Science + Research

for Healthy Living Naturally

Month: September 2015

Apple Cider Vinegar For Heart Health

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Protect Your Heart? The short answer is yes. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is heart healthy and has a multitude of other health be...

Flexibility For Better Health

Flexibility For Better Health Flexibility is important because it allows a full free range of motion without straining or tearing your muscles and joi...

Go Gluten Free

Get Rid Of Gluten And Watch Health Improve Gluten is the latin word for glue and thats exactly what it is. Gluten a protein composite found in grains ...

Olive Oil Fights Breast Cancer

For those of you who follow The Drs. Wolfson, you know we love fat. Of course we are talking about healthy fats from free-range, grass-fed animals and...

Which door will you choose?

I made a choice. When I opened my office in Paradise Valley, Arizona, my heart was filled with extraordinary emotions. The list is long but includes e...

Do I Need Psyllium?

Should You Add Psyllium Husk Powder to Your Smoothie? Millions of people take psyllium based products every day. I am sure you are familiar with the m...

Stress Management

You’re Stressing Me Out! From a biological point of view, stress is an organism’s response to changes in its environment. It’s a method of react...

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