Andrew CuomoCuenta verificada


Father, fisherman, motorcycle enthusiast, 56th Governor of New York

New York
Se unió en diciembre de 2010

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  1. Tweet fijado
    4 feb.

    mRNA COVID vaccines are safe and effective: -mRNA vaccines don't affect your personal genes or DNA -They do not contain a live virus -They cannot give you COVID

  2. hace 9 horas

    Vaccination Update: 37.9% of New Yorkers have received at least one vaccine dose and 24.9% have completed their vaccine series. -174,822 total doses were administered over the past 24 hours -12,033,813 total doses administered to date Details:

  3. hace 11 horas

    Today's update on the numbers: Total COVID hospitalizations are at 4,118. Of the 131,436 tests reported yesterday, 4,926 were positive (3.75% of total). Sadly, there were 58 fatalities.

  4. hace 11 horas

    We need every New Yorker vaccinated, and that includes young people & students. We’re allocating doses to and private colleges to make the vaccine available. To NY’s college students: Get vaccinated as soon as you can!

  5. hace 13 horas

    Today we announced that NYS will begin allocating vaccine doses to colleges & universities. We want to get as many students vaccinated before the end of the school year as possible. Let's continue to .

  6. hace 15 horas

    On Long Island making an announcement. Watch Live:

  7. hace 16 horas

    I will be making an announcement at 11:00am ET. Watch live:

  8. 11 abr.

    Become a Citizen Public Health Leader and be better prepared for the next public health emergency. Enroll in a free online course taught by experts and learn how to protect your community and yourself:

  9. 11 abr.

    Vaccination Update: 37.4% of New Yorkers have received at least one vaccine dose and 24.4% have completed their vaccine series. -189,820 total doses were administered over the past 24 hours -11,858,991 total doses administered to date Details:

  10. 11 abr.

    Today's update on the numbers: Total COVID hospitalizations are at 4,083. Of the 226,048 tests reported yesterday, 6,764 were positive (2.99% of total). Sadly, there were 53 fatalities.

  11. 10 abr.

    Vaccination Update: 36.9% of New Yorkers have received at least one vaccine dose and 23.9% have completed their vaccine series. -282,305 total doses were administered over the past 24 hours -11,669,171 total doses administered to date Details:

  12. 10 abr.

    Today's update on the numbers: Total COVID hospitalizations are at 4,241. Of the 260,700 tests reported yesterday, 7,283 were positive (2.79% of total). Sadly, there were 57 fatalities.

  13. 9 abr.

    Vaccination Update: 36.0% of New Yorkers have received at least one vaccine dose and 23.1% have completed their vaccine series. -294,412 total doses were administered over the past 24 hours -11,386,866 total doses administered to date Details:

  14. 9 abr.

    I applaud and Attorney General Garland in taking action on gun safety. We need Republicans in Congress to do their jobs and pass real common sense gun reform.

  15. 9 abr.

    Today's update on the numbers: Total COVID hospitalizations are at 4,351. Of the 304,956 tests reported yesterday, 9,014 were positive (2.96% of total). Sadly, there were 56 fatalities.

  16. 9 abr.

    All New Yorkers age 16+ are now eligible for the vaccine and you can make an appointment by: 1. Going online at 2. Calling the NYS COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline 1-833-NYS-4-VAX (1-833-697-4829) Let's get back to the things we love. Let's

  17. 8 abr.

    This Public Health Week you can take action to be better informed and prepared for future public health emergencies. Enroll in our free online course offered by and to become a Citizen Public Health Leader:

  18. 8 abr.

    Vaccination Update: 35.1% of New Yorkers have received at least one vaccine dose and 22.3% have completed their vaccine series. -223,154 total doses were administered over the past 24 hours -11,092,454 total doses administered to date Details:

  19. 8 abr.

    Today's update on the numbers: Total COVID hospitalizations are at 4,422. Of the 263,737 tests reported yesterday, 8,379 were positive (3.18% of total). Sadly, there were 47 fatalities.

  20. retwitteó
    7 abr.

    Great News! The FY 22 state budget includes major wins for the environment. ✅$110 million in capital funding for improvements ✅Renewed record funding for the Environmental Protection Fund ✅$3 billion Restore Mother Nature Bond Act

  21. retwitteó
    7 abr.

    Thank you for prioritizing critical Alzheimer's Caregiver Support and Public Health funding in the .

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