Science + Research

for Healthy Living Naturally
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Top 10 Ways to Help Your Body Detox

Today, there are more toxins in our environment than ever before. This is, therefore, a critical time period to detox regularly. It is also crucial to...

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Diastolic Dysfunction Natural Treatment Approach

Doctors have long understood that contraction of the heart, known as systole, is an energy-requiring process. The filling of the heart with oxygenated...

Do Masks Work to Prevent Coronavirus Spread?

With mandatory mask rules in place in so many cities, a question must be asked. Do masks work? If they don’t, then WHY are THEY asking us to wea...

20 New Paleo Recipes to Try

Now, more than ever, people are cooking homemade meals and sharing them with loved ones. Perhaps you’re an expert chef, or maybe you’re a ...

Clearing Out Heart Blockages by Increasing Cholesterol Efflux Capacity (CEC)

LDL takes cholesterol from the liver to the rest of the body. HDL takes cholesterol from the rest of the body (including heart plaque) and brings it b...

Coffee and Cardiovascular Health

I have been drinking coffee since I was 10. Many of you have a similar experience. Never was I concerned about if it was a healthy habit or not. Until...


Seasonal allergies have arrived for many. And with that, comes all of the hallmark allergy symptoms for those affected. The goal with functional medic...

Fight Corona + Strengthen Your Heart

Everyone knows that heart disease is the #1 killer worldwide.  But I can’t blame you if the hysteria around coronavirus has taken front and center ...

Immunoglobulin G and the Immune System

Immunoglobulins, or antibodies, are known as the defender proteins of the immune system. Immunoglobulin G is the most abundant antibody found in the h...

Natural Treatment Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Spring is here and so are seasonal allergies. And with that, comes all of the symptoms for those affected. Runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, sor...

Top 5 Foods to Fight Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies are a condition experienced by many. They tend to occur during certain parts of the year, namely spring and summer seasons. Hallmar...

How to Eat Healthier Every Day

The truth is that healthy eating is both easy and complicated at the same time. While many people know what to eat to be healthy, they may not always ...

18 Paleo Breakfast Recipes for Busy Mornings

There are many healthy and delicious breakfast ideas that are super easy to make. Look no farther, we have gathered the best, Paleo-worthy breakfast r...

8 Paleo Foods Rich in Vitamin D

What is vitamin D? Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin”. It is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it requires fat for absorption. Whil...

Why Zinc is Key to Immune Function

What is zinc? Zinc is an essential trace mineral meaning the body cannot make it on its own. Therefore, this mineral must be obtained through food and...

Can Beetroot Powder Protect You from Coronavirus?

Who would have thought that beetroot can protect you from a virus? Actually, it is the end-product, nitric oxide, made from nitrates from food like be...

We Need Stomach Acid to Prevent Heart Disease

Our stomach is loaded with acid. The acid serves two main purposes: to kill pathogens and to enhance digestion of food. We learned this in medical sch...

Top 10 Immune Boosting Supplements

Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites are all around us. Actually, they are inside of us too. Some medical researchers estimate that over 300 TRILLI...

Can CBD Oil Help High Blood Pressure

Product recommended in this article- Biotics Full Spectrum CBD Millions of people suffer from high blood pressure. Also known as hypertension, elevate...

Coronavirus and Your Heart

Warnings for people with heart disease are all over mainstream media the last couple of weeks given the threat of coronavirus. People are running scar...

The Cellular Process That Is Key to Longevity (And 6 Ways to Boost It)

The longevity-boosting, disease-preventing cellular process that we are referring to is called autophagy. It eliminates damaged cells and debris, and ...

7 Ways to Slow Down the Course of Aging

A recent study found that the rate of biological aging of Americans is significantly lower than it has been in the past twenty years. Biological aging...

Cesium and Your Heart

There are things that belong in your body and things that don’t. We need calcium, magnesium, potassium and more. We don’t need toxic eleme...

Top Health Benefits of Choline and Paleo Foods Rich in Choline

What is choline? Choline is a vitamin-like nutrient. It is an essential nutrient, meaning that even though your liver can make it in small amounts, yo...

