Science + Research

for Healthy Living Naturally

Month: August 2019

5 Tips for Better Erectile Function

Erectile dysfunction strikes millions of men in the U.S. alone. In fact, some sources claim over half of men above age 40 describe some level of erect...

Top 8 Food Sources of Mold Mycotoxins

Most people are familiar with mold, the green stuff that grows on old cheese. Of course, you recognize the black stuff in the shower or in the sink dr...

8 Health Benefits of Silica (Silicon Dioxide)

When silicon (an element on the periodic table) binds with oxygen, it creates a compound called silicon dioxide (SiO2), often referred to as silica. S...

Top Causes of Depleted Nitric Oxide Levels

What is nitric oxide (NO)? Nitric oxide is a small molecule that is naturally produced by the cells in your body. This means that it is also made by t...

Natural Treatment Remedies for High Cortisol

Stressed out? Your cortisol levels could be too high. Chronic stress leads to chronically elevated cortisol levels. High cortisol is related to weight...

Food Labeling: How to Avoid Being Fooled

Healthy or hype? What does the food label actually tell you? How do food companies try to trick us? These are the questions consumers should be asking...

10 Easy Tips (and 3 Supplements) to Keep Your Heart Healthy During Times of Stress

Heart attacks happen when you are the most vulnerable. By vulnerable I mean that your emotional, mental and physical health status is at its worst. Ca...

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