Cancer*TRUTH Summer 2015 Newsletter



ALA Outperforms Chemo

How Figs Fight Cancer

Pine Tree Oil Packs a Punch!

Medical Kidnapping of Cassandra C

Sandalwood & Frankincense Knock Out Cancer

Oncologists Proven Wrong! Nutrition DOES Matter!

Amazing Health Device – Learn More

Rest in Peace Dr Nick…

natural cancer treatments


ALA Outperforms Chemo

by: Dr. David Jockers DC, MS, CSCS

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a virtually unknown nutrient. It is a naturally occurring thiol antioxidant, or simply stated, a sulfur containing chemical produced in plants and animals.1,2 It has been shown to have a remarkable ability to regenerate other major anti-oxidants and protect the body from oxidative stress. Research has also shown that it has the potential to outperform chemotherapy in its ability to reduce cancer cell formation; with little to no side-effects or collateral damage.

alternative cancer treatments

Alpha lipoic acid is found in food and many alternative health doctors use higher dose supplemental form to help those with diabetes, neurodegenerative conditions, auto-immune diseases, cancer, and heart disease. Alpha lipoic acid in supplemental form is also used to improve human performance in otherwise healthy individuals.



natural cancer treatments


How Figs Fight Cancer

by: Jane G. Goldberg

It’s fig season. Figs abound in the summer, and organic figs are available in most health food stores. They’re not the most popular fruit, but they have the distinction of being one of the healthiest of all fruits, and they are truly a communal and communicative fruit. They are the only fruit that has an opening, called the “ostiole” or “eye,” which is not connected to the tree. Uniquely, the fig’s eye increases its communication with its surrounding environment. How can you not love a fruit that is so human-like in its two-way communication ability?


In addition, according to recent research, figs also have the wonderful advantage of having specific anti-cancer properties. This should not surprise us since historically figs have been known to be a medicinal food. Contemporary research now tells us why.



natural cancer treatments


Pine Tree Oil Packs a Punch!

by Ty Bollinger

The historical significance of this fragrant evergreen dates back hundreds of years, and not just as a feature for celebrating the Christmas tradition. Pine trees and the needles they produce are just as much a prickly, earthy source of natural medicine as they are redolent of a brisk walk in a mountainous forest. Science now suggests that their extracts might also be an effective weapon in the fight against cancer.


When French explorer Jacques Cartier first arrived by ship in 1535 to what is now known as Quebec, Canada, he and his men learned very quickly about the healing power of pine tree needles. Stricken by scurvy, Cartier and his men were taught by natives of the land that steeping pine tree needles and bark into a tea cured this debilitating disease, which is now recognized as being caused by vitamin C deficiency.



natural cancer treatments


Medical Kidnapping of Cassandra C

by Ty Bollinger

Imagine your 17-year-old daughter gets the diagnosis of cancer. You both do research on treatment options and see that chemotherapy is toxic with potentially long standing, irreversible consequences: damage to the reproductive organs, bladder, heart,  lungs, nervous system, kidneys, and more. You and your daughter decide not to do it and choose to take a different route; one that is safer and is non-toxic.Medical-Kidnapping-Casandra

Much to your shock, while you are out shopping, your daughter is home and the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF) shows up at your door (with 12 police cars no less, to kidnap your daughter and force her to do chemotherapy against her will and your wishes).

What would you do?


natural cancer treatments

Sandalwood & Frankincense Knock Out Cancer

by Ty Bollinger

Imagine yourself journeying across Southeast Asia and encountering giant trees giving off a fragrant, earthy aroma marked by a tinge of sweetness and a hint of fruit. A local expert in Ayurvedic medicine informs you that deep within the heartwood of these trees is a precious substance that has been used by traditional healers for centuries to fend off debilitating disease.


The trees being described here are known as sandalwood, and they really are one of nature’s perfect miracles when it comes to healing. From a cancer perspective, the essential oil of sandalwood, which is tapped from the centermost area of sandalwood tree trunks and roots, is a time-tested remedy for preventing tumors and their associated cancers.

Though technically endangered, sandalwood trees are now being grown sustainably in various parts of the world, including in Australia and Indonesia. While generally more expensive than many other essential oils, sandalwood oil remains among the most powerful anti-inflammatory and chemo-protective serums available – and it smells incredible!


natural cancer treatments

Oncologists Proven Wrong! Nutrition DOES Matter!

by: Dr. Charles Majors

How many times have you heard or been told it doesn’t matter what you eat during Cancer and cancer patients are encouraged to eat whatever they want? This ONE thing PROVES they are completely wrong and HAVE TO APOLOGIZE to all these Cancer patients and their families.

natural cancer treatments

Do you think that eating sugar or anything that turns to sugar doesn’t cause Cancer? Think Again!

