Expanding Access to Education

TOP Expanding Access to Education

Providing Every Student the Opportunity to Succeed

Pre-K through College: Expanding Access to Quality Education

Governor Cuomo has led the nation in ensuring that all students, from our youngest pre-kindergarteners to our college students, have the opportunity to succeed.

Now in New York State, more students are able to access a college education than ever before, as the Governor has helped to alleviate the financial burden of higher education with programs like the Excelsior Scholarship, which provides cost-free tuition at New York’s public college and universities. Additionally, the Enacted FY 2020 Budget implements and fully funds the DREAM Act; once and for all ensuring a higher education system that opens the door of opportunity to all of our children.

For our younger students, education aid has increased by 43 percent since Governor Cuomo took office, ensuring the progress made to strengthen educational outcomes continues.

Under the leadership of Governor Cuomo, the high school graduation rate has increased every year and has now reached the highest level in state history, proving that in New York State, we put students first and work to ensure every student is empowered to achieve his or her dreams.

Laying the Foundation for Our Future

NYS Master Teacher Program

Responding to the call to strengthen our K-12 STEM education, NY rewards the best & brightest educators with a 4-year, $15,000 stipend to encourage teachers to build a strong foundation of student success.

Enabling Thousands of Students to Realize Their Dream of a College Education

The Excelsior Scholarship: Tuition-Free College for New York's Middle Class

Beginning in Fall 2017

The first-in-the-nation plan will be phased in over three years, beginning for New Yorkers making up to $100,000 annually in the fall of 2017, increasing to $110,000 in 2018, and reaching $125,000 in 2019.

Eliminating the Crushing Burden of Student Loans

Making New York State's public universities tuition-free will alleviate the financial stresses of student loans and put more New Yorkers on a path to financial security.

Promoting On Time Completion

By making college affordable, the Excelsior Scholarship Program will encourage more students to graduate on time and will grow the number of graduates from our public universities.

First-in-the-Nation Excelsior Scholarship

Equipping Every New Yorker for the Jobs of Tomorrow

Protecting Our Students

'Enough is Enough' Law: Protecting Students from Sexual Assault on College Campuses

Most aggressive policy in the nation

Signed into law by Governor Cuomo in 2015, New York made a clear and bold statement that sexual violence is a crime, and students have the right to have it investigated and prosecuted as one.

Uniform Sexual Assault Policy

All public and private colleges must adopt a set of comprehensive procedures and guidelines, including a uniform definition of affirmative consent, statewide amnesty policy, and expanded access to law enforcement.

Comprehensive Review of Compliance

The statewide inspection will ensure that all colleges and universities are fulfilling their obligations under the law to protect students from sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking.

Investing in Our Teachers, Our Students and Our Schools

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