The Truth About Vaccines Affiliate Center

The Truth About Vaccines 2020 is quite possibly the most important documentary of 2020!”
– Ty & Charlene Bollinger

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Overall Sales Leaderboard

Click here to display TTAV 2020 Affiliate Leaderboard (+)

1. Sayer Ji
2. Dr. Rashid Buttar
3. Jonathan Landsman
4. Robert Kennedy
5. Michael Adams
6. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
7. Jonathan Otto
8. Dr. Eric Z & Mama Z 
9. Erin Elizabeth
10. Trevor King

as of yesterday midnight

Important Launch Dates

We recommend sending at least 3 emails to get the highest conversions and commissions.

TTAV works on a first referral ID basis, so the earlier you mail and share on social media, the more you’ll make. We also hard code your affiliate ID which is much stronger than cookie tracking alone.

Email Swipes & Graphics

Everything you need to promote

Valued affiliate, your affiliate ID will auto-populate below. Click “Go” to get your links. If you DON’T see your referral id below, please add it in to get your unique affiliate link.

Can’t find your referral? Email us at: [email protected]

Automatic Affiliate Link Generator


Note: Make sure you are using your Affiliate ID and not your User name.
Please contact us if you need your id.

Your links below will redirect to our secure website.
Please use http:// as shown for the email links, without changing to https://, as this can cause a warning to occur in some browsers that you are hitting a not secure website, which is the redirector link. Keeping the link http:// avoids all issues.

Video Trailer (for Email)

Video Trailer (for Social & Web)

Coronavirus Field Guide (for Email)

Coronavirus Field Guide (for Social & Web)

Health Freedom Quiz (for Email)

Health Freedom Quiz (for Social & Web)

Shhhhh… Please don’t announce or share these links until Saturday, 5/2 at 12:01am ET. The replay is a surprise and the page won’t be live before then.

Replay Weekend Link (for Email)

Replay Weekend Link (for Social & Web)

Ebook Landing Page (for Email) (Live 9/25 at 12:01 AM EDT)

Ebook Landing Page (for Social & Web) (Live 9/25 at 12:01 AM EDT)

Cancer Risk Quiz (for Email) (Live 9/25 at 12:01 AM EDT)

Cancer Risk Quiz (for Social & Web) (Live 9/25 at 12:01 AM EDT)

Affiliate Link to Replay Weekend

Creatives – Swipes


Use #thetruthaboutvaccines or #ttav2020 on all social text posts whenever possible:

Use #thetruthaboutvaccines or #ttav2020 on all social text posts whenever possible:

Choose One:

This Weekend Only -- Encore presentation for you

Your last chance to watch “The Truth About Vaccines 2020”

There’s still time to catch “The Truth About Vaccines 2020”!

Choose One:

It’s not over yet… (Last Chance to watch!)

Here’s your last chance to see this for free…

The Truth About Vaccines: Encore Presentation

Choose One:

A life changing experience!

The documentary series that changed my viewpoint…

Your children will say “thank you!”

Choose One:

It’s so good! I’m watching it again!

[Special Encore Weekend] “The Truth About Vaccines 2020”

Your last chance to see “TTAV2020” FREE



Did you miss the 9-episode docu-series searching for the truth about vaccines? Now is your last chance to watch! {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}



48 hours to watch the 9-day docu-series, get the truth about vaccines. {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}



Uncover the answers to many of the biggest vaccine questions. Last chance! {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}



50 doctors, scientists, and experts reveal the truth about vaccines. Watch it now! {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}



If you missed the incredible 9-episode docu-series searching for the truth about vaccines, now is your last chance to watch!

Watch the 48 hour replay right now: {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}



For 48 hours only…this is your last chance to watch the eye-opening 9-day free docu-series revealing the truth about vaccines. No registration needed!

Watch the replay right now: {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}



No registration required. This is your last chance to get the answers to many of the biggest vaccine questions. If you missed it, now is the time to start watching!

It’s happening now: {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}



Over 50 doctors, scientists, and experts reveal the truth about a little-known controversial topic.

This is your last chance to watch this 9-part docu-series for 48 hours only!

Don’t miss the 48 hour replay marathon: {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}



This is your LAST CHANCE! Watch the weekend replay of “The Truth About Vaccines 2020” {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}



DO NOT MISS the weekend replay of eye-opening information on “The Truth About Vaccines 2020” This 9-part free docu-series is playing only for the next 48 hours! {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}



The 9-part docu-series is playing ONE MORE TIME. Don’t miss “The Truth About Vaccines 2020” {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}



LAST CHANCE to uncover the “The Truth About Vaccines 2020” in the weekend replay. {Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

Hey [Name],

I’ll make this short and sweet.