How to Eat Healthier Every Day

The truth is that healthy eating is both easy and complicated at the same time. While many people know what to eat to be healthy, they may not always ...

Top Tips for a Morning Bowel Movement

Are you struggling to move your bowels on a daily basis? I can’t tell you how many thousands of patients I have seen over the years who don̵...

Natural Treatments for Bradycardia Slow Heart Rate

Many people are familiar with fast heart rates, otherwise known as tachycardia. Typical diagnoses are atrial fibrillation, SVT, or sinus tachycardia. ...

Can CBD Oil Help Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an abnormal heart rhythm that affects the lives of millions of Americans. Some people have symptoms with AF and some don&#...

Statin Drugs and Memory Loss

Dementia and memory loss are the biggest fear people have regarding their health. This is my observation after seeing 10’s of thousands of patie...

Silymarin and Cholesterol

The benefits of milk thistle have been known for thousands of years. One of the main reasons for the medicinal properties is a molecule in milk thistl...

The Differences & Similarities Between Paleo, Keto and Carnivore Diets

Many people ask about the differences among these dietary approaches. But there is actually more similarity to Paleo, Keto, and Carnivore than there a...

Optimal Insulin and Your Heart

Insulin is a hormone released from the pancreas in response to blood sugar elevation. Blood sugar (glucose) goes up when we eat sugar and other carboh...

Heart Health Benefits of Castor Oil Packs

What is castor oil? Castor oil is an oil made from castor “beans”, which are not beans, but actually the seeds of the plant ricinus commun...

The True Carnivore Superfood

This superfood we are referring to has been eaten by people since ancient times. It is the truest superfood and has been around the longest. It is org...

POTS – The Cause and The Cure

As a cardiologist, I have attended to and consulted on thousands of heart attack and stroke victims. These medical conditions can be scary for both pa...

It’s the Particles, Not the Cholesterol

Most people have probably been told that to assess their individual risk for coronary heart disease (CHD) then calculated laboratory measurements of L...

Green Tea Extract

The medicinal value of green tea has been recognized for centuries. After all, it is loaded with phytonutrients that lower inflammation and oxidative ...

5 Heart Health Benefits of Going Carnivore

Whether you get the news from TV or by surfing the web, you are likely to come across a new diet recommendation. To me, it seems like every day there ...

Why is Zinc So Important for Your Heart Health

Zinc is a mineral well known to help fight infections. It is also involved in numerous aspects of cellular metabolism and is required for the activity...

Pericarditis: An Often-Missed Cause of Chest Pain

Inflammation is common to most health problems. And when inflammation hits the heart, it is painful and possibly life-threatening. You see, the sac th...

Weight Management Tips for Those Over 50

Weight gain is more likely to occur with age. That’s right, the older you become the easier it is to pack on the pounds. Many factors can play a...

How to Get Rid of High Blood Pressure in 6 Simple Steps

High blood pressure affects millions of people. Also known as hypertension, the risks of this are heart attack, stroke, dementia and death. The medica...

12 Gluten-Free Healthy Holiday Desserts

If you’re serving desserts this holiday season (and who isn’t?), then make sure they are HEALTHY desserts. Healthy desserts are also great...

How to Monitor Your Blood Pressure at Home

Checking your blood pressure (BP) regularly at home is an important part of managing high blood pressure. Home monitoring is key to ensuring normal BP...

10 Easy Ways to Get Your Digestive System Back on Track

Digestive problems affect the great majority of the population.  Heartburn, gas, bloating, belching, constipation and diarrhea are daily symptoms for...

Low Blood Pressure Hypotension

Today, I want to talk to you about Low Blood Pressure or Hypotension. I got a lot of people who ask me about low blood pressure and should they be con...

How Mold Can Cause Atrial Fibrillation

I want to make the case of how mold in your house and in your food can lead to atrial fibrillation.  I know your doctor told you there is no reason f...

How Mold Can Cause Hypertension

The doctor told you that your blood pressure is high.  They told you that you need to go on a pharmaceutical to lower your numbers down.  But did th...

Takotsubo, also known as Broken Heart Syndrome

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a term to describe when there is a sudden temporary weakening of the heart muscle. This weakening is usually triggered by ...

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