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Become a Learn The Risk Local Partner TODAY!

LearnTheRisk.org is dedicated to educating people on the risks of routine childhood and adult vaccinations. In 2016, our billboards and bus stop boards throughout California reached 15+ million people. Our FaceBook page regularly reaches ONE MILLION a week. The LTR website receives tens of thousands of page views per MONTH.

Support Vaccine Choice and Reach Millions of New Clients.

Join our movement by signing up to be a partner TODAY and give your business a chance to reach MILLIONS of potential customers who WANT to support companies that SUPPORT VACCINE CHOICE.

For more information and to sign up visit our PARTNER page.



Learn The Risk has actively changed the conversation around vaccines and the pharmaceutical industry, which should never be trusted with our collective health.

Check out our campaign and successes


DOUBLE your DONATION when you give to Learn The Risk!

Each donation you give will be matched when you donate to the most active non-profit in the movement!! Every cent donated will go to the outreach campaign that reaches MILLIONS of parents worldwide and saves lives everyday! Click here to donate and make a difference TODAY!

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