Ty and Charlene Bollinger and their team over at The Truth About Vaccines 2020 have decided to replay their new series for free -- THIS weekend only.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

All 9 episodes will be reloaded for you to watch 100% free. Plus a “bonus” Vaccine Roundtable as well.

That means even if you missed every episode this week, you now have time to see them all and see what everyone’s been talking about.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

This is your last chance to see it all before it’s gone.

Click here to register and see the Encore presentation of “The Truth About Vaccines 2020.”

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

You’ll be glad you did,

[Your name]

P.S. This is it – when the weekend is over, so is your opportunity to see this series for free.

Click here to make sure you don’t miss a minute!

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

Hey [Name],

What a week it’s been with the premiere of The Truth About Vaccines 2020.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

I’ve laughed. I’ve cried. I’ve learned so many things that I didn’t previously know.

Hundreds of thousands of people tuned in, and new parents around the country now have (for the first time) the full set of information and education they need to make the best decision they can make for their family about vaccinations.

Who knows how many lives will be changed as a result of this series!

What about you? Did you see any of it?

If you missed an episode (or want to just re-watch your favorite) ...I’ve got GREAT NEWS!

For this weekend (May 2nd and 3rd), Ty and Charlene and their team have agreed to put up ALL 9 episodes (once again FREE) for you to “binge watch.”

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

Grab a notepad, a pen, and a cup of coffee!

Share with friends and family, get to see your favorite moments again, or see what you’ve missed for the first time.

Now’s your chance to see what the excitement was about (even if you’ve had a busy week that’s kept you from watching).

Click here to watch The Truth About Vaccines now >>

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

Every single episode will be available ALL weekend for you to see, but don’t miss it this time -- once this weekend is over, so is The Truth About Vaccines 2020!

[Your Name]

P.S. As if putting up the entire series weren’t enough, Ty and Charlene will be hosting a 2-part Expert Roundtable this weekend, with Part 1 airing Saturday at noon Eastern and Part 2 airing Sunday at noon Eastern. On the roundtable are experts like Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Bobby Kennedy, Del Bigtree, and Dr. Andrew Wakefield. 



This is your last chance.

This weekend ONLY (May 2nd and 3rd) is the last time you’ll be able to watch ‘The Truth About Vaccines 2020’ for free.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

No strings, no agenda other than spreading the word and making sure as many people as possible get a chance to see this groundbreaking documentary.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

No doubt over the last week, lives have been changed and perspectives have shifted.

Leave it to Ty & Charlene Bollinger and their team to truly unpack this complex discussion and open it up for everyone to understand.

It’s truly a great achievement, and one you need to see if you haven’t already.

When this weekend is over, so is ‘The Truth About Vaccines 2020.’

Go here to get access to this exclusive replay weekend >>

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

You’ll be glad you did.

To your health,

[your name]


Hey [name],

I have a very important question for you…

Did you miss TTAV2020 when it played live this week?

This 9-part documentary totally blew the roof off what I thought I knew about vaccines… in every possible way.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

From the history, through what we know today and even what we can expect to see in the future, the experts who participated in this event were second to none. And the information was transformational.

And if you missed it... you’re in LUCK!

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

Ty & Charlene and their team are putting up the ENTIRE 9-part series for one last “hurrah” this weekend. 

You can watch the entire series back-to-back, but this is your very last chance to see it all for FREE.

If you get to watch, no worries! Go here and watch the entire replay weekend right now.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

I liked it so much I’m watching it again. Seriously.

Oh yeah, as if putting up the entire series weren’t enough, Ty and Charlene will be hosting a 2-part Expert Roundtable this weekend, with Part 1 airing Saturday at noon Eastern and Part 2 airing Sunday at noon Eastern. On the roundtable are experts like Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Bobby Kennedy, Del Bigtree, and Dr. Andrew Wakefield. 

I’ll see you there!

[your name],

P.S. Help spread the word about this outstanding series and the vital information it contains – give this link to friends and family so they can see it too.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


Choose One:

‘The Truth About Vaccines 2020’ – the best is yet to come!

[Name] … Don’t miss the final push!

There’s still time to catch “TTAV2020”! (eye-opening)

[URGENT] You don’t want to miss this documentary!

Choose One:

All I can say is … “It’s POWERFUL!”

