Is it Good to Take a Multivitamin Every Day?

Yes, and here’s why.

It’s a scientific fact that your body needs vitamins and minerals to survive. It’s also a fact that a lack of vitamins and minerals lead to illness, disease and even death.

So, the question isn’t IF you need vitamins everyday (you do), but rather HOW will you get vitamins and minerals into your daily nutrition plan.

Multivitamins Bridge Nutritional Gaps

Your body is engineered to get the vitamins and minerals it needs from food.

However, there are two big problems with relying on food alone to get the vitamins and minerals necessary for good health:

  • Food is less nutritious than it was in the past. Due to soil depletion (as reported by Scientific American) and changes in the cultivated varieties of foods (as reported by the New York Times), food is no longer as nutritious as it used to be. Scientists noted reliable declines in garden crops for nutrients like potassium, iron, calcium, protein and vitamins B and C.
  • Most people eat foods with no nutritional value. Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet is full of foods that harm health rather than help it. The National Cancer Institute conducted a study that found that 96% of Americans don’t reach the minimum weekly level of greens and beans. A whopping 98% miss the mark for orange vegetable and 99% miss the weekly recommended requirements of whole grains. Researchers wrote that “nearly the entire U.S. population consumes a diet that is not on par with recommendations.”

So, most of us don’t eat the right foods AND even if we did, we wouldn’t get the proper nutrients we need from food alone.

That’s where a nutritional supplement called a “multivitamin” comes in. The multivitamin helps ensure that your body gets the vitamins and minerals it needs for good health. It’s safe, effective, and goes a long way to correcting nutritional deficiencies.

The Journal of Nutrition published a study that showed both women and men who took multivitamins significantly slashed their risks of a first heart attack.

At The Drs. Wolfson, we encourage everyone to take a quality multivitamin every day. Taking a daily multivitamin can only help you…it can’t hurt you, no matter what you eat.

Choosing the Right Multivitamin

Some multivitamins you can buy today contain unnecessary fillers and ingredients that can potentially be harmful. There are hundreds that line the shelves of retailers. Multivitamin supplements are largely unregulated, leaving product safety up to the manufacturers.

So, before you settle on a brand of multivitamin, do a little research. Get a quality multivitamin that improves your health. The best price you can pay is for a multivitamin that is safe and effective.

Keep these tips in mind:

  • Beware of additives and fillers. Binders are often used to hold ingredients together. Lactose and sucrose are often used as binders. Additives, binders and fillers don’t add value to your health and can harm you.
  • Avoid artificial colorings and flavors. FD&C Blue, Green, Red and Yellow are in lots of multivitamins, including kids brands, and have been linked to immune system problems.
  • Be wary of coatings used to make capsules smoother and easier to swallow. These coatings are often in the form of gelatin made from animal products, which is not for vegans.
  • Look for multivitamins that use activated forms of ingredients. When you take an activated form, you’re assisting our body in allowing the nutrient to do its job. Chelated minerals will maximize absorption. Look for methylated B vitamins to ensure full absorption.
  • Avoid synthetic folic acid. Some people have trouble converting folic acid to its active form. That’s why it’s best to avoid synthetic folic acid. Look for the activated form of the ingredient, usually listed as simply folate, or 5-MTHF, or folacin. Folate is also found in leafy greens like spinach, romaine lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, mushrooms and avocado.
  • Avoid multivitamins with vitamin E ingredient of dl-alpha tocopherol, as it is synthetically made. Instead, look for d-alpha tocopherol which is the natural form found in foods that the body can be absorb. Synthetic ingredients are hard to absorb, are harder for the body to use and inferior to natural ingredients.
  • Stay away from any multivitamin with “oxide” listed in any of the ingredients. The oxide source is the cheapest form of any mineral. They are poorly absorbed and require the body’s antioxidants to neutralize it. Doesn’t make sense to spend the body’s resources on a cheap grade ingredient.
  • Don’t use a product that contains cyanocobalamin used for vitamin B12. Although it lowers product cost, it is a synthetic that doesn’t occur naturally in nature.
  • Buy your multivitamins from a company you can trust. Anyone can put most anything on a label. Can you trust what’s on that label?

We’ve made our own multivitamin, developed to our exacting standards. We urge you to try it! If you don’t agree that it’s the best multivitamin for you, we’ll refund your money!

Takeaway Message

Multivitamins are a daily necessity for good health for most people. They bridge nutritional gaps created by poor quality food and poor diet and food choices.

Quality and purity of multivitamins vary greatly by manufacture. Avoid synthetic ingredients, fillers, binders and artificial colors. Cheaper ingredients mean less cost. It also means less benefits to you. You get what you pay for. Always buy multivitamins from someone you trust.

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