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A Prayer Request for AofA Friend & Contributor Who Had Terrible Accident

Good thoughtsNote: Laura called me last night to tell me about longtime contributor and active commenter David Burd's accident. Please take up her suggestion to leave a comment that his sister can read to him.  We've been conditioned to think COVID is the only health issue on the planet. Not so. Thank you.

Dear AoA readers, E774E455-CAD3-4586-AE87-1F3A3544B7A1

It is with a heavy heart that I write to share some sad news about one of our regular, intelligent, respected, and deeply appreciated contributors and commenters, David Burd. Three weeks ago, on April 13th, David fell from his roof and sustained severe injuries that have led him to be on a ventilator with a tracheostomy and a feeding tube. He is not paralyzed and still has cognitive abilities, per his sister Sally, with whom I have been in contact. She told me that according to many of the physicians caring for him, he is "broken, but fixable".

As of yesterday morning (Monday), however, his neurological status has deteriorated. A new CT scan revealed a "subdural hygroma" for which he is scheduled to have a Burr Hole procedure done this morning (Tuesday). This means that he will continue to remain in the ICU in Martinsburg, WV for now, with the continued hope that he will be transferred to a longterm acute care facility near his home in WV when able.

It is my sincere hope that AoA readers will join in prayer for David Burd, described as "passionate and vibrant" by his sister Sally, and to her description I would add that he is a man of great decency, kindness, courage, and integrity. He and I were to meet in person this summer, and I hope we still will.

In addition to praying for David and sending healing thoughts his way, I hope you might consider writing something below in the comments section that his brother Steve and sister Sally can read aloud to him, and so that they and David's relatives can know how special and valued David is to our community here at AoA.

In solidarity with our AoA community,

Laura Hayes


Carol Ivory

You probably already know, per Dave's brother Steve, Dave died May 13 after a month in the ICU, he never fully gained consciousness. Steve, praised the loving care the nurses gave him and he said he believed Dave did not suffer. Dave was a long time hiking partner, we last hiked together in late March after the parks had closed.
I will miss him very much.

Carolyn M

David, I am praying for you. I hope you are doing well.


Is there an update on how the surgery went and David’s condition?

Allie Fujito

Wishing you a speedy and pain-free recovery!


We sure miss you David and look forward to hearing from you soon. The truth is spreading, yesterday I sent copies of ‘Dissolving Illusions’ and ‘How to End the Autism Epidemic’ to a college friend who has two kids on the spectrum. As you’ve pointed out the next one might be titled ‘How to end Alzheimer’s’.
All the best to you and your loved ones,

Sally Doughty

We miss you dear David and wish you fast healing.


Dear David

My husband's name is David and he also has a peg and trach due to esophageal cancer. Never smoked and doesn't drink - so like you, an unexpected event. Stay strong, know that people love you and that you are in so many people's prayers.

Much love to you and your incredible sister,

Cherry Misra

Dear David, Your name is on so many of the papers in the piles of papers I accumulated over the years, as I went down the rabbit hole of autism, health and vaccines.! Think of all of us , hoping for your quick recovery and return to God's work at AOA ! Love and hope from India, Cherry Misra, New Delhi


I’m so sorry to hear about this! Prayers for your speedy and full recovery David - Marianna Ferrari


Dear David,
So sorry to hear of everything you're going through. My thoughts & prayers are with you and your family. Wishing you a complete and speedy recovery!

Tricia Zarro

David- you will have my prayers and positive mojo. Wishing you a speedy recovery. May health and heeling come your way.

Peggy T

You are in our prayers today in Hampton NH. Sending hugs and healing to you in WV.



Best wishes for a speedy recovery. You have the hopes of everyone here that things get better for you soon.

David Weiner


Praying for a rapid and complete recovery for you.

As it happens, 3 days before your accident, I posted your incisive commentary about the current Covid situation on my Facebook page and it was well-appreciated by (most of) my friends.

Though you are already aware of this, because you were kind enough to send me some biographical information which I could include with my post.


On the prayer circle with it ,ma Jimmy /partner was in a helicpter crash and had a head to head crunch with a Honduras mahogany tree trunk , three burr holes on the side of his head .
He calls it his 666 id mark, like in the film, The Omen !
We are the pilgrams, master, we shall go always a little further,
The Golden Journey To Samarkand by James Elroy Flecker

Runrig, Live at Loch Ness, Every River YouTube
Take yer time and hurry up, and get better soon!

Jenny Allan

May the angels look after you David. Love and hope from Scotland.

Norene Chin

David, praying for you, your sister Sally and your entire family. May you heal and return to writing on AoA. Norene


Dear Mr. Burd,
I am a reader of Age of Autism website and read about your accident. I pray you are in good hands and your recovery will be speedy. My Heavenly Father is watching over you.

