Anatomy of the Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic Parasympathetic

The brain controls all organ function in the body. As you can see from the above anatomy drawing, the heart, lungs, digestive system, urinary system and genitalia are all under brain control.

It is the balance of the neurologic control that is key. We must find balance.

The autonomic neurologic system (ANS) comes from the brain.  There are two branches of the ANS: parasympathetic (in blue above) and sympathetic (in yellow above) .

The parasympathetic is also known as “rest and digest”. Bowel, urine, and sexual function is under control of this branch. 

The sympathetic system is “fight or flight”. Think getting chased by a tiger or an angry human. 

Balance of the ANS is crucial for the prevention and treatment of:

  1. Heart rhythm / atrial fibrillation
  2. Hypertension
  3. Congestive heart failure
  4. Diabetes
  5. Digestion
  6. Liver/gall bladder function
  7. Sexual function/ erectile dysfunction/ libido
  8. Asthma/ emphysema and COPD

Malfunction of the ANS

The of CAUSE(s) of autonomic nervous system damage include one or more of

  1. Auto-immune
  2. Toxin induced- heavy metals, vaccines (source), pesticides, glyphosate etc. 
  3. Trauma/post-surgical
  4. After an infection
  5. Mold
  6. EMF
  7. Poor sleep
  8. Dental issues
  9. Sunshine deficiency
  10. Stress
  11. Vertebral subluxation

Fix the ANS

For techniques to normalize autonomic function, check out these 10 Tips

For supplements to boost parasympathetic tone, look check out our Li Zyme (lithium) , magnesium, garlic, hawthorn and Heart Beet (organic beetroot powder) by The Drs. Wolfson. 

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