New York Students Against Gun Violence

TOP New York Students Against Gun Violence

Real Change is Possible

History provides moments where real change is possible. Many of the great social changes occur when the people are ahead of the politicians. The issue of sensible gun regulation provides that moment.

The people of New York were ahead of the curve when we passed the NY SAFE Act after the Sandy Hook massacre. History has unfortunately proven us right, and it is now time for the federal government to catch up.

Students are standing up to act when our politicians won’t in organized walkouts all across the State and Country. And we stand by them. We encourage students to continue to push their federal representatives to pass sensible gun regulation.

Governor Cuomo and 11 Governors Call on Federal Government to Take Action on Gun Safety Jetzt mehr erfahren

Red Flag Gun Protection Law

Empowering Educators to Save Lives

The Red Flag Law establishes a new civil procedure that allows a concerned family member, school official or member of law enforcement to obtain a court order to remove and keep guns away from individuals who pose a serious risk of harm to themselves or others.

New York's Nation-Leading Gun Laws

Governor Cuomo signed several gun safety measures into law in 2019 to protect New York families and children.

New York Students Walkout

Governor Cuomo Joins Students on National School Walkout Day


You have the students showing more leadership than the so-called leaders in Washington.

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

National School Walkout, March 14, 2018

What New York is Doing to Keep You Safe

Protecting New York Families and Children