
Righting the Wrongs

Children’s Health Defense is on a mission to seek justice for our children. They deserve a world free of the devastating effects of mercury, aluminum, and other toxins. They deserve the best chance for a healthy life. We know it takes real facts to combat false narratives, and the word of established scientists and doctors to counteract the spread of propaganda. That is why we are determined to create a healthy environment for our children to live in. We plan to accomplish this goal through education, advocacy, and when necessary, litigation.

A Legal Challenge Against Forced Vaccination Filed in New York City

Today, a legal challenge was filed by Robert Krakow, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Patricia Finn against the New York City Department of Health and Human Hygiene. The legal team will ask for an emergency hearing and injunction against the unprecedented overreach of mandatory vaccination. Children’s Health Defense is supporting these efforts.

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A Summary Video – Omnibus Autism Proceedings: Alleged Fraud and Obstruction of Justice

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Rolf Hazelhurst allege two Department of Justice (DOJ) attorneys committed fraud and obstruction of justice in the Omnibus Autism Proceedings. They petitioned DOJ’s Office of Inspector General Michael Horowitz to open and investigation into the allegations.

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ACTION ALERT! Ask for Investigation of Fraud and Obstruction of Justice in the Omnibus Autism Proceedings!

If you do nothing else, find five minutes to call the Office of Inspector General (OIG) Michael Horowitz at the Department of Justice: (202) 514-3435. (They may direct you to a URL “hotline” to put in a complaint. Feel free to do so but it isn’t necessary. RFK, Jr. has already put in the complaint. We just need the OIG to know that thousands want an investigation.)

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An Open Call-to-Action Letter to the California Medical Board

I attended by phone your May 28th meeting to discuss the Board’s position on California SB276. The bill proposes to limit vaccine medical exemptions and bypass the doctor-patient relationship by routing patient data and vaccine exemption decision-making through the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). Thank you for listening to the roughly 1,000 parents and medical professionals who expressed enormous concern over this bill that would seriously injure many biologically diverse children in California.

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Bayer Needs More Than an Aspirin to Cure Its Monsanto-Sized Headache

In a special telephone meeting on Thursday, August 23, Bayer AG’s CEO Werner Bauman tried to reassure the German conglomerate’s principal shareholders who were concerned about the recent drop in the company’s stock. Bayer’s stock fell dramatically after an unfavorable verdict against Bayer’s St. Louis subsidiary, Monsanto.

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Court Hears Gardasil Science and Moves Forward

On Wednesday January 9th, I attended Science Day Presentations in the Jennifer Robi vs. Merck and Kaiser Permanente case in Los Angeles Superior Court. I want to report to our community on the outcome of this important event and provide some personal commentary.

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DOJ Alleged Fraud. Justice Denied.

The Omnibus Autism Proceedings denied justice and compensation to provide care to 5,400 children and countless more never put in a claim because of the “No-Link” ruling. Based on the award amount in the Hannah Poling case, the Omnibus Autism Proceedings would have cost the government over 100 BILLION dollars! Now remarkable new information has come to light. A respected […]

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How a Pro-Vaccine Doctor Reopened Debate About Link to Autism

A world-renowned pro-vaccine medical expert is the newest voice adding to the body of evidence suggesting that vaccines can cause autism in certain susceptible children.

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Measles Madness: Dr. Brian Hooker’s Statement to WA Legislators

Recent outbreaks of measles, especially in Rockland County, New York and Clark County, Washington have created quite a furor in the public health infrastructure of the U.S. and now within state legislatures. Industry front groups like the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) have seized the opportunity to introduce legislation to remove personal belief exemptions and religious exemptions for vaccinations required for school attendance.

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Misconduct, Mitochondria and the Omnibus Autism Proceedings

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and Rolf Hazlehurst, the father of a vaccine-injured child have petitioned Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General of the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate the conduct of two DOJ attorneys, Vincent Matanoski and Lynn Ricciardella. The two attorneys represented the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), otherwise known as the “Vaccine Court”, in the Omnibus Autism Proceedings (OAP).

