Vaccinologists Plan Jab For New Babies

Vaccine jab for newborn babies right out of the womb?

Mar 29th, 2013

Having to wait two months after birth to administer the first round of vaccines to an infant (with the exception of the fraudulent Hepatitis B vaccine) is apparently too long for the money-hungry vaccine industry, which is hard at work on a new vaccine technology that will allow vaccines to be administered immediately after a child is born. According to a new study published in the open-access journal PLoS ONE, scientists have already concocted a synthetic substance they say is capable of effectively triggering an immune response in newborn babies, a fresh feat for the industry.

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Previously, the vaccine industry has been unable to come up with a plausible way to administer vaccines to newborn babies because the freshly-born infants’ immune systems typically do not respond well to foreign immune stimulators. But as reported by Boston Children’s Hospital, a team of scientists from the Massachusetts-based health facility, and led by Dr. Ofer Levy, M.D., Ph.D., has discovered a synthetic molecular component that reportedly triggers an immune response in undeveloped immune systems.

According to the paper, the synthetic compound type, which is known collectively as benzazepines, was found to stimulate an exceptionally strong immune response in a specific immune receptor known as Toll-like receptor 8, or TLR 8. TLR 8 samples taken from newborn cord blood revealed that benzazepines can target certain white blood cells and trigger an immune response similar to what would occur in an older child or in an adult given a vaccine.

One particular benzazepine, VTX-294, was observed to trigger a “robust production of cytokines,” which are the chemical components responsible for initiating an immune response inside the body. Based on their findings, researchers concluded that VTX-294 is at least 10 times more effective at stimulating TLR 8 than any other known substance, which makes it a viable candidate for insertion into future vaccines.

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Newborn vaccines to damage natural immune development

What this means is that a whole new line of vaccines containing VTX-294 and other benzazepines could soon emerge specifically for babies under two months old. And as soon as the benzazepine class of chemicals is approved for commercial use, you can expect doctors and nurses at hospitals and healthcare facilities to begin pressuring parents of newborns to have their children vaccinated immediately after birth, when their immune systems have had no time whatsoever to develop naturally.

But the whole purpose of the human immune system is to develop its own natural immunity to disease, not to be forcibly modified with synthetic chemicals that artificially override it. After all, the first few months of a child’s life are crucial for this important stage of immune development, and injecting them with chemical-laden vaccines the minute they are delivered into the world only obstructs this normal process.

Sources for this article HERE, HERE & HERE

PS If you feel inspired to send an e-mail to the researchers involved to let them know what you think of their hare-brained – not to say criminal idea, here is the contact person’s name & e-mail address:

Erin Tornatore [email protected]


Watch the cruelty of vaccines first hand, as this young Thai girl is brutalised by the medical establishment