Notes from ‘The Truth About Vaccines 2020’

Are you seeing this? If not, you SHOULD!

Choose One:

The discussion you need to join NOW…

The trouble with ‘mandatory’ vaccinations?

[LIVE] Eye-Opening Vaccine Documentary!

You’re missing it! Join me NOW!

Choose One:

Here’s a free pass to watch “TTAV2020”

[LIVE] ‘The Truth About Vaccines 2020’

Is this the emerging health debate of our time?


Hey [Name],

We’re a little over half-way through the eye-opening 9 episode docu-series The Truth About Vaccines 2020’ and I’ve got to tell you it’s been an incredibly enlightening event so far.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

The experts involved have laid out the facts perhaps more comprehensively than I’ve ever seen.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

And the science and education presented here for folks is second to none.

Episode #X goes live tonight.  

[NOTE - You’ll need to replace the X with the correct number]

Even if you’ve missed one or more of the episodes, there’s plenty left for you to tune in and get the most out of…

Make sure you’re registered right here, and they will send you a private link to watch the remaining episodes for free.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

I’ll be watching online as well. Hope to see you there!

[Your name]

P.S. We are making a difference in the national conversation around vaccines!  Please help spread the word for this worthy cause and amazing docu-series. Everyone needs to see this!

Give this link to EVERYONE you think needs to see this too!

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


All I can say is…


I just wasn’t prepared for how powerful this series is! 

We’re only X episodes into the 9 episode docu-series, and we’ve already heard from some of the most brilliant minds working in health and vaccine research in the world.

[NOTE - You’ll need to replace the X with the correct number]

The good news is that there are still several episodes remaining for you to see! 

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

If for some reason you’ve not registered yet...

Click here to watch NOW! >>

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

The next episode airs tonight at 9:00 Eastern.

I hope to see you there!

[Your Name]

P.S. Even if you’ve missed EVERY episode till now, there’s a TON more information coming in these new episodes. Make sure you’re there for the rest of ‘The Truth About Vaccines 2020’!

Click here to sign up and watch free online >>

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


It’s heart-wrenching when I hear this statistic…

“This is the first generation of kids that are not expected to outlive their parents.”

Despite all our medical advancements... despite all the money and all the research and all the science, incidents of chronic illness and disease are rising every year.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

Asthma, childhood diabetes, food allergies, digestive disorders, developmental delays, ADHD, autism, eczema, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, brain damage, etc... all of these rates are rising.

Simultaneously, the government-required vaccine schedule for children has increased from 5 doses in 1960 to 24 doses in 1983 to 72 doses in 2020.

In fact, the US now gives 3X more childhood vaccines than most developed countries, yet we have some of the highest rates of childhood issues NOT seen in other countries.

And so we have questions…

Are vaccines to blame? What are the risks we’re not being told about? Where are the safety studies on the combined doses of all these vaccines? Is there a vaccine-cancer connection? What are our alternatives to stay healthy and prevent disease? What about the discussions about ‘mandatory’ coronavirus vaccines?

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

‘The Truth About Vaccines 2020’ is a documentary series that’s bringing education and empowerment for folks to this heated debate.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

I’ve been talking about it a lot lately, and it’s airing right now.

Over 60 renowned health experts, researchers, and activists have contributed to make this the largest documentary of its kind ever released on the topic of vaccines.

If you’ve missed it so far, you owe it to yourself to watch this.

Click here to watch the rest of it for free >>

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

I’ll see you there,

[your name]


Vaccine freedom -- it’s becoming the health debate of the 21st century, as more and more people are asking questions and demanding answers.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

‘The Truth About Vaccines 2020’ is a 9 episode docu-series that covers the full depth and breadth of this issue to educate and empower folks to make their own informed decisions.

It’s the most informative documentary of its kind EVER released, and it’s airing live right now.

If you haven’t been watching, you’re missing out on a truly groundbreaking event!

Vaccines are a “hot button” issue, and the way you choose to approach them will have repercussions, no matter what you decide.



…The recommended CDC schedule.

…Side effects and toxicity.

…The coming COVID-19 vaccine.


{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

You owe it to yourself and your family to learn as much as you can about vaccines, the risks (on both sides), and what alternatives are available to you to stay healthy and prevent disease.

And this series is providing you ALL the tools you need.

If you haven’t – register here to see the rest of the series 100% FREE.

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}

Join me for the next episode of ‘The Truth About Vaccines 2020’ now.

