In Perspective: Autism 2015 - Still a Mystery
Weekly Wrap: Wasting the Wait for Enterovirus 68



Linda1, and CIA parker,

I apologize if I misunderstood what cia parker was saying. My son speaks, (now) and makes eye contact, so I can't tell you how often I hear from school ("everything's great!"), and extended family ("I'll never believe he has autism").

Yes, he is great, but not for the reasons they mean. Weather it's right or not, I am very sensitive about folks downplaying the significance of his struggles, and those of any individual damaged by vaccines. The literally thousands of hours of therapy, $$$ toward biomedical treatment, challenges at school requiring 1:1 support all day. The list goes on and on, as it does for any family with a child with ASD.

I have spent many years working with individuals all over the spectrum, from the group home whose residents' MR was so profound they could not move but only receive what was being done to them, (changing diapers, attaching feeding tubes, tickling to try to coax a smile...), to working as a job coach with a smart young man who had written books, but needed a tremendous amount of support and structure just to keep a simple filing and copying job.

Despite my son's issues, I am very aware that we have much to be grateful for. And my love and prayers go out to every individual who has autism and their families.

The damage done to our children and our families is criminal. That the medical/pharmaceutical/govt. continue to deny culpability and go on to damage more lives, is horrifying and rubs salt in the wounds of those already affected.

My nerves are raw, (obviously!). I would love to be one of those warrior moms who never seem to lose hope, and can blow off comments from others who probably meant no harm. Sometimes I can. But some days I can't, and instead I am overly sensitive and bitter.

My apologies for overreacting.

Best wishes,

Dan Burns

Focused on prevention and cure, we parents of vaccine injured children have a very long struggle ahead of us. The Ethans of the world – I would include my severely injured pre-verbal son, Ben – will carry that struggle into the next generation. Their numbers are increasing, they cannot be dismissed, and they will never forget.


Cia also is a mom to a wonderful child who struggles. I'm pretty sure she was paying Ethan a compliment.

Dan Burns

Sun-Rose, near the bottom of the black-bordered YouTube screen, look for a grey icon that resembles an old-fashioned loud speaker. It's the fourth icon from the left, under Ethan's shoulder. If it has an X in front of it, click to unmute it. Your click will bring up a slider bar. Slide the bar to the right to turn the volume up. This usually works.

The first few seconds of the video are silent.


Eternally grateful for Dr. Wakefield and his continued efforts. And way to go, Ethan.

Linda Swanson

Wakefield is my hero, and You Rock too! Good Luck Linda Swanson


cia parker,
My son is not this high functioning, but he has come a long way after much effort. But just like the many "high functioning" teens and adults I've worked with over the years, his disability limits his ability to make friends, be independent, communicate effectively.

When these "articulate" individuals can't get a meaningful job, be independent or accepted by their peers, then there is indeed "a problem".

Kids whose potential was stolen from them deserve better, EVERY ONE OF THEM.

- mom to a wonderful kid who struggles daily because he has the "fortune" to understand a little of what he has lost.


What did they say? I can't get any sound!

cia parker

We wouldn't have a problem if all, or even many, autistic kids were as articulate and high-functioning as Ethan.

Berta Hammerstein

Wakefield, you rock. Life with our adult with autism permanently with us is hard. His great progress with biomedical was major before family snatched him away from us. Now, damaged, they gave him back. Now in our late 70's we are going for it again--beginning with convincing him it was a fluke and finding the money. Seeing Andy refusing to give up, showing the good humor and the determination, the fearlessness, gives us the strength to go on and win this thing for just one beautiful man with autism. Berta Hammerstein


Love this! Ethan you rock!

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