
Federal Failures

Hundreds of thousands of vaccine-injured children are the casualties of a federal system tainted with dangerous and unlawful behavior. National health agencies have been downplaying their failure to protect our children, as the unhealthiest state in America has the best vaccination rate, and every day children and babies die or develop chronic illness from vaccines marketed as safe. Shameful deception, fraud, and corporate interference now characterizes our government sponsored health programs and policy, while harmful exposures to toxic ingredients in food, water, and vaccines have been given free rein to poison our most vulnerable populations. Below you will read about a recent lawsuit won by Robert Kennedy Jr. and his team against HHS, finding HHS had neglected to follow to NVICA requirements for improving vaccine safety. Corruption within the CDC continues to be exposed as well, with an entire group of top CDC scientists admitting the breakdown of ethics and safety within their agency walls. Senior CDC scientist William Thompson has come forward to admit a Watergate-level cover-up, admitting he and his CDC colleagues manipulated scientific data to suppress public knowledge that the MMR can cause autism, meanwhile the Department of Justice also has blood on its hands, suppressing damning expert testimony from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

An Unwelcome Milestone: Payouts for Influenza Vaccine Injuries Exceed $900 Million

Influenza vaccine injuries and deaths account for more than seven out of ten petitions submitted to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), and payouts have reached a milestone— almost $900 million!

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CDC: Corruption, Deceit and Cover-Up

With the global vaccine market now at tens of billions of dollars, vaccine safety should be of utmost concern to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). But instead, rather than testing and monitoring the health effects of vaccines and patient injuries truthfully to the American public and making critical and necessary corrections in the program, […]

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Children’s Health Defense Principal Brief in Landmark Case Against FCC on 5G and Wireless Harms: Submitted!

What we put in our bodies and our children’s developing bodies is the most important and most personal choice we make as human beings. But when it comes to damaging levels of radiation, that right to choose has been stolen from us. The Children’s Health Defense (CHD) mission to protect children from toxic exposure reached […]

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Dr. Fauci and COVID-19 Priorities: Therapeutics Now or Vaccines Later?

For biopharma companies that are poised to profit from COVID-19-related misfortune however, older drugs that have outlived their patent terms are not terribly helpful for the bottom line. Could this be why leading White House coronavirus advisor Anthony Fauci, MD, long-time head of NIAID, recently pooh-poohed the published chloroquine evidence as merely “anecdotal”?

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Dr. Jonas Salk Wanted Liability, Not NVICP Special Masters, to Decide the Fate of Unsafe Vaccines

Dr. Salk’s statement about the live polio vaccine, makes it abundantly clear that he understood at the time that liability is an absolutely necessary force to incentivize vaccine manufacturers to compete on a platform a safety instead of profitability.

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FDA Admits Government Recommending Untested, Unlicensed Vaccines for Pregnant Women

Informed Consent Action Network, Plaintiff, -against- United States food and drug administration Defendant. WHEREAS, plaintiff Informed Consent Action Network (“ICAN”) requested the following records from defendant United States Food & Drug Administration (“FDA”) pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”): “A copy of the report for each clinical trial relied upon by the FDA when approving for use by pregnant women any influenza vaccine currently approved by the FDA.” WHEREAS, after ICAN appealed, the FDA responded, in relevant part, as follows: These requests sought the clinical trials relied upon by the FDA prior to approving any currently licensed influenza or Tdap vaccine for use in pregnant women as an indicated use. … We have no records responsive to your requests. THEREFORE, pursuant to F.R.C.P. 41(a)(1)(A)(i) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, plaintiff ICAN by its undersigned counsel, hereby gives notice that the above captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, without prejudice against the defendant FDA.

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FREE Special Report — Snapshots From 2020 Global Shutdown

With an introduction with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Snapshots provides a crucial “snapshot in time” in a cross section of countries from mid-March to mid-August 2020. With its copious references, this report gives you an important glimpse into COVID-19’s unaccounted impact and a roadmap to the future.

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Immunization Safety Review Committee Closed Session, January 12, 2001

This is the transcript from the 2001 closed-door meeting of the Immunization Safety Review Committee of the Institute of Medicine (IOM). Recently renamed the National Academy of Medicine, the IOM is a branch of the National Academy of Sciences. Importantly, it helps us understand how the IOM process worked when the committee was looking at […]

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Liability Immunity Granted For Activities Related to Medical Countermeasures Against COVID–19.

The Secretary is issuing this Declaration pursuant to section 319F–3 of the Public Health Service Act to provide liability immunity for activities related to medical countermeasures against COVID–19.

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National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) was created in 1986 as a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system for resolving vaccine injury petitions. According to the US Health and Human Services, it was created after lawsuits against vaccine companies and health care providers threatened to cause vaccine shortages and reduce U.S. vaccination rates, […]

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RFK, Jr. Proves HHS is in Violation of the “Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines” as Stipulated in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act

When Congress granted economic immunity to pharmaceutical companies in 1986 for vaccine injury, Congress recognized it eviscerated the economic incentive for pharmaceutical companies to create safe vaccines or make existing ones safer. Congress therefore placed the responsibility and burden for vaccine safety directly and virtually entirely on the shoulders and in the hands of the […]

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The Complete Failure of HHS to Conduct the Proper Science Required to Demonstrate Vaccine Safety

Thank you to CHD’s Coalition Partner, ICAN, for writing this comprehensive letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on December 31, 2018. The letter is a brilliant summary of the science questioning the safety of aluminum adjuvants and an exposé of the pervasive corruption that characterizes HHS’s vaccine clinical trials.

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US Food and Drug Administration – FDA

The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices; and by ensuring the safety of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation. More specifically, within the FDA is the Center for Biologics Evaluation […]

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Vaccine Failures, Part 3: Influenza Vaccination

In part three of our Vaccine Failures series, we take a look at the many failures of the influenza vaccination including the many factors can lessen influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE), the influenza vaccination’s inability to deliver meaningful benefits and its propensity to create new problems.

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