Cancer cells are glucose metabolizers, their only source of fuel for survival is SUGAR since their mitochondria are damaged. Based on continuous research, it is clear that sugar feeds cancer; therefore, the PET scan uses radioactive glucose to detect cancer cells. The simple mechanism of tagging glucose molecules with radioactive indicators that light up when the cancer cells ingest them further confirms that doctors are aware of cancer’s weakness for sugar. NOW Oncologists are using Diabetes drugs in Cancer patients to keep sugar out of the blood  and decreasing the amount cancer cells take in!!!


natural cancer treatments

Amazing Health Device – Learn More

In late April 2015, my good friend and colleague, Dr. Rashid Buttar, made one announcement for a webinar that was being planned and that brief email generated over 1000 people to register for the webinar.  He realized that he would not be able to accommodate the number of people that had expressed an interest in attending that webinar.  As a result, Dr. Buttar has now prepared an “on demand” presentation … which will be released on September 1, 2015.

Click here to get more information –

Mango for Health

You will need an “invitation code” to be able view this life changing presentation….the information that will be released onSeptember 1st will be beyond your expectation!

Your Invitation Code – 1986

Don’t procrastinate or postpone taking action…..go to now.


natural cancer treatments

Rest in Peace Dr. Nick…

by: Ty Bollinger

The world has lost a true hero…

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, a prominent alternative cancer doctor, died July 21, 2015 of an apparent heart attack at his home in New York City. Dr. Gonzalez was probably the world’s foremost expert on cancer, often recommended by other alternative doctors as the “go-to doctor” with the best results for supposedly “terminal” cancers such as pancreatic cancer.

Dr. Nick was my friend. He loved helping people with cancer. He loved sharing his knowledge about how to treat cancer; and he loved talking about God and discussing Biblical topics as well as politics and current affairs.

After we became friends last year, he sent me several books, including a Companion Bible. We shared the same Christian faith, the same distrust of the “mainstream media,” and the same desire to spread the truth about cancer.

Dr. Nick could talk for hours about his vast knowledge of cancer and his life experiences. Never shy on words, and never lacking passion, he was one of the most intelligent people I’d ever met.  Dr. Nick was also one of the favorite interviewees in The Quest for The Cures docu-series last year and we had scheduled another interview with him in mid-August to be included in A Global Quest.Sadly now, this interview will not happen.

Dr. Nick graduated from Brown University, Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude with a degree in English Literature. He subsequently worked as a journalist at Time Inc. before pursuing premedical studies at Columbia University, and then later receiving his medical degree from Cornell University Medical College in 1983.

During a postgraduate immunology fellowship under Dr. Robert A. Good, considered by many to be the father of modern immunology, Dr. Nick completed a research study evaluating an aggressive nutritional therapy in the treatment of advanced cancer.

Since 1987 he had been in private practice in New York City, treating patients diagnosed with cancer and other serious degenerative illnesses, with nutrition, enzymes, and detoxification.

Our condolences go out to Dr. Nick’s wife, Mary Beth, his family, and his medical partner, Dr. Linda Isaacs. I am sure that Dr. Nick is hanging out with my mother and father in heaven as I write this article. So that is a ray of light in this sad story. But those of us that are left have lost a giant of a man!

In an era where sports stars are worshipped and placed on a pedestal, oftentimes true heroes are overlooked. One such hero was Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. He saved lives. His research and methods for treating cancer have changed the world and will live on forever.

On July 21, 2015, the world lost a true hero.

Dr. Nick, you will be sorely missed!


natural cancer treatments

OK, enough for this time. But stay tuned. My next monthly newsletter will have more great info.


Thanks and God bless.

Ty Bollinger

Follow Cancer Truth Everywhere


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The road to health is paved with good intestines

- Sherry A. Rogers

The real cure for what ails our health care system today is less government and more freedom

- Steve Forbes

Modern allopathic medicine is the only major science stuck in the pre-Einstein era

- Charlotte Gerson

The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease

- Voltaire

People come up to me and say, ‘I don’t know what to do about cancer I’ve tried everything,’ I say, ‘have you tried nature?

- Mike Adams