I’ll see you there,

[your name]

P.S. Remember, it’s free to watch each of the 9 episodes online as they’re aired live. Also, please share this link with anyone you know who could benefit from this vital vaccine information too.

Click here to register and watch now >>

{Your Affiliate Link. Please use the link generator above to get your link.}


1. Click on the format size to reveal the banners.
2a. Click any of the banners to open full size, and right-click and save-as to download.
2b. (Faster) Right-click on any thumbnail and save-as to also download full-size image.
3. Upload banners to your website/blog or share through email or social media. Be sure to use the link generator above to get your link and swipe copy to use with the corresponding banner.

Vaccine Roundtable Banners

Replay Weekend Banners

Episode Meme Banners

Click Here to download EPISODE MEME Banners ZIP file

We’re LIVE Banners

Click Here to download We’re LIVE Banners ZIP file

Pre-Launch Banners

↓ Trailer “Questions” Banners ↓

Who’s up for a Contest?

We are giving away $40,000+ in prize money!

Kick-off Contest – $5,000 Leads Contest + Raffle

April 13 – 14 (the first 2 days of pre-launch),

we are having a $5,000 leads contest to “kick off” the launch! The person with the most leads gets $2,000 and every 500 leads gets you 1 raffle entry. Three winners will be drawn for $1,000 each.

Three winners will be drawn for $1,000 each.

Pre-Launch SURPRISE Contest ($5,000)

Details coming soon…

Affiliate Leads Contest – $15,000 in Cash Prizes (On Top of the Sales Contest Prizes)

This contest begins April 13th and ends on April 22nd at 11:59pm

NOTE: Must generate at least 2,500 total leads to qualify.

Affiliate SALES Contest – $15,000 in Cash Prizes (On Top of the Leads Contest Prizes)

This contest begins April 22 and ends May 3 at 11:59pm

NOTE: Must generate at least $10K in sales to qualify.

A Few of Our Affiliates

Cancer TourNatural News
Dr Eric ZDr Tenpenney
Stop Mandatory Vaccines

Our Experts

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Syndicated Radio Host, Author, Activist & Environmental Attorney

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, D.O.

Physician, Author, Lecturer, Researcher & Consultant

Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D.

Board-Certified Pediatrician, Author & Founding Director of Physicians for Informed Consent

Mike Adams (“The Health Ranger”)

Founder of, Food Scientist, Author & Lecturer”

Dr. Andrew Wakefield, MB.BS.

Gastroenterologist, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Director of “VAXXED”

Barbara Loe Fisher

Best-Selling Author & President of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)

Del Bigtree

Former Producer of the Emmy® Award-winning talk show, The Doctors® & Co-Producer of “VAXXED”

Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D.

Author, Lecturer, and Board-Certified in Internal Medicine & Nephrology

Dr. Larry Palevsky, M.D.

Renowned Board Certified Pediatrician, Lecturer & Author

Dr. Brian S. Hooker, Ph.D

Associate Professor of Biology at Simpson University, Inventor & Scientific Advisor

Sayer Ji

Author, Lecturer, National Health Federation Advisory Board

Dr. Judy Mikovits, Ph.D

Scientist, Publisher of 50 Scientific Papers & Former Lab Director at National Cancer Institute–phd.html

Dr. Sin Hang Lee, M.D.

Former Faculty of McGill University and Yale University, Director of Milford Medical Laboratory /2015/sin-hang-lee-milford-molecular-diagnostics-usa

Stephanie Seneff

Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Dr. Marco Ruggiero, M.D.

Molecular Biologist & Former Italian Army Lieutenant

Dr. Janet Levatin, M.D.

Pediatrician and Homeopath

Dr. Joseph Mercola, D.O.

Founder of, New York Times Best-selling Author

Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D

Award-winning Science Journalist & co-author of The Vaccine Friendly Plan

Dr. Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom

Author, Lecturer & Syndicated Host of the “Robert Scott Bell Show”

Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D

Immunologist, Author & Founding Director of Physicians for Informed Consent

Dr. Rashid Buttar, D.O.

Practitioner, Researcher, Best-Selling Author & International Lecturer

Dr. Debra Gambrell, D.O.

Practicing Pediatric Osteopath

Allison Folmar, J.D.

Civil Rights Attorney, Lecturer

David “Avocado” Wolfe

Best-selling Author, Speaker, Herbalist, and Health Educator “

Jefferey Jaxen

Researcher, Independent Investigative Journalist, Writer and Voice for Health Freedom

Robert J. Krakow, Esq

Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Attorney Specializing in Vaccines

Polly Tommey

Author, Founding Editor-in-Chief of “The Autism File” & Co-Producer of “VAXXED”

Dr. Shawn Centers, D.O.

