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Sex differences in the COVID-19 immune response might drive men’s high risk

BCC67904-072D-4DFA-90E4-989A40A61B08Nature reports on a Yale Covid study that found a disparity in severity and death between men and women -- which almost makes cramps worth the discomfort.  Autism has typically been said to affect males 4:1 over females. Note the sentence saying that Nature "recognizes that sex and gender are neither binary nor fixed." But it seems COVID has not gotten the message.


26 August — Sex differences in the COVID-19 immune response might drive men’s high risk

Variations in the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 could explain why men are more likely to be hospitalized and die of COVID-19 than are women.

Akiko Iwasaki at Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut, and colleagues studied the immune responses of 98 men and women infected with SARS-CoV-2. All had mild to moderate symptoms (T. Takahashi et al. Nature; 2020). The researchers noticed that male participants’ typical immune response to infection differed from that of female participants, which could explain the more severe disease often observed in men. (Nature recognizes that sex and gender are neither binary nor fixed.)

The team found that in general, men had higher levels of certain inflammation-causing proteins known as cytokines and chemokines circulating in their blood than had women. By contrast, women tended to have a stronger response from immune cells known as T cells than did men. In men, an increase in symptom severity over time was associated with a weak T-cell response; in women, it was associated with increased amounts of inflammatory cytokines.

The study proposes taking sex into account when treating people with COVID-19.


Angus Files

35K plus at the London Demonstration yesterday calling out the COVID HOAX -another 35k anti-vaccine whne it comes along...welcome to the club.

No surprise no Main Stream newspapers covering it.The same in Germany at the weekend.
Mr Icke I thank you..

David Icke's Speech at the Unite for Freedom Rally

Pharma For Prison


Angus Files

Venom Will nothing but venom reminds me of dog breath Brian Deer..try stick to the facts that Grace has alluded you to -open the mind it is shut.

Pharma For Prison


Kim for Will and Grace

Hi, Grace. I wrestled with whether or not to post Will's impolite comment. Sometimes it's best to simply let people show who they are and how they think. I also try to take into account where a person in - diagnosis-wise - and consider if that influences how they respond and comment. We value you - I value you - and appreciate your readership.

Will - don't be a jerk.


Grace Green

I'm afraid you have been taken in by the propagandists. Dying "with" covid is not the same as dying "of" covid, that's the point I have been making. Your figures are not accurate. According to the Highwire the case fatality rate is O.26% and it is probably even lower than that, because many cases were not detected because of being too mild.
My surname was chosen by myself at age 35 because I didn't want to keep the name of a violent husband. I chose it for party political reasons, and I'm sure it is not a Jewish name, unless it was spelt with a "y". Why is your surname secret?
I have already said that I empathize with those whose relatives have died, though I think it would be better if they had been told the true cause of death. Perhaps you should say why you are so angry with me for no just cause. I'm surprised such offensive comments are allowed on this website.


Grace Green cold very rarely kill like 1 in 100,000 but COVID 19 has a 2-20% death rate depending on age and health condition. These are not insignificant numbers. I but based on your last name you are a messianic J--. You trust in some quackpot faith healer from the CBN channel. Do you empathize with the parents of children and teens that died of COVID related reasons or not? In rare case a government public health order can superceded a supposed constitution amendment.

Grace Green

How do you know that the cold was a major cause of death? If someone gets a cold, and because they are not elderly, overweight or close to death they make a quick recovery, whereas someone who does fall into one of those categories dies, was it the cold that caused their death? I don't think so. I have read a great deal of information on both sides of this debate before drawing my conclusions, so I don't think it is me who is being ignorant. You have to open your mind to the possibility that just because someone works for the government (or the government sponsored media) doesn't mean they must be Jesus Christ and incapable of telling a lie. I respectfully suggest you try watching UKColumn on monday, wednesday and friday lunchtime to have your assumptions challenged with some eye-opening facts.


Grace Green you are an ignorant person. It does not matter if the person had a pre-existing condition. COVID-SARS 19 was the main cause of death. If a person dies with SARS COVID 19 then it still played a major role in their death. People here at Age of Autism love to talk about how vaccines supposedly caused auto-immune reactions but what about COVID-19 causing Kawasaki disease and Kawasaki like diseases which are auto-immune in nature and these have caused dozens of deaths amongst children and young adults.

Grace Green

Kay Fabe was talking statistics, whereas you are telling anecdotes. One child's death, tragic though that is, equates to 0.0 deaths statistically. We also don't know whether deaths or even cases reported by the officials are actually from "Covid" or a pre-existing condition.


Kay Fabe I have a relative that is on a ventilator from Covid-19/SARS. This man is an employee in the high technology field in Seattle. He is only in his early 50s. This man may die. I do not want yo hear your lies Kay Fabe. The founder of United Hatazallah a volunteer emergency organization he almost died of COVID-19. The latter man is in his late 40s. Children have died so have young adults and many had no significant conditions.

Kay Fabe

Healthy Men and women under the age of 60 have nothing to fear from this virus. Older folks and those with comorbidities are more vulnerable to all respiratory viruses including Cov-2. Frankly, if they didn't identify a new virus and ignored it nobody would have noticed it. Lockdowns and economic hardships and now masks (worn by people with health conditions) have caused the excess deaths

Anita Donnelly

Kim COVID reminds Me of what Dan said about polio: toxin plus microbe.

We should see if fishermen have high rates or those who got flu shots (Hg)

Men cannot excrete Hg as well as women but after menopause it evens out.

COVID looks like heavy metal poisoning sounds like heavy metal poisoning acts like heavy metal
Poisoning. Plus a bug. Plus it recurs— like poison.

Just wait til the Russian vax gets rebranded and mandated. The Pharma bounty on our heads.

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