Coffee and Cardiovascular Health

I have been drinking coffee since I was 10. Many of you have a similar experience. Never was I concerned about if it was a healthy habit or not.

Until I met my wife, Dr. Heather. She questioned the health ramifications of caffeine. Does it impact hormones? Does it impact adrenal function? Can it interfere with cardiovascular wellness?

Well, I started to research every article I could. After all, if I was going to advise thousands of office patients and millions around the world, I had better know the science.

There are 1000’s of articles on coffee and caffeine. I have selected some of my favorites for this post.

In short, coffee is healthy, especially when you choose the best source. At the end of the post, I will tell you the company we support.

Coffee and Your Heart

Evidence has shown that coffee can actually protect the heart and the arteries. A recent 2017 review of the research revealed that moderate coffee consumption was found to have positive effects on both healthy individuals and patients diagnosed with hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias. Furthermore, a study out of South Korea found that drinking 3-5 cups of coffee per day was associated with a reduced prevalence of coronary artery calcium (decreased incidence of blocked arteries). The study showed that those who drank 3-5 cups per day were found to have the lowest prevalence of atherosclerosis overall.

It is speculated that many of the cardioprotective effects of coffee arise from its anti-inflammatory properties, potent antioxidant compounds and general caffeine content.

At the end of the day when it comes to coffee, it is just like anything else we discuss at our clinic. Whether you choose to consume coffee or not depends on your unique bio-individual response to it. If you’re a slow metabolizer of caffeine, then you may want to limit your cup of joe. However, if your body tolerates coffee and caffeine intake, then feel free to drink to your heart’s content.

Coffee/ hypertension

While the effects of coffee on hypertension seem to be mixed, it has been found that coffee consumption can have beneficial effects on hypertension risk. In regular coffee drinkers, coffee doesn’t seem to have major effects on blood pressure. However, coffee is a complex beverage with a multitude of compounds in it, and in those who are sensitive to the coffee compounds, there could be impacts on blood pressure readings. This is why habitual chronic coffee consumers seem to reap the greatest benefit overtime.

What the research says:

  • A 2018 study found that the risk of hypertension was significantly decreased by 2% for each one cup/ one day increment of coffee consumption. Essentially, the study showed protective effects of coffee. An increase in coffee consumption was significantly associated with a decreased risk of hypertension in a dose-dependent manner.
  • Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the intake of caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee has no ill effect on risk for hypertension in post-menopausal women.
  • A study reviewed the research and found that, based on lack of true statistical evidence, the consumption of coffee has no significant negative impacts on hypertension risk or blood pressure readings.

Coffee/ CAD

More recent scientific research, which has carefully accounted for confounding factors, suggests that coffee intake does not increase risk of heart disease. In fact, habitual coffee consumption has been linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and seems to exert protective cardiac effects, especially in women.

What the research says:

  • Research has shown that moderate coffee consumption (defined as 3-5 cups of coffee per day) is significantly linked to reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD). Furthermore, heavy coffee consumption (defined as greater than 6 cups per day) had no significant effects on cardiovascular risk, alluding to the safety of coffee consumption on heart health.
  • A 2018 study looked at the observational research conducted thus far on habitual coffee consumption and cardiac risk. The review found that habitual coffee consumption (defined as 3-5 cups per day) by healthy individuals resulted in a 15% risk reduction in the development of cardiovascular disease and a lower risk of mortality.
  • A large prospective study published in Diabetologia revealed that habitual coffee consumption of Type 2 diabetic patients did not have any significant effects on risk for cardiovascular disease or premature mortality. Furthermore, the study concluded that coffee has beneficial impacts on glucose tolerance, which is actually protective against CVD.

Coffee/ Atrial fibrillation

The myth that coffee causes heart arrhythmias is widespread, especially within the medical community. While certain individuals may experience palpitations upon coffee intake, this belief has now been largely disproven via newer research. Moderate coffee consumption is now thought to be linked to a reduced risk of cardiac arrhythmias including a decreased incidence of atrial fibrillation and premature ventricular contractions, or PVC’s.