Internationally Renowned Pediatrician & Medical Director at Children’s HOPE Center

Neil Z. Miller

Medical Research Journalist & Director of the “Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute”

Laura Hayes

Speaker, Activist, Mother of Vaccine-Injured Child t/

Dr. Tim O’Shea, D.C.

Practitioner, Researcher, Lecturer, and Author

Charlene Bollinger

Researcher & Health Freedom Advocate

Nico and Davi LaHood

District Attorney for Bexar County, TX and Parents of Vaccine Injured Child

Brandy Vaughan

Vaccine Activist & Whistle-Blower, Former Merck Sales Rep

G. Edward Griffin

Best-Selling Author, Journalist & Documentary Film Producer

April Boden

Blogger, Activist, and Mother of Vaccine-Injured Child

Minister Tony Muhammad

International Lecturer & Vaccine Activist

Erin Crawford

Vaccine Awareness Activist

Mario Lamo-Jiménez

Writer & Award-Winning Investigative Journalist

Michael R. Hugo, Esq

International Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Products Liability and Toxic & Environmental Torts

Erin Elizabeth

Author, Researcher & Public Speaker

Dr. Heather Rice, D.C.

Practicing Chiropractor, Activist & Author

Dr. Eric Zielinski, D.C.

Health Coach, Researcher, & Speaker

Dr. Srinivasulu Gadugu, M.D.

Assistant Proffessor, Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College, Cudappah, Andhra, India

Dr. Cilla Whatcott, Ph.D

Co-Founder of “Free and Healthy Children International”

Dr. David Lewis

EPA Whistle-blower, Internationally Recognized Research Microbiologist

Dr. Heather Wolfson, D.C.

Chiropractic Physician & Lecturer

Dr. Jack Wolfson, D.O.

Board-certified Cardiologist, Lecturer & Best-Selling Author

Dr. David Brownstein, M.D.

Author & Board-Certified Family Physician

Dr. Edward Group, D.C.

Author, Lecturer, Formulator & Founder and CEO of Global Healing Center

Ian Clark

Lecturer, Researcher & Founder of Activation Products

Heidi Bonaroti

Mother of Vaccine Injured Child

Dr. Muhammed Rafeeque, A.A., B.H.M.S.

Author & Practitioner of Classical Homoeopathy in Kerala, India

Edda West

Founder of Vaccine Choice Canada

Edwin Black

Award-winning, New York Times Best-Selling International Investigative Author

Julius Tharpe

Cinematographer and Parent

Dr. Manuela Malaguti-Boyle, Ph.D, N.M.D.

Board Certified Australian Integrative Oncologist, Lecturer & Author

Tom & Candace Bradstreet


Dr. Irvin Sahni, M.D.

Physician, Surgeon, Scientist & Lecturer

Meet The TTAC Team…


Ty Bollinger

Our Host and TTAC co-owner, Ty Bollinger, is “the man to know” and a recognized pillar of the alternative cancer movement. He’s been all over TV and radio promoting our documentary – not to mention that he’s interviewed the best of the best – more than 150 doctors, experts and survivors from all over the world in his search to educate, expose and eradicate cancer around the world.


Charlene Bollinger

Our CEO and co-owner, Charlene Bollinger, is one of the movers and shakers in the natural health movement, receiving the “Paradigm Shifter in Alternative Medicine” Award in 2017. She and her husband Ty have been on the mission to spread the truth about cancer for over 2 decades. Charlene is a woman on a mission and cares deeply about educating every man, woman, and child that cancer is not a death sentence!

Director of Operations

Dess Diaz

Dess grew up in a small town in Utah where she met and married her husband and is raising her three beautiful daughters. Health and choice have been two of her life long passions. When she had the opportunity to work in The Truth About Cancer she jumped for it and has loved every minute of it! When she isn’t working she loves working in her garden and spending time with her family.

Business Administrator

Bridget Wenum

Originally from Cincinnati Ohio, Bridget Wenum is one of the newest members of the TTAC Affiliate team. She brings with her a unique skill set based on her previous adventures both in the Navy and various roles in the civilian world. Highlights included working as a Donor Resource Consultant after 9/11 and serving as the Executive Director for a non-profit that supported children in the foster care system. Bridget has a Bachelors in social psychology and a master’s in Organizational leadership.


