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Financing the Flames Released 2013
Released 2013 (Paperback)
US $23.00
War Against the Weak Expanded Edition 2012
Expanded Edition 2012 (Paperback)
US $30.00
IBM and the Holocaust Expanded Edition 2012
Expanded Edition 2012 (Paperback)
US $30.00
BP & Redline Agreement Released 2011
Released 2011 (Paperback)
US $23.00
The Farhud Released 2010
Released 2010 (Paperback)
US $26.00
The Transfer Agreement 25th Anniversary 2009
25th Anniversary 2009 (Paperback)
US $26.00
Nazi Nexus Released 2009
Released 2009 (Paperback)
US $23.00
The Plan Released 2008
Released 2008 (Paperback)
US $16.00
Internal Combustion Released 2006
Released 2006 (Hardback)
US $27.00
Banking on Baghdad Released 2004
Released 2004 (Paperback)
US $20.00
Format C: Released 1999
Released 1999 (Hardback)
US $20.00

Audio Versions

IBM and the Holocaust - Expanded Edition 2012
Abridged Audio
US $27.00
Internal Combustion - Released 2006
Unabridged Audio
US $25.00

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