Advancing LGBTQ Equality

TOP Advancing LGBTQ Equality

Fighting for LGBTQ Rights

Governor Cuomo has been a national leader in championing LGBTQ rights. In 2011, he led the historic charge to make New York State the first large state to pass marriage equality. Since then, Governor Cuomo has continued to lead the nation in advocating for LGBTQ rights – signing the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act, banning conversion therapy based on gender identity or sexual orientation, and prohibiting the use of "gay and transgender panic" as a legal defense in courts.

Meanwhile, the federal government has pursued a series of attacks on the LGBTQ community, dismantling years of civil rights progress and rolling back protections for LGBTQ individuals. Across the country, LGBTQ people still face discrimination, harassment, and violence simply for being who they are. New York State refuses to let that stand. Under Governor Cuomo's leadership, we will continue to fight to ensure that all New Yorkers, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, can live with the dignity and equality they deserve.

2020 Priorities

Gestational Surrogacy is Legalized

The FY 2021 Enacted Budget legalizes gestational surrogacy in New York State once and for all, helping LGBTQ couples and couples struggling with infertility.

Signing GENDA into Law

On January 25, 2019, Governor Cuomo signed into law the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA).

Protecting Transgender New Yorkers

GENDA Public Awareness Campaign

On the one year anniversary of the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA), which added gender identity and gender expression as protected categories in New York State’s Human Rights Law, Governor Cuomo kicked off a statewide public awareness campaign to ensure that all New Yorkers know their rights under the law.

Standing Up to the Federal Government

Critical Protections for Transgender New Yorkers

New Actions to Ensure Health Care Access

The Department of Financial Services proposed several new actions to further ensure access to health insurance coverage for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals.

Signing LGBTQ Bills

Restoring Benefits for LGBTQ Veterans

The Restoration of Honor Act gives veterans who were denied an honorable discharge because of their sexual orientation or gender identity the right to apply to have their benefits restored.

Get Involved

Ensuring LGBTQ Inclusion Across NYS