What the research says:

  • 2019 research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association now proclaims that regular coffee consumption of 1-3 cups per day could be protective against atrial fibrillation (AF). This Physicians’ Health Study showed a dose-response effect and revealed that men who drank coffee regularly had a significantly lower risk of AF overall.
  • The Danish Diet, Cancer and Heart Study reviewed a large population-based cohort and found that an increased intake of coffee was significantly associated with a lower rate of atrial fibrillation events and an overall reduced incidence of AF.
  • Other research has also corroborated the now established, non-harmful effects of coffee on AF risk. One study showed that caffeine intake from coffee did not have any significant effect on atrial fibrillation risk.

Coffee/ cholesterol

While the research on coffee and cholesterol is rather limited, it can be concluded (from the evidence available) that coffee can have positive impacts on cholesterol numbers. The likely mechanism behind coffee’s positive modulation of blood lipids is likely due to its uniquely high status of antioxidant and phenolic compounds.

What the research says:

  • Recent research published in Circulation Research found that regular intake of coffee had antiatherogenic properties. Specifically, the study found that key phenolic compounds in coffee had the ability to increase cholesterol efflux by HDL.
  • A 2015 study showed no ill effect of Turkish coffee or instant coffee consumption on serum lipid levels, which suggests that coffee consumption is still safe for those with abnormal cholesterol markers.
  • A study looked at the effects of coffee consumption on lipid markers in dialysis patients and found that coffee intake was associated with lower LDL and high HDL markers.

Coffee/ inflammation

Coffee is a complex brew and it contains a wide array of polyphenolic antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that could protect against chronic inflammation. Antioxidants, such as those found in coffee, are able to quench free radicals, reduce oxidative stress and limit the activation of inflammatory cascades in the body.

What the research says:

  • A novel 2006 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition highlighted the beneficial impacts of coffee consumption on heart health. Specifically, the study’s results showed that increased coffee consumption was significantly linked to decreased risk of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction.
  • Another observational study found that heavy coffee consumption (defined as greater than 2.5 cups per day) was significantly associated with a decrease in key circulating inflammatory markers including chemokines, pro-inflammatory cytokines and cell growth regulators.
  • A 2010 clinical trial substantiated coffee’s anti-inflammatory effects. The study found that compounds in coffee had significant impacts on inflammation; specifically, reductions in circulating levels of inflammatory mediators that are involved in chronic disease states.
  • Lastly, a study of Japanese women found that coffee consumption (greater than 1 cup per day) was significantly associated with lower serum hsCRP (sensitive marker of cardiac inflammation) levels.

Coffee/ dementia

Perhaps one of the most well-studied compounds with regards to dementia risk, coffee has been found to be highly neuroprotective. Coffee (and the caffeine found within it) can protect against the detrimental effects of oxidative stress, neuroinflammation and conditions of hypoxia (where the brain is starved of oxygen), all of which are associated with dementia risk.

What the research says:

  • The CAIDE study found that drinking 3-5 cups of coffee per day resulted in a 65% reduced risk of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease (AD) later in life. The speculated mechanisms for this neuroprotective effect of coffee include increased antioxidant intake and improved blood glucose regulation.
  • A 2011 rat study found that chronic coffee consumption resulted in improvements to cognitive function and regulation of the antioxidant system of the brain. The authors concluded that long-term consumption of coffee could prevent neurodegeneration, a hallmark of dementia.
  • A novel mouse study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease revealed that caffeinated coffee has an essential “compound” in it that increases levels of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (GCSF). The study showed that increased plasma levels of GCSF showed an increase in memory function, cognition and formation of new neurons, all of which are protective mechanisms against dementia and AD.

Recommendations for the BEST coffee in the world.

If you drink coffee, you may as well make it the best. The best should be organic, low to zero mold, and highest health value.

The best is Purity Coffee.

  • Organic– Coffee crops are among the highest sprayed with pesticides in the world. Pesticides kill pests and they kill us. They also kill the environment. A recent study found people with the highest level of pesticides have the highest risk of dying over a 10 year period.
  • Low mold– Mycotoxins from mold are destructive to your health. You name the illness, I can link it to mold. Go with a brand like Purity that tests for mold to make sure the coffee is safe to drink. Mold in coffee is a serious health concern.
  • Antioxidants– As discussed above, the benefits of coffee mostly stem from its antioxidant properties. Purity tests the highest for antioxidants of all coffees tested. That was the original purpose of the company. And they did it.

And now YOU can reap the benefits of Purity in your home. Enjoy.

Purity Coffee

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