For all questions about being an affiliate, joint ventures, and how to make the most from this promotion, contact us at [email protected].

A: You can find all tested swipe emails, banners, social media posts, etc, on this page in the Copy & Creatives section above.

We want to make it as easy as possible for you. We will also email all creatives along with unique tracking links to each individual partner participating in the launch. If there is something specific you need to help promote our events, let us know — we will make sure to get it over to you.

We will be paying out 100 percent of commissions earned for the month on the 30th of the following month (to account for refunds, if any).

Example: All commissions earned in April will be paid at the end of May. Please note: commissions of $5 or less due are only paid via PayPal.

Please be aware that we won’t pay out commissions until we have your latest, accurate W9/W8-BEN on file. To receive your commissions for the month, your tax forms must be submitted by the 15th of that month to [email protected]. For example: To receive commissions earned in January, your tax forms must be submitted by February 15th.

Each month after launches, you’ll continue receiving payments for new and/or recurring purchase.

A: You’ll earn 40% commissions on all digital products and 30% on all physical product sales.

A: Yes, after you sign up to be an affiliate, you can login to our affiliate system here. Click on Reports and select the Quick Stats and/or Trend Reports to see your stats.

Your username should be the email address you signed up with. Hint: it’s the same email address where you’ve been receiving the affiliate emails: [email protected].

If you can’t figure out your password, click here to reset your current password.

If you still can’t login, email us at: [email protected], and we’ll send you your email and a new password.

A: You won’t see instant sales/commissions from your promotional efforts during our pre-launches. After your people sign up for the free airing of the docu-series event, they will go through a launch sequence that will deliver amazing value and also generate a lot more sales then going straight to a sales page.

You’ll start to see sales coming in on April 22 and they’ll increase every day with the most happening April 30 and May 1 and then again after our replay weekend.

For the first premier of the TTAV docu-series launch, our affiliates earned an average of $2.86 EPC (earnings per click) and $6.54 EPL (earnings per lead) for warm email traffic from mailing during our pre-launch.

The absolute BEST thing you can do is send as many people as you can to the video trailer sign-up page which is where your affiliate links link to. The more people that sign up through your affiliate link, the more money you will make.

1. To check how many leads you have referred:

>>Reports → Trends Report (shows for the last 30 days): Scroll down under TTAV Opt-ins

2. Sales will start to roll in beginning April 22 thru the close out of the launch and even after the replay weekend.

For clicks and sales stats:>>Reports → Quick stats, select custom date for all of April and run report.

You’ll start to see commissions in your affilaite account starting the evening episode 2 airs during the event (starting around 10pm Eastern). Sales start slow and continue to rise through the end of day following the replay weekend. Get as many leads signed up to the event as possible, you’ll be glad you did come commissions time 🙂

Login Link:
UN: email address
PW: (you set your pw when you created your TTAV acct. If you are an existing TTAC affiliate, use your same pw for TTAV). To reset your password email us directly at: [email protected]

A: Your referral id has been in our emails we’ve been sending you. Please refer back to one of the emails or email us directly at [email protected]. You can also log into our affiliate program (details in the next questions), click on “My Profile”, then click on “Personal Details.”

A: You can use either link. They both direct to the video trailer page. If you use the link generator, please make sure to paste your referral id and click Customize link.

Note: the link generator will also auto populate your article affiliate links as mentioned in the question above. Also, we will be announcing an additional lander for the 2nd half of the pre-launch which will have a completely different affiliate link then your default link in Post Affiliate Pro.

A: We have a main video trailer page which you should use to promote during pre-launch period, April 13 – 21. That page includes a video of what to expect in The Truth About Vaccines docu-series. Your people can easily opt-in to get access to this for FREE beginning April 13.

We also have 3 articles you can share (great for Facebook) that are more content heavy. Your leads will be tracked to you if people opt in through your article affiliate links. To get your affiliate links for articles, please enter in your referral id in the link generator above, Customize links and your links will be under the drop down 8,9,10 and 16 along with snippets you can use to promote those articles.

A: If you’ve clicked on any of your affiliate links BEFORE April 13 at 12:01am EST, your computer may have cached the countdown timer or the grayed out opt-in form. Please clear your cache if your affiliate links aren’t working.

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The Truth About Cancer® is a registered Trademark of TTAC Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: The content of this website is based on research conducted by TTAC Publishing, LLC, unless otherwise noted. The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. TTAC Publishing encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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