In Christian Love,
Christine from NJ.


David - I miss your astute comments and look forward to your return. Your many contributions to the Age of Autism community are an important touchstone for me, and many others. I am praying for your comfortable and swift recovery.

When you’re ready, please write about the dog in the photograph. It reminds me of my brother’s dog, who used to ride in the front seat of his pickup — and had “picked up” a variety of human characteristics.

Aimee Doyle

Dear David - sending love and light from Maryland.

I look forward to hearing from you again.



Dear David, I pray for your health and for support for your family during this time. You are an important member of our online family here, and I hope you will soon be recovered.


Dear David,
I am terribly sorry to hear about your accident and I hope and pray for your recovery. I am the mother of a severely vaccine injured child and know that YOUR WORDS have provided hope and energy for so many. May you heal each day and you are in my prayers.



David you are such a vital member of "our" family. I send you all the healing energy that I posses for your speedy, complete and full recovery. You are loved, missed and needed.

Jeanne J

Dear David,

May God grant you His healing, comfort you and your family and give wisdom to your entire medical team.

Donna L.

So very sorry to hear about David's accident. I had been wondering why I hadn't seen him commenting here recently. I'd just assumed he was busy gathering facts and statistics, as usual! I hope he is receiving very good care. I'm sure a hospital is the last place on earth he'd want to end up, long term. Wishing him a speedy recovery - his voice is surely missed on AofA.

Heather K.

Dear David,

Praying for your full and speedy recovery! I too, have a friend that fell from his tree service bucket truck from three stories high and he made a full recovery! I know your body can heal itself...especially with all these people praying for you!

Paul Picha

Praying for you in Calipharma, David !! Praying for you to get well. You are needed here at AoA.


Ohh, I love David Burd! His comments are so well thought out and his passion for our cause so very hot.

I am sorry very sorry for Your accident on the roof. Such a simple little thing to have happen.
So another unforeseen bump in the road, with that subdural hygroma, but they will decrease the pressure of the fluid, it is not bleeding and you will recover.

Three weeks is tough though. For every day you are on the ventilator and laying still; it takes a week to recover. That is what I have been told. So be patient

I predict that You will do better sooner than that. After all you were healthy enough before to be on a roof.

Prayers and you are fixable. I look forward to reading more of your comments soon!

Angus Files

Hi David get yourself back here soon .A true warrior.

Pharma For Prison


John Stone

Thoughts and prayers with David and his family - a great champion of truth for AoA!


Bob Moffit

My prayers and best wishes to David and his family .. a valued member of our AoA community. God bless and keep you safe.


Dear David, Several years ago, my boss fell off of his roof - three story town home in Virginia. His deaf wife did not hear the calamity, so there was a delay in the discovery of his injuries. His path to healing took him on the same route you are on now. He fully recovered. I believe everyone who knows you, hopes, wishes and prays for the same outcome for you.

Cathy Jameson

The Jameson family will be praying for David--Lord, grant him comfort and healing. xo, Cat

Jill in MI

David - I have always enjoyed your grounded and thought-provoking comments on this site. I am sending you good healing thoughts and pray that you fully recover. Looking forward to more of your comments on AOA.


Oh goodness! I had no idea until this morning re David's accident. I've always enjoyed reading David's very astute comments here on the Age of Autism blog.

Will be sending many prayers and cyber hugs to you, David!


Teresa Conrick


So sorry to hear about your accident. I hope healing prayers and get well wishes flood your room and your body. We look forward to your return to AoA.

Best Wishes,

Teresa Conrick


David, I am terribly sorry to hear this news. You are in my thoughts and prayers. May you be blessed. I almost e-mailed you last week to tell you something funny and now I will do so here: Can you imagine if the CDC had just been honest with their flu numbers all these years? It would be so much easier for them to get the public on board with their COVID numbers, HA! I very much look forward to your return and reading your always insightful commentary. Thank you for all of your encouragement with my daughter. I pray for your speedy healing.


I always appreciate your thoughtful comments. Wishing you a complete and quick recovery.

susan welch

Laura, I am so sorry to hear about David's accident and subsequent deterioration. I sincerely hope that his operation today is a success and that he will recover quickly.

I have always had so much respect for David's comments. He is one of my favourites at AoA. I do hope that his sister will convey my (and I am sure everybody's) wishes that his health improves very soon and he will be able to contribute his valuable thoughts here before too long.


I prayed for David’s healing and felt the Holy Spirit fill me for the first time in many months. I know that He heard my prayer and will keep David in His hands. I hope that he will return to us.

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