Mandated vaccine laws are here and will keep coming!

Pharma is pushing profits over public health and taking away our right to decide what goes into our bodies. It will take THOUSANDS of us out on the streets raising awareness to get vaccine reality out to the public, which is the best way to push back.

Please help us in any and all ways you can! Here are some ideas:

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Please consider donating to Learn The Risk


  • Subscribe to our Newsletter
  • Like us on Facebook and join our Facebook support group
  • Share website & social media posts on your social media channels
  • Fundraise for Learn the Risk billboards & other ads in your area
  • Read and share the stories on the website
  • Download materials and distribute at events, put in local offices, post on community bulletin boards (think Trader Joes, libraries, coffee shops, community centers, natural food cafes, book stores, Whole Foods, etc) 
  • Speak out at local events (Board of Supervisor, city council, PTA and school board meetings, Toastmasters, local festivals and events, etc)
  • Write letters to local media and online news sites
  • Host local events and meetings on health freedom or vaccine risk
  • Wear a Learn The Risk T-shirt and be a walking billboard!
  • Answer questions and/or comment on our facebook page and group
  • Leave messages on sidewalks, driveways and streets with chalk
  • Attend protests and rallies or hold one in your area (it only takes
    two people with signs on a street corner!)
  • Organize a talk with a Learn the Risk speaker in your area
  • Create disposable freeway banners with printer paper and put them up
  • Buy a Learn the Risk tote bag or coffee mug to get the word out
  • Share LTR posts in different natural-minded or parent groups
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Questions about vaccines?? Want good resources? Need support?! Send us an email and we'll get back to you.

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