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Office of Inspector General Response – Petition transferred to DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. recently petitioned the Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and both Congressional Judiciary Committees to investigate two key DOJ lawyers’ actions in the 2009 “Vaccine Court” Omnibus Autism Proceedings. His complaint has now been transferred to the DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility, Attention: Corey Amundson, Director.

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Request for Congressional Investigation Fraud and Obstruction of Justice

Congressman Bob Goodlatte, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee 2138 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.D. 20515 Date: September 20, 2018 To: Chairman Bob Goodlatte and members of the House Committee on the Judiciary cc: Chairman Chuck Grassley and members of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary cc: Michael E. Horowitz, Inspector General of the […]

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Request for Office of Inspector General to Investigate Fraud and Obstruction of Justice

View/Download PDF Michael Horowitz, Inspector General of the Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Suite 4706 Washington, D.C. 20530-0001 Date: September 20, 2018 To: Michael E. Horowitz, Inspector General of the Department of Justice cc: Chairman Chuck Grassley and members of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary cc: Chairman Bob Goodlatte and members of […]

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Request for Senate Investigation of Fraud and Obstruction of Justice

Senator Chuck Grassley, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510-6275 Date: September 20, 2018 To: Chairman Chuck Grassley and members of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary cc: Chairman Bob Goodlatte and members of the House Committee on the Judiciary cc: Michael E. Horowitz, Inspector General of the […]

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RFK, Jr. Proves HHS is in Violation of the “Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines” as Stipulated in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act

When Congress granted economic immunity to pharmaceutical companies in 1986 for vaccine injury, Congress recognized it eviscerated the economic incentive for pharmaceutical companies to create safe vaccines or make existing ones safer. Congress therefore placed the responsibility and burden for vaccine safety directly and virtually entirely on the shoulders and in the hands of the […]

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RFK, Jr.: Gardasil “The Science” Video and Other Facts

This must-watch video details the many problems with the development and safety of Merck’s third-highest grossing product, Gardasil. Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD’s Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel, ask that you watch and share this video so that you, and others, may make an informed decision of whether or not to give your child, boy or girl, a Gardasil vaccine.

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Demands the Office of the Inspector General and Congress Investigate Department of Justice for Fraud and Obstruction of Justice

WASHINGTON, D.C.  Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), and Rolf Hazlehurst, parent of a vaccine-injured child, have petitioned the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Inspector General (OIG), and the Senate and House Judiciary Committees to investigate actions taken by federal personnel during the “Vaccine Court” Omnibus Autism Proceedings (OAP).

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Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s Legal Team Sues FCC over Wireless Health Guidelines

Robert Kennedy Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense (CHD) has committed to be proactive on the concerns regarding excessive exposure of our children to 5G and wireless radiation. To fulfill this promise, CHD will be submitting a lawsuit on February 3rd against the FCC for its December 4, 2019 decision to decline to review its 1996 guidelines, and for its determination that the guidelines are protective of human health.

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Studies that the CDC Claims Exonerate Thimerosal… and Why They Don’t

Here is a list compiled of the 19 studies from various lists on CDC’s websites to defend the use of thmerosal in vaccines. These are the studies that CDC uses to claim thimerosal’s safety. Each is fatally flawed through the use of incorrect and even fraudulent statistics. Even so, these studies demonstrate that thimerosal has been linked with tics, IQ deficits, speech delay and language delay.

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The Complete Failure of HHS to Conduct the Proper Science Required to Demonstrate Vaccine Safety

Thank you to CHD’s Coalition Partner, ICAN, for writing this comprehensive letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on December 31, 2018. The letter is a brilliant summary of the science questioning the safety of aluminum adjuvants and an exposé of the pervasive corruption that characterizes HHS’s vaccine clinical trials.

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Update on Sacramento Seven Arrested at “Occupy” in Sacramento, CA

Seven parents were arrested on September 9, the 7th day of the 11-day Occupy of CA Capitol (9/3 to 9/13) in protest of SB 276 & SB 714 which removed the broad ME to vaccination resulting in the complete exclusion of the most medically fragile and vulnerable children in CA from all daycare and school.

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