January 07, 2020

RFK, Jr. Gives Electrifying Speech in Trenton, NJ


Thousands of medical freedom seekers gathered on January 6, 2020 in NJ to fight the draconian bill to repeal the state’s longstanding religious exemptions to vaccination. Parents began the day with a prayer vigil at the State House, followed by a Jericho march where they walked around the Capitol seven times. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. met with several key Senators privately in the morning then gave an electrifying speech at noon as whistles, drums and other noise-making instruments reached fever-pitch and reverberated off the State House walls – bringing politicians and staff alike to the windows to watch.

The latest word on the street is that State Senator and Senate President Sweeney is NOT backing down. He is still spouting pharma-provided talking points. He vowed in December to bring this back up for a vote so we should all take him at his word. So, it’s not over until it’s over! Don’t take your rights for granted. Spread the word! It is more important than ever to show up and call your legislators.

Parents will “Occupy Trenton” until January 14th. The next two big rally days are January 9th and January 13th. Follow CHD on FB and Twitter to get more details as they are available.

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