Andrew CuomoOvjeren akaunt


Father, fisherman, motorcycle enthusiast, 56th Governor of New York

New York
Vrijeme pridruživanja: prosinac 2010.


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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    16. srp

    Wearing a mask is about respect. We launched a national campaign to encourage every American to wear a mask. Stop the Spread. Save Lives.

  2. Tonight baseball fans and all New Yorkers mourn in unison. Tom Seaver was not only a baseball player — he was a Miracle Met who brought skill and honor to the game. The family of New York extends our deepest sympathy to his family and fans.

  3. prije 2 sata

    President Trump has actively sought to punish NYC since day one. He let COVID ambush New York. He refuses to provide funds that states and cities MUST receive to recover. He is not a king. He cannot "defund" NYC. It's an illegal stunt.

  4. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 11 sati

    It's not too late! Only 80.9% of New Yorkers have responded to the but there's still time left to respond. You can respond: ✉️ By Mail 📞 By Phone at 844-330-2020 💻 or Online at Spread the word and let's

  5. prije 10 sati

    Today's update on the numbers: Of the 88,447 tests reported yesterday, 708 were positive (0.80% of total). Total hospitalizations are at 445. Sadly, there were 5 COVID fatalities yesterday.

  6. prije 23 sata

    Great playing tonight by the in a well played and exciting game. Owners Jon Ledecky & Scott Malkin and the incredible team showed us that nothing beats a good hockey game.

  7. 1. ruj

    Masks work. Climate change is real. Vaccines are effective. Trust scientists.

  8. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    1. ruj

    📢 It's National Poll Worker Recruitment Day 📢 Poll workers are essential so Election Day runs smoothly and NY needs you. To be eligible, you must be a registered voter in NY. The position is PAID. Sign up to help your community on November 3rd.

  9. 1. ruj

    All registered NY voters can request an absentee ballot if concerned about in-person voting due to COVID. Request yours TODAY ⬇️

  10. 1. ruj

    The State has set up 8 free rapid testing sites in Western NY where residents can get tested & get results in 15 minutes. You MUST make an appointment in advance. Call 1-833-697-8764

    Prikaži ovu nit
  11. 1. ruj

    Residents of Buffalo and Western NY: The infection rate in your region is higher than in the rest of the state. Wear a mask to protect yourself and reduce your risk to exposure.

    Prikaži ovu nit
  12. 1. ruj

    Today's update on the numbers: Of the 76,997 tests reported yesterday, 754 were positive (0.98% of total). Total hospitalizations are at 432. Sadly, there were 3 COVID fatalities yesterday.

  13. 31. kol

    The is one the great events annually in New York. While the Open will be different this year, the incredible players and talented staff of the will deliver a tournament worthy of this much-loved Grand Slam event. Good luck to all!

  14. 31. kol

    I am directing the NYS Division of Human Rights to investigate this incident immediately. We will not tolerate symbols of racism and division. To see a Confederate flag displayed in our own backyard is appalling.

  15. 31. kol

    🚩Caution flag in Western NY, where the positive rate has been above 1.0% for over a week.🚩 NYS set up 8 rapid testing sites where residents can get tested & get results in 15 minutes. You MUST make an appointment in advance. Call 1-833-697-8764

  16. 31. kol

    Wear a mask. Stop the spread. Protect yourself.

  17. 31. kol

    Today's update on the numbers: Of the 66,241 tests reported yesterday, 656 were positive (0.99% of total). Total hospitalizations fell to 418. Sadly, there was 1 COVID fatality yesterday.

  18. 31. kol

    Today and always:

  19. 30. kol

    The flu is here. Get a flu shot now.

  20. 30. kol

    We reported over 100,000 tests yesterday. Highest number to date. Our infection rate remains under 1%. The takeaway? More tests does not equal more cases. And masks work.

  21. 30. kol

    Today's update on the numbers: Of the 100,022 tests reported yesterday, 698 were positive (0.69% of total). Total hospitalizations fell to 429. Sadly, there were 8 COVID fatalities yesterday.


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