposiums and has been featured in various media channels including InfoWars, the Ritchie Allen show, the Liberty Beacon, the Brain Copeland show, the Information Press and Future Money Trends.

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