Edwin Black, the award-winning New York Times and international bestselling author of IBM and the Holocaust, The Farhud, War Against the Weak, The Transfer Agreement, Banking on Baghdad,  Internal Combustion, The Plan,  Nazi Nexus, The Farhud, British Petroleum and Redline Agreement, and Financing the Flames ... is now embarking upon his next projects. He is recruiting volunteer researchers and volunteer reporters.

IBM and the Holocaust involved some 100 people in seven countries. The Transfer Agreement, Internal Combustion, and War Against the Weak each involved more than 50 volunteers in five countries. Banking on Baghdad deployed 30 in five countries. With the advance of technology and collaborative working, The Farhud,  The Plan, and Nazi Nexus required as few as a dozen volunteer assistants. Due to technology, a small, elite number of new volunteer researchers will be needed for the next projects.

Project O. The current book project is code-named "Project O." Locations will vary. Work will be mainly in English, some Arabic, German, and Turkish. The topic is Mideast history, from an international perspective, with an accent on international law, the post WWI era, and dynamics on the ground. Acknowledgement credits are available for sustained assistance by volunteers.

Project R. The 2017 book project is code-named "Project R." Locations will vary. Work will be mainly in English. The topic is technology. Acknowledgement credits are available for sustained assistance by volunteers.

TCEN. Beyond books, the main week-to-week project in 2016 will be skilled editorial and content posting assistance at The Cutting Edge News, the online publication, with more than a million readers monthly. Online acknowledgement is available for sustained assistance by volunteers.

In addition, the following skills are sought: 1) volunteer typists, especially those who can transcribe text from PDFs; 2) volunteer filmmakers and videomakers; 3) volunteer graphic art designers, accomplished in C5 or similar. 4) volunteer tech support experienced in network enterprise.

Only those volunteers interested and ready to start immediately need apply. Continuity of availability is imperative. A non-disclosure agreement is required.

Interested volunteers should provide the following information:

  • name
  • phone for interview
  • street contact information
  • brief resume
  • university database access
  • availability for the next six months
  • skills set and interests

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