Science + Research

for Healthy Living Naturally

Month: July 2019

14 Tools to Improve Your Wellness Game

It can be hard to stay on top of your health game in a busy world. Meal prepping, work, errands and the list goes on and on. It can be hard to fit eve...

Natural Treatment Remedies for Brain Fog

Do you ever feel unfocused, unmotivated, fatigued and just “not all there” mentally? In other words, do you feel like the lights are on bu...

Hypertension – You Can Control This

Doctors have recognized for many years that elevated blood pressure is a risk factor for other cardiovascular problems. The good news is, you can cont...

Anatomy of the Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic Parasympathetic

The brain controls all organ function in the body. As you can see from the above anatomy drawing, the heart, lungs, digestive system, urinary system a...

The Five Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies

Name any diet. Paleo, Keto, Vegan, Grapefruit. They all can leave you deficient in nutrients. Even if you eat an organic Paleo diet everyday it is sti...

Is Beetroot Powder Good for You?

What if there was one food/supplement that could help with blood flow, circulation, hypertension and erectile dysfunction? Well, there IS.  Answer...

Things To Discuss Before You Get Married

Finding your soulmate is one of the best things in life. This is the person who you will spend the rest of your life, until death do you part. Likely...

Reverse Coronary Artery Disease Plaque Naturally

Have you been told that you have coronary artery blockages, plaque, calcification or disease? If so, this article is for you. I want to help you rever...

Is Your Skin Cream Dangerous?

A friend of mine recently bought me a sunscreen/moisturizer from Jack Black. Not the actor, but the #1 selling brand of men’s skincare products....

How Homocysteine Increases Your Risk for Heart Disease and Other Disorders

What is homocysteine? Homocysteine is an amino acid similar to cysteine with only one carbon, hence its name. It is broken down into a benign molecule...

10 Reasons You Need a Better Cardiologist

Heart attacks are the number #1 killer worldwide. Your cardiologist knows that. Unfortunately, the cardiologist only has statin drugs and aspirin in t...

Danger Lurks in Easter Candy

Easter 2019 has come and gone. Celebrated by billions around the world for its religious significance, Easter also celebrates family and